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Monday, August 9, 2021

Irapuato, Guanajuato: We Will Find Those Responsible For The Massacre: Libya Dennise

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Secretary of Government of Guanajuato, Libya Dennise García Muñoz Ledo, condemned the massacre of eight people that occurred in Irapuato and assured that a coordination will be established to find those responsible for this violent event that occurred in the Santa María neighborhood.

Through her Twitter account, Libia Dennise García said that once the events occurred, she contacted the municipal president of Irapuato, Ricardo Ortiz Gutiérrez, to learn more about the situation and maintain coordination in which the Secretary of Public Security of the State and the Attorney General's Office will also participate, to be able to find those responsible for this event that claimed the lives of seven men and a woman who were gathered at a party in a home in the Santa María neighborhood, on Saturday night.

"From Gobierno Guanajuato we condemn the unfortunate event that occurred tonight in the municipality of Irapuato, we have established communication with the Municipal President Ortiz_Irapuato and we work in coordination with @SeguridadGto and @FGEGUANAJUATO to find those responsible" (sic), the Secretary of Government wrote on her Twitter account

The one in Irapuato was the second massacre that took place in Guanajuato on Saturday.

The Santa María neighborhood is located in the north of the municipality. So far this year it has become the scene of 13 murders, all of them perpetrated with gunfire and where the main motive for the previous attacks was due to a situation related to the sale of drugs, although the motive that led to the commission of this multihomicide is being investigated from this recent case.

There have been more than 60 massacres in Guanajuato

The one in Irapuato was the second massacre that took place in Guanajuato in less than 24 hours, because on Friday night there was an attack on a business selling alcoholic beverages in the municipality of Moroleón, where four men were killed, as well as three more injured; three women were also taken to a hospital, all of them had gunshot wounds.

However, according to the civil organization Causa en Común, in Guanajuato from January to June 48 massacres were perpetrated in the state, understood as the murder of three or more people in the same violent act.

In addition, during July Organización Editorial Mexicana documented 11 more massacres, bringing the number of 60 to occur from January to August of this year.

The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System announced that from January to July 2,106 people have been killed, against the 2,695 that existed in the same period, which according to the governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, means that the coordination work between the three levels of government is yielding positive results. 

Although it recognized that they are still insufficient to achieve pacifying the state, one of the main tasks of the State Government.

El Sol de Irapuato


  1. Why I stop buying #Guanajuato avocado and quality of force pick little things(frozen) meets room temperature it gone in one day.immature it sure is.

  2. Crime spiked when Carlos zamarrupa came in to power in Guanajuato. 10 year later it was all his doing and his huachicoleros, he even got 10 more years from Guanajuato's #1 criminal, Diego Sinhue and his PAN party cohorts all the way up to la Chachalaca Fox and his "wife" Martitha Sahagun left over by Father Marcial Maciel who married Carlos Slim Helu waaay back when, the massacre perpetrators may get caught or not, they may not even be guilty, but the government will try its best to look good, montages and all...


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