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Friday, August 6, 2021

Mexicali, Baja California: Drug Tunnel Discovered In Santa Cecilia Neighborhood

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The facts were confirmed by the technical secretary of the Security Roundtable, Francisco Ramos, during the video transmission of Governor Jaime Bonilla. 

The discovery of a tunnel used - allegedly - for drug trafficking from Mexicali to the United States, was located on the morning of Tuesday, August 3, in a home in the Santa Cecilia neighborhood, a few meters from the international line.

The tunnel was discovered through a special operation carried out with personnel of the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA) in coordination with the National Guard and State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI), in a home marked with the number 9, on Tepic Avenue and International Street, in the Santa Clara neighborhood, near the Outlet store, on the American side.

Federal elements were in charge of "raiding" the home, where they also arrested 5 people - in flagrante - who were placed at the disposal of the General Trust of the Republic (FGR).

State and federal authorities are guarding the scene, but no further information has been provided about the incident.

The home has a large black fence and little visibility inward. It turned out that the "narco tunnel" measures approximately 10 meters deep and 67 meters long, and crosses into the neighboring northern country.

The facts were confirmed by the technical secretary of the Security Roundtable, Francisco Ramos, during the video transmission of Governor Jaime Bonilla on Tuesday, August 3.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. It's all good folks Calexico PD only has 15 patrol officers for all combine shifts. Go to Calexico the officers don't have the manpower nor the emergency responders to enforce laws or provide any type of services hell even FD is down 8 positions.

    1. That's good news for those looking for employment.

    2. Just have Your P.O.S.T. certification

  2. Oh hell no!!! Better sue the American companies that make shovels for all the oppression. Mexico better get on it.


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