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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Mexico Sues U.S. Arms Companies In U.S. Court, For Negligent And Illicit Trade

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Government of Mexico announced, on Wednesday, August 4, that it sued 10 large U.S. arms manufacturers in a Federal Court of the District of Massachusetts, accusing them of negligent practices and of being aware that their products are illegally trafficked to Mexican territory.

According to a document cited by the British agency Reuters and The Washington Post, the lawsuit indicates that the Government of Mexico seeks compensation of up to 10 billion dollars.

This alleging that the businesses of Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. ; Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. ; Beretta U.S.A. Corp. ; Beretta Holding S.P.A. Century International Arms, Inc. ; Colt ́s Manufacturing Company Llc; Glock, Inc. ; Glock Ges.M.B.H. ; Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. ; Witmer Public Safety Group, Inc. D/B/A Interstate Arms, knew that their commercial practices generated damage to the Latin American country.

"However, [manufacturers] continue to prioritize their economic benefit and use advertising strategies to promote increasingly lethal weapons, without security or traceability mechanisms," the demand indicates.

"The lawsuit has been filed against the negligent and illicit arms trade in the United States, a trade that causes us direct damage," said the legal consultant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Alejandro Celorio Alcántara.

In a press conference, he pointed out that this is a strategic litigation, and that they are prepared to respond to the legal defenses that the defendants may present.

That is why the lawsuit was made in U.S. territory, so that companies can defend themselves in their own language and under their legislation, Celorio Alcántara said.

"It is an example of negligent practice, it is a constitutional right of Americans to own and buy weapons, but we are talking about damage in Mexican territory, which has strict control of the purchase of weapons, if not with the authorization of the corresponding authorities," added the legal consultant of the SRE.

Celorio Alcántara said that U.S. law allows third parties to sue in their courts, if damage is suffered and according to its law. 

He clarified that this does not conflict with the Second Amendment, which allows U.S. citizens to acquire weapons, but is based on the fact that the damage occurs in Mexican territory, where Mexican legislation establishes that civilians cannot acquire weapons.

"The lawsuit is not against the United States government, to which we recognize the effort to control arms trafficking," reported the SRE legal consultant.

For his part, the president of the Political Coordination Board (JUCOPO) in the Senate of the Republic, Ricardo Monreal Ávila, said that the lawsuit filed in Boston, Massachusetts, is an unprecedented fact, since Mexico cannot remain silent in the face of the situation.


The 139-page lawsuit establishes the alleged responsibility of the aforementioned companies, which have the obligation to comply with Mexican and U.S. import and export laws, in particular to ensure that their distributors do not provide weapons to organized crime groups.

According to the Mexican Government, the defendants "have known for a long time that some of the traffickers they use to sell their weapons at retail supply a significant amount of weapons to the criminal market in Mexico."

The lawsuit says that the companies have received reports from the press and civil society organizations about the distribution channels that exist of their products for organized crime, although they have not created "a single public security protocol in their distribution systems to detect and deter arms trafficking to Mexico."

"The choice of the defendants to use distribution and sales policies that supply the cartels violates all the obligations and duties they have assumed as manufacturers and distributors of these weapons," the lawsuit adds.

"The defendants know that military-style weapons, such as assault rifles and sniper rifles, are particularly sought after by drug cartels that use them with devastating effects in Mexico. The defendants know that these weapons are frequently supplied to cartels through corrupt or irresponsible sellers," the lawsuit indicates.

"The defendants' response to these events has been to redouble the exact practices they know provide the cartels with military-style arsenals. The defendants' elections have had the effect of maximizing rather than minimizing sales to criminal markets," says the lawsuit.

According to the aforementioned text, the nature and magnitude of the illegal conduct of the accused has inevitably inflicted massive damage on Mexico, both in economic terms and in terms of human lives.

"Mexico is experiencing increasing levels of armed violence and suffers the death of civilians by firearms at one of the highest rates in the world. Before the dramatic increase in gun production in the United States that began at the end of 2004, the annual number of homicides in Mexico had decreased, including fewer than 2,500 committed with a gun in 2003," insists the demand.

