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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Morelos: Girlfriend of Moisés Brito, Leader of "Guerreros Unidos" Dies After Armed Attack

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Sentimental partner of leader of the criminal group Guerreros Unidos dies

In the hospital of Cuernavaca, Yaritza, sentimental partner of Moisés Brito, leader of the criminal group of "Guerreros Unidos" in the state of Guerrero, died; both were shot last Monday, in Cuernavaca.

After the assault, Yaritza was seriously injured, she was taken to the IMSS of Cuernavaca and later transferred to the José G. Parres General Hospital", where she lost her life.

On the day of the aggression, Yaritza and her romantic partner Moisés Brito, were outside a Minisuper convenience store that is located on Diana Delicias Avenue in Cuernavaca, where Moisés died.

Authorities commented that both were originally from the city of Iguala, Guerrero, and traveled to Cuernavaca aboard a van because they would attend a party that would take place in the town of Ocotepec in the Morelos capital.

The Attorney General's Office (FGE) said that Moisés Brito had an arrest warrant for homicide and was allegedly related to the disappearance of 43 students of the Rural Normal of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, an event that occurred in 2014.

La Crónica de Morelos


  1. Tough life I will say.

  2. When you go to Mexico and these cities, they are very large in population and area. These incidences seem to represent the whole of Mexico, but it usually is in the backstreets for the most part . . . readers, please don't think the most part of Mexico is this crazy state of affairs, and don't judge Mexico for this narrow slice of violence, but do understand where these folks roam, watch, visit and time of day if you visit. If so, you will most likely have a great vacay or visit . .

    1. Is that you Obrador, behind the computer?

  3. One after another those who know about the 43 are being silenced. Somebody very high up in Mex does not want the truth to come out.

    1. 1:22 those being silenced are being silenced by the real criminals who disappeared the Ayotzinapos; Federal Police and military, politicos and "Inteligence" officers covering their tracks is all.

  4. They are killing off anyone that had been involved thats weird in a place where justice comes first and honesty is the rule of the land .

  5. To live and die in Mexico.

  6. GOOD RIDDANCE. you hang with cockroaches you will die like one. no pity for garbage may you enjoy your trip to eternal hell.


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