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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Emiliano Zapata, Morelos: Active Police Officers Involved With Gang Dedicated At Express Kidnapping Is Arrested

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

On Friday night, uniformed personnel received a complaint indicating the detention of several people at a gas station located on the Zapata-Tezoyuca highway, Villa Morelos neighborhood, in the city Emiliano Zapata.

Thanks to the citizen complaint and the timely response of the elements that make up the Morelos Security Strategy Coordinated Command Police, four men and one woman were arrested for their probable responsibility in the crime of express kidnapping, in the municipality of Emiliano Zapata.

The Morelos Police elements went to the place and when circulating on that road they observed a subject carrying a firearm, who upon noticing the presence of the unit unleashed gunfire against them. They ordered him to drop the gun on the floor to which he agreed, a loaded 9mm Beretta was taken from him, and 35-year-old Ulyseses "N" was arrested.

At that moment a woman came out of the interior of an office, who tried to prevent the arrest, for which Julia Lucero "N" of 25 years of age was arrested. Also within that space, cries for help were heard, which caught the attention of the officers, as they approached to investigate.

Upon entering, they observed three subjects threatening several people, they were arrested, those affected said they were employees of the gas station and related that several subjects arrived at the place and deprived them of their liberty.

When carrying out a review of the subjects they gave their names as Adrian "N" of 38 years of age, Rubén "N" of 45; and Hugo "N" of 52, they were assured of a loaded 9mm Taurus firearm.

The five detainees were presented to the Public Prosecutor's Office, the authority that will be responsible for their legal status.

It is worth mentioning that two of the detainees are active officers, attached to the premise of the current administration, "This government does not agree with criminals"; the State Security Commission (CES) Morelos will collaborate with the authorities and together with the above, initiate the corresponding procedure before the Directorate of Internal Affairs.

Crónica de Morelos

1 comment:

  1. Wow 2 active cops serving the public got busted kidnapping, I guess being a cop does not pay much, that everyone is getting into express kidnapping.


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