"But the sharp increase in arms sales in the United States resulted in a ten-fold increase in gun-related homicides in Mexico, which increased to about 23,000 in 2019," accuses the Government of Mexico.

The Administration headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, demands that companies present precautionary and equitable measures to reduce the damage they have caused; incorporate all the security mechanisms reasonably available in their weapons, including devices to prevent the use of those weapons by unauthorized users.

As well as awarding the Government compensation for damages in an amount to be determined at trial, granting civil sanctions to the Government as permitted by law and awarding to the Government of restitution and return of the defendants' profits.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. Gun freak fanatics in...3...2...1!

    1. Crying libtards in 1....🤣

    2. If it weren't for the US gun industry the drug cartels wouldn't be able to get guns. The cartels can't afford to buy guns from anyone else and don't have any experience in transporting cargo around the world.

    3. 2A cult unite!
      Most of these comments haven't even read the article either, they're just pissy anyone would dare stand up to the cult of guns.

  2. Well then the US should should sue Mexico & the Commie in charge for all the drugs they allow to be trafficked. Pinche pendejos

    1. LOL. Drug trafficking organizations are very different than legitimate firearm makers. Sue CDS, ZETAS OR CJNG y Jaber como te va "pinche pendejo"

    2. Your an idiot . Drugs are illegal how are they going to sue Mexico ?? Guns are LEGAL that’s the difference you imbecile

    3. You’re new to this, am I right? The US market for illicit narcotics has been under the control of American Government since the 1950s… if the US wanted to stop the flow of narcotics from all borders they could cripple the foreign importers in less than 30 days.

      Y’all just mad that Mexican government is using American tactics to air out weapons manufacturers in order to prove that majority of weapons in MX streets are coming from US supply chains!

    4. You didn't read the article did you?

      The basis of the lawsuit is that gun manufacturers don't have protocols in place to mitigate the illegal trafficking or use of illegally trafficked weapons.

      The US & Mexican authorities have protocols in place to limit these activities, and even with corruption as an obstacle still work together to limit drug trafficking.

      Gun manufacturers are still supplying corrupt gun stores with weapons which Mexico explains is irresponsible and leads to greater homicides in Mexico.

    5. Estas guey. There's a difference genius. Those companies are legit, tax paying, responsability having, law abiding(atleast they supposed to be) registered companies and the cartels are none of that. The cartels are ilegal and none of that aplies to then. Think a little please

    6. You read my mind.

    7. 11:38 US and foreign Banksters, along with Big Pharma using chinese suppliers have a lot more money Honey, scalp them and with the proceeds sue weapons suppliers for their crimes and negligence, also consider the US trains and owns mexican milicos and paracos that cause a lot more crimes than the cartels themselves...
      Remember the shit rolls downhill

  3. Good stuff! Everyone researching this phenomenon has known straw buyers and illegal weapons trafficking from the US to Mexico & Canada has been a major issue for a long time.

    Hopefully this will have a positive impact going forward for the people of Mexico and beyond.

  4. Why not sue the ATF too, for their failed "Fast & Furious" operation. They were monitoring arms dealers, whom they allowed to traffic weapons, and lost track of once they crossed the border.

    1. That’s coming. First MX needs to prove that the weapons were manufactured and delivered to retailers. The ATF and other three letter agencies are only complicit after the weapons were delivered and in retail shops. They then allowed undercover agents to sell to known straw buyers and known middle men w connection to MX to buy massive amounts of weapons and ammunition. Don’t forget These buyers which were instructed to buy from those specific shops. Don’t forget this plan was conjured Up by Eric Holder and Obama regime while Barack governed CHI. It was allowed to continue during BO presidency.

    2. 12:11 Fast and Furious got started by the Bush administration, named "Wide Receiver Operation", of course, it got steroids when Obama was inaugurated to blame Obamanos as part of the Anti-Obamanista regimes program to get back to power, pity it fell to birther oringe agent to prove "It Was All A Lie" (a book now) and the Unpresidented Disgrace Failure would not last for a second chance, HAR, HAR HAAAR!
      now he cries like little girl that everybody stole from him instead of being MAN and taking it like a MAN

  5. Crazy how the US government isn’t doing anything about the thousands of weapons flowing into Mexico illegally. They helped create these monsters.

