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Friday, August 13, 2021

Fresnillo, Zacatecas: Authorities Locate And Destroy A Narco Camp

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The camp was located during crime deterrence operations and surveillance tours

As a result of the actions developed by personnel of the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) to strengthen security in the municipality of Fresnillo, elements of the State Preventive Police (PEP) located and destroyed a surveillance post along with a camp used by a criminal group.

In compliance with the Comprehensive Public Security Strategy for Zacatecas (ESPIZ) and assuming the commitment to develop actions that allow to recover tranquility, PEP troops were carrying out crime deterrence operations and surveillance tours in communities of Fresnillo when they located on a dirt road that leads to the Tres Hermanos ranch, in some hills where state highway 44 runs through there was a surveillance post.

When making a tour of the area, the operational personnel not only located and destroyed the surveillance point but, in a nearby area, located a site that due to its characteristics and findings corresponds to a camp used by a criminal group, which was abandoned before the police presence.

In that place they located kitchen utensils, food, clothes, blankets and food that were destroyed in order to avoid their reuse; meanwhile, what they seized was made available to the competent authority.

With actions like this, the SSP endorses its commitment to Zacatecan citizens to confront those who break the law and damage public order, it also calls for reporting crimes that hurt society, through the 911 emergency number and the Contact Line with the Office of your Secretary 492 219 71 59.

Express Zacatecas


  1. 6 were also found hanged in zacatuercas

  2. Dijo La Lupe:
    "Me parece puro tiatro"
    State Police has never been above selective attacks or staging narco camps to cover up their complicity with the real tax paying criminals.
    Nobody got captured, because the camp vigilantes are smarter than the cuicos that don't know how to surround or survey before getting busy with their criminal compas.
    Fack that shit

  3. Howcome authorities can't comb narco ranches around Nuevo Laredo and exterminate CDN? It's not a big city at all. If politics wanted cartels destroyed it would be done in a matter of weeks.


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