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Monday, August 23, 2021

Mexico President Would Consider Freeing Drug Lord Jailed For Killing U.S. Agent

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexico's president on Friday said he was open to freeing drug lord Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, jailed for the 1985 murder of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent, on the basis of old age and poor health.

A legendary figure in the drug world and co-founder of the Guadelajara cartel, Felix Gallardo was a pioneer in trafficking large shipments of cocaine to the United States in alliance with the deceased Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar.

But his empire crumbled after the murder of Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, an undercover DEA agent behind a string of successful drug busts. Camarena's killing triggered a large DEA investigation and damaged U.S.-Mexico ties.

In a prison interview aired this week by NBC News, a frail-looking Felix Gallardo, 75, praised leftist President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador "as a man of goodwill" and commended him for fighting social injustice.

When asked about the interview, and if he was open to granting Felix Gallardo a pardon under a proposed new law that would free thousands of prisoners, Lopez Obrador said: "If it is justified ... of course, yes."

"I also want him to understand my situation, that I don’t want anyone to suffer. I don’t want anyone to be in jail. I am a humanist," said Lopez Obrador, adding that prosecutors would review the case.

The Mexican leader last month proposed the release of thousands of inmates who were elderly, victims of torture or suffered from health problems, as well as those who committed non-serious crimes.

Felix Gallardo, a former police officer who was jailed in 1989 with two other close allies for masterminding Camarena's murder, is blind in one eye, deaf in his left ear and could not walk, NBC News reported.

The U.S. Embassy was not immediately available for comment.



  1. Ho much did that cost? I wonder if his "Ailments" will suddenly clear up if released. It would be a trip if AMLO released him to do what he did under the condition that he unites all the plazas once again, like before? I bet he would have a seat on Caborca

    1. He unites! Mijito,the government are the root of the problem. The true Gangster is always in the shadows. He was a pawn of a bigger scheme

    2. This man is a shadow of what he once was. He isnt going to unite any plaza bosses. No one is going to listen to this man anymore. His time has come and gone.

    3. It cost at lot less than all the criminals released from prison by US presidents.

      Did you know that US presidents pardon criminals every year. From 100 to 600 in a single term in office. And they include murders drug dealers thieves and more. But I guess is ok because is done in the USA.

  2. With Mexico's president nothing is a surprise? Looks like he sold himself to the Devil before he took office looks like he's not interested in being friends with the USA.?

    1. Being friends & not bullied are too different things. Politics are compromised by unsavory tactics. This is being demonstrated globally

    2. It’s funny that you will criticize the Mexican president for doing this when you guys do the same shit in the United States. The last president who pardoned people who were convicted and sentenced to more than 30 years in prison was Donald Trump. He didn’t just pardoned one person convicted of murder. He pardoned several individuals. And not only the president in the United States have the power to do this. Also governors can pardoned murderers just like Arnold the Terminator did when he was the governor of California. And what about Alcapone ? Didn’t he went free because of his bad health? He died a free man in Florida.

      But just as it might look bad. Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo has done more than 30 years in prison. Not like the killers that Donald Trump ser free after just a couple of years on a 30 year sentence.

  3. I watched the press conference. These articles are titled to give the impression that AMLO is in bed with the narcos. AMLO never said he "would consider" he said he would leave it upto the judicial system to determine if Felix Gallardo was eligible. Those are two different things... I don't care where you live, whether that be in mexico, the u.s, South America, Cuba, China or North Korea, the mainstream media is a government tool used to control populations. In this case, Reuters an international media outlet, irresponsibly titled an article and quoted two fragments of a larger dialog to spin a narrative.

    1. Your interpreted wrong it is said the clown president is open to freeing Gallardo.

    2. Best comment I’ve read on here in a year! Absolutely correct! As the world witnessed concerning the media and social media and its coverage of the greatest president in history! Yes, I mean President Trump!

    3. Criminals are pardoned in the United States every year by presidents or governors but I guess is ok because it is done in the USA.

  4. Nope you got it wrong, Obrador is open to freeing the drug Lord.

  5. Interesting proposal for consideration?
    What would be the ramifications by the US for allowing such? Frail or not! AMLO is tackling different approach to a failed drug war. His compassion for peace & reforms (controversial as it may be for many) begins from somewhere.
    The US policy on drugs should not be imposed on others knowing the ineffectiveness & costly attributes (monetary & physically) it has become.

    1. The drug war should of consisted of the USA Marines being sent to any drug hotspot in the world that adversely affects the great USA! That includes any disgusting cesspool American city! Innocents and kids are dying anyways!

    2. You're statement couldn't be any more un-American.

    3. BlamethenerdWhitey
      I regret to inform you, Obrador would not allow any other country to come clean out the Cartels, for then his bribes would dry out. Besides he wants curuption to continue.

  6. This obrador clown is going to pissed the Americans and its going to bite him and Mexico up their ass. Keep playing clown.

    1. Biden will do nothing, the bridge is closed to Mexicans, why this administration dislike Mexicans I don't know, they all voted for him.

  7. Has the Clown visited Chapos mom at the hospital?

  8. Fuck the corrupt d.e.a, viva mexico!

  9. For all those that no longer comment due to having to do it through Blogger you can still be anonymous somewhat. I miss my daily entertainment of reading comments. Although somewhere annoying such as the koo foo guy and the negative chief guy

    1. Why be anonymous? It does not make sense at all , go to and from and live like a free spirit , forever young baby

    2. OK so why do we have to use an account then. ? The reality here is that people prefer not to use an account. BB try this before and the comments went way down. You guys still moderate comments any way.

    3. Paisa your blind as a bat, it's great that we need an account, it was wierdos, young kuds coming in putting BS comments, emojis, Moderaters had to deal with it for a while, it drove Dr. Sol crazy. Now you know why the format is better.

    4. Yes your right I think it's way better now and sol gets a beso and Abrazo from me , BESOS DE ORO

    5. My point is that this way you will get not that many comments. But ok. And I’m not blind. I do understand the other format is more time consuming.

    6. @Paisa everyone can still post anonymously if they choose. But you guys need to keep in mind that we all have our own personal lives to live also. Some of us are busier than others at times. And vice versa.

  10. He is on oxygen tank and could not breathe on his own I seen it in other foto , I think he will get out due to health problems he has to take the tank with him where ever he goes so yeah

  11. His young picture looks like a Chihuahua face I see it clearly

  12. Breaking news: extradited to Mexico

  13. Follow the money $$$$$$. Here in the USA. Or Mexico. Look fast and furious all about how much U S politicians made. The Clown is something else he makes his $$$$ with the Cartels

  14. Maybe he can become a policeman 👮‍♀️, he has the experience

  15. The biggest Clown in Mexico is........

  16. If I'd been friends with Kiki I would have killed this son of a bitch who's now wanting his freedom after taking part in the murder of Camarena. I love it when people actually equate these creature's with humanity when they're the farthest thing from it, they need to be removed from the planet in the same fashion they so enjoyed removing other's. Let's see a video of Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo titled Funky Town II.


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