    1. Yes UDA forced criminals to smuggle guns to Mexico, they also forced criminals to kill Innocents very good thinking.

    2. The US government Border Agents look for what is coming INTO the USA, NOT what is going into Mexico.
      People trafficking arms to Mexico are the monsters.

    3. Ive thought and wondered the samething for a while

  6. Mexico's government has no real case.

    1. 12:34 think so?
      But, but, the propaganda is still intolerable, Bladdermir Putin has sunk a lot of Rubles buying dollars and politicos promoting free weapons for the free world that might just do the job for him and shoot each other's ass.

  7. Dumbest, stupidest lawsuit. Next Obrador is going to blame USA for the high homicides in Mexico.

    1. Something tells me you didn't think your comment through before you posted. Dumb ass!

    2. You only read the first paragraph? XD That is the basis of the lawsuit.

      ""Mexico is experiencing increasing levels of armed violence and suffers the death of civilians by firearms at one of the highest rates in the world. Before the dramatic increase in gun production in the United States that began at the end of 2004, the annual number of homicides in Mexico had decreased, including fewer than 2,500 committed with a gun in 2003," insists the demand.

      "But the sharp increase in arms sales in the United States resulted in a ten-fold increase in gun-related homicides in Mexico, which increased to about 23,000 in 2019," accuses the Government of Mexico."

  8. If legal action had not been taken then "Operation Wrath of the Midget" by CDS covert gallitos would have been inactivated I order to eliminate all enemies.

  9. The Mexican Government is a fukn joke! They act like theyre the victims. Theyre the ones lettting all the weapons get to their destination. Who tf are they to be pointing the finger. If anything they should start by holding their own accountable first. The mexican govt is a fukn circus show!

    1. So is the US government ! with their BS war on drugs. They are corrupt to the neck . How is it possible that only Mexico has cartel leaders and in the US there are no big drug traffickers international large scale traffickers ?, no that can never happen !!!! because it’s the U.S ////get your head out of your ass .!!!! The US government is corrupt they just don’t show it . Only an idiot would believe their BS.

    2. That's very true, he should be crying that the Mexican entry to Mexico is doing a poor job of letting guns into Mexico.

    3. 11:38, 12:34, 12:47, 1:20, could not agree more.

    4. 1:20 the US financed the mexican wars of Independence and the Revolution 100 years later, they even bought Pancho Villa for their side and 5 star giniral John Pershing alias "Blackjack" went to kiss his ass with help of Patton and MacArthur in El Paso and Juarez...
      There are picshurs chingadamadre
      Shit can run and hide Sugar,
      but not forever.

  10. Does this mean that the relatives of overdose victims in the US can sue the Mexican government for knowingly allowing cartels to manufacture and send deadly drugs to the US from Mexican territory? What about the guns that come in to Mexico from Europe? China? Russia?

    1. Nah don’t sue China, they are a good socialist country and we like them

    2. Go got some very good points. I am sure Obrador would ignore the truth, just like the high homicides occurring everyday, he then says all is fine. He has the military at his disposal, but seldom uses it to fight the Cartels.

    3. No. Cartels are not a legal enterprise. And to those who say the Mexican government knows. That's a whole different issue and still doesn't make cartels a bonafied business. Just like the "fast and furious" op the U.S. had going on, they never got sued for it and clearly they knew, just like they know these gun companies are not doing anything about the safety of there weapons and their exportation to Mexico knowing people are dieing cause of these things. Another difference is people take these drugs on their own free will. People aren't getting killed cause they choose to.

    4. Forget about mexican government knowing, the US government also knew and approved legislation to make Opioids legal,
      Sue the pants off everybody,
      I don't give a fuck...

  11. Mexico always points fingers. Somehow, it’s always Americans fault that Mexicans are killing each other:

    1. The US always plays victim . It’s the cartels from Mexico’s fault that we have so many weak minded lazy drug addicts !!! Maybe if you spend those billions of dollars .on Educating the younger generation. you might be able to turn things around ,instead of throwing that money away on a BS war on drugs!!!! that everyone know is a waste of time .

    2. You just can't consume enough dope to please yourselfs. Every cartel in Mexico is fighting to supply you using your weapons. Sometimes a little common sense can go a long way.

    3. Mexico will never take responsibility.

    4. Just like Americans point fingers that drug overdoses here in the states are caused by drugs sold by cartels.
      Pointing fingers at someone else as if cartels forced people in the states to take drugs.

  12. The US also has a strict policy when pertaining to percursers in making illegal narcotics & drug trafficking.
    A pointless lawsuit in my opinion. Mexico's weapon problems are being carried out by smuggling tactics by criminals & not gun manufacturers.
    Same would go with the choices made by those who choose to consume narcotics.
    Nevertheless, I do feel Mexico bears a huge responsibility for allowing drug traffickers continue through association. By allowing such high elite government officials to avoid detention and prosecution. Look at Mexico's former General implicated in cahoots with cartels.
    It's a 2 way street if Mexico wants to go that route.

    1. See that's the difference, the U.S is holding those responsible accountable. Chapo, Garcia Luna and the list goes on... who's holding the U.S accountable? Eric Holder should have been held accountable or atleast thrown some people under the table, after all, operation fast and furious was completely illegal and in violation of Mexico's national sovereignty. Again, Garcia is being held accountable for cooperating with cartels to facilitate drugs into the U.S. who's going down in the U.S government for facilitating gun smuggling under fast and furious. It really is bullshit.

    2. 1:58 strict laws don't get in the way when it comes to wiping your ass with the paper they got worte on, just the more ink to hide the shit...
      Banksters are the ones who hide all the profit, they even help to pay mexican traffickers with weapons to earn more, more, more and more profit.

  13. Awesome!
    If gun manufacturers want guns to be kept being sold to individuals then they must bear some responsibility as to were they end up.
    They do sell them by the hundreds of thousands if not more and while making a fortune in profit.

    1. You are blind as a bat, backwards thinking brother, in that case let's sue Mexico for allowing drugs to come in to USA.

  14. AMLO i don’t agree with you on a lot of stuff but goddamn do I respect you you old man you got some balls

    1. No he doesn’t, if had balls he’d go after Mencho or Sinaloa capos. He just a leftist and they always hate guns. Unless criminals show up in their gated communities. Then they love guns and cops, useless hypocrites

    2. Volience continues to grow, he is a Cartel president

  15. What a waste of time,the Mexican government is not gonna receive a single cent of the 10 billion they're asking for 🤣

  16. Good luck with the case against American gun manufacturer. Citizens in the US been dying and massacered in monthly basis. And no cases ever brought up against any gun manufactirer. They are too powerful with political backings.

    1. Industry is worth billions and with all the donations to these Republican politicians to be able to continue selling them legally. This will never end

    2. Guns don't kill people, it's the person using the gun that kills people.

  17. GTFO. Amlo says violence is declining anyway. Fix your own shit and quit pointing north. Pick up your trash too.

  18. Mexico gets our guns, but we get their drugs. US should countersue!!

    1. Mexico is suing a legitimate business the U.S can sue a drug organization.

    2. Ones legal and the other is illegal you idiot!!! Who are they going to sue??? Cartel leaders? come on . Read a book for once .

    3. If they were to win, which is never, what would happen to the money, yes you guessed it, into the Curupt government, which includes Almo.

    4. 3:08 Guns and Weapons are US businesses, purty much drugs and the money they generate too...
      Some Godless animals call that Vulture Capitalism.

  19. They prob won't get any money, but it does call attention to the issue. Please keep us updated as this story develops.

  20. What a crock of $*!t. It's not firearm manufacturers that are sending guns south of the border. That would be the US Gov and Straw buyers. This is just another effort to try to destroy the firearm industry in the US by a bunch of dirty globalists. Mexico should have it's own 2A. If they did, the cartels would be less inclined to terrorize the populace. An armed society is a polite society.

    1. more guns really? ignorant

    2. Did you read the article?

  21. Cool, so now the US can sue Mex banks for turning a blind eye to the billions of laundered money that they proliferate through fraudulent accounts?

    1. True , but then Mexico will request the same be done to US banks . Obviously the US wouldn’t want that . Or do you really believe cartels cross tens of millions of dollars in huge trailers ? haha

    2. 4:01 mexican "financiers" are not that smart, but they have never been found to hoard hundreds of billions of dollars in any bank in the whole world or tax evading fiscal paradise, but HSBC, BCCI, CHASE, and others have been fined billions for their money laundering, including for drug profits...

  22. Mexico needs a 2nd amendment. Mexico government branch of dumbasses.

    1. Militantly pro-2A states like Mississipi, Louisiana, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee etc rank highest in the country for homicides. As a gun owner myself, not sure 2A is solving anything?

      These states also rank lowest for education and poorest as well. Which comes back to the same problem in Mexico too. Better education and better jobs = decrease in violence and crime.

      When people don't know how to solve problems with anything other than violence and guns, you're going to have a lot of issues.

  23. Finally.We will see what happens.

  24. The citizens of Mexico need to sue the Mexican government of Obrador, for not offering a decent peace of life, letting Cartels criminals run the streets. Ministry of foriegn affiars Alejandro Alcantara has the odasity to mess with the US. If they were to win (never) what would they do with the money?????

  25. Funny, so it's the manufacturer fault Mexico cannot enforce their gun laws. Lol

    1. There’s nothing funny about lives being lost . Let’s hope it never happens to one of your family members. The weapon manufacturers are selling a product ,they are . responsible to who they sell it to . If they can’t do that they should step up their efforts or stop selling their product . It’s that simple . It’s easy to say well that’s not my problem I love my weapons ,true , there not saying stop selling .what they are saying is watch carefully who you sell it to .because we have a bunch of people losing their lives . Of course since most of the population of the US don’t see the effect on a daily basis it’s easy to talk and state an opinion based on ignorance.

    2. Mexico doesn't sell guns. Guns are not a good thing That's the drug hungry US with their primitive thinking

    3. Mexico makes weapons seizures regularly. What they are saying is they expect gun manufacturers to be held to a higher standard (same as airplane / auto industry is in terms of the safety of their products and who can use them.)

  26. Knife don't kill, people stab

  27. So a foreign government can sue in US court of law? Good luck. Might as well start suing car companies too for all the traffic fatalities.

    1. OK. R so right ,best comment so far.

    2. Yes, car companies do take responsibility for their products. This is why shock absorbing polymer body panels, airbags, seatbelts, headlights and brake lights exist to protect the people who are driving their products.

      In terms of your "foreign govt sue in US court of law" comment, of course? Why not? US regularly does similar things with foreign governments, US agents even arrest people in foreign lands. The US is not the lord of the globe XD they are just another country like any other.

  28. Por favor compa! Where's the 28 billion then? Sent to the Mexican government each yr? You fall 2nd to some other shit country in some far off land regarding benefits. Lets file paperwork pard! Los cuetes se pasaron por todo el mundo. Y aqui los mas buenos de cuerno o super les agradesco la mano que meh mandaron el Sabado. Ese moro no se meh olvida lo bestido. Armen todo el pedo

  29. Criminals smuggle purchased weapons to Mexico, how can it be the fault of the manufacturer?

    1. If 16 years olds have access to semi automatic rifles to shoot up schools than guess what ? you’re failing as a manufacturer your putting lives in danger . Step up your efforts .

  30. Too funny. Good luck, morons.

  31. Who decides the outcome of this lawsuit? One federal judge?

  32. Horse crap, frivolous lawsuit that was forum-shopped into a liberal Federal Judicial District Court. The criminal responsibility of an unjustified shooting lies squarely on the shooter. The very people Mexico refuses to hold accountable.

  33. Haha They should go after Barak Obama and hang his ass for fast and furious defund the CIA and beat the shit out of all DEA agents these fn geniuses are the one who benefit from this war on the poor and the youth of both countries aka War on drugs created by a pos president as a distraction to the fact he was about to get raked over the coals and needed a scape goat . But I feel regardless of the firearm sutuation south of the border theres nothing we can do to change how they treat one another, the killing the kidnapping the corruption the crime as a whole if they didnt have guns they would be doing it with knives or sticks and stones and then who would they blame that on ? The knife makers and mother nature ? You know it !!!

    1. Regardless of the situation up north in the US there’s nothing we can do . there just destined to be a bunch of weak minded lazy drug addicts most of them that if they didn’t have cocaine they would end up getting high on sniffing paint or snorting sleeping pills or just off the smell of a skunks ass .and then who would they blame it on?? Mother Nature ?? You know it !!!

    2. For Democrats it's ok.

    3. Why does the US play games with Mexico ? We all know where the problems start and who benefits from all this why not go after the misappropriation of the fubds we give them why do we pretend that its the little smugglers are the problen making a few hundred bucks per lb ? The whole system sucks why do we give then money in the first place ? Their attitude towards the US sucks and they apparently they dont use any of the money to pay their cops a decent wage they all survive off of bribe money to get buy that is absurd in this day and age fn ridiculous .

    4. i think you're wrong. the violence is only to defend the drug trade. if it wasn't necessary to have an army to traffic drugs, then i don't think there would be constant war in mexico.

      expecting any mexican government to solve the problem is ridiculous. they can only do that by killing everyone whose life depends on the trade.

      at the end of the day there's nothing immoral about selling drugs to people who want to buy drugs.

    5. 8:39 what president was about to get his ass raked over the coals if you can help and tell us?
      I hope it wasn't Barack Obama, one of the smartest most admired and respected former US Presidents

    6. @6:01 Richard Millhouse Nixon I would assume he started the war on drugs to take attention away from the bullshit that was going on in his administration .

  34. What a joke. So we can sue Mexico for letting cartels trafficking drugs into the US.

    1. Won't happen That north America culture loves their dope.

    2. U.S. made CARTELS don't forget that

  35. 5:44 actually that would be like suing the cartels. Mexico is suing the manufacturers not the US government. Get off the fent and meth my man and learn to read

  36. Sooo can we sue the Mexican government for colluding with DTOs and importation of illegal substances?

  37. The reason their even introducing this laughable lawsuit is there’s a democratic administration, a republican wouldn’t have let this even be discussed unless there’s something in it for them which there isnt

  38. One is illegal the other is legal. Who are they going to sue?? a sicario ? Think before you state such an ignorant comment .

  39. This is literally the dumbest lawsuit I’ve heard of but I guess if the US can prosecute you for crimes done out of the country maybe Mexico will get away with this bullshit

  40. This is literally the dumbest lawsuit I’ve heard of but I guess if the US can prosecute you for crimes done out of the country maybe Mexico will get away with this bullshit

  41. Everybody in the COMMENT section thinks it's redicolous but we CAN'T deny the FACT that all THOSE high caliber WEAPONS are coming from the U.S...
    Shoot, even Eric Holder sent THOUSANDS of them down south and armed the zetas, CDS and who ever had the MONEY..
    War is good BUSINESS for the U.S. gun manufacturers and those who get bribed

  42. See the comments and response on this subject ?
    This is exactly the response that was wanted and expected.Divide and misdirect,governments playing their games with the proletariat.
    It never fails,scary how dumb the masses are

  43. It's so depressing to realize the majority of comments here are people who only read the title of the article but not the actual article in entirety it self.

  44. Breaking News...Amlo has settled out of court...He agrees to a hug...and everything is better now...

  45. Not sure if this is actually a viable lawsuit, but for everyone saying US should sue Mexico for all the drugs coming in, the difference is Mexico is suing private companies not the US government. This is more analogous to the US suing the companies that sell the precursor chemicals.

  46. what about all the mexicans committing crime in the US?.


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