Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Nearly 10 Tons of Cocaine and Weapons Bound for Mexico and the US Seized in Ecuador

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

On August 13, 9.6 tons of cocaine, 2,500 ammunition, and rifles were seized in Guayaquil, Ecuador. 

According to official information, the Ecuadorian National Police, together with the National Anti-Drug Investigation Directorate and the Chemicals Unit, seized all the aforementioned content in the northern sector of Guayaquil. The site where the drug was found had as a facade selling bottles of water and was located in the Los Vergeles sector. The Ecuadorian agents realized that there was construction with a false wall. Inside it, around 157 packages were found and in each of these, there were 60 blocks and another 50 loose ones. When counting it, the corresponding authorities realized that everything collected was equivalent to more than 9 tons of cocaine hydrochloride.

At a press conference, Inspector General Tannya Varela Coronel explained that the operation could be carried out thanks to the investigation units and classified it as a "severe blow to drug trafficking." Also, these packages were directed to two countries of the American continent.

“As a result, the arrest of two underage citizens of Ecuadorian nationality took place. The alkaloid was destined for the United States and Mexico, with this important police execution it is possible to extract around 450 million dollars from the illegal market," he declared.

According to the Ecuadorian authorities, the seizure was due to an investigation that had been underway since July 23, 2021, where 515 kilograms of drugs were seized in the same place.

In addition, Mexican and Colombian authorities have detected at least seven routes for drug trafficking between Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Central America, Mexico, and the United States. Two of them depart from Buenaventura and Tumaco, Colombia, to Costa Rica and El Salvador; while the second route leaves from Tumaco and reaches El Salvador and Guatemala. The third route used by organized crime is Esmeraldas, Ecuador, arriving at the coasts of Guatemala and Chiapas; while the fourth set sail from San Lorenzo, Ecuador, to the coasts of Oaxaca and Guerrero.

The fifth route departs from the department of Puerto Rico, Ecuador, to the coasts of Michoacán and Guerrero. The sixth route has the same starting point, Puerto Rico, with arrival in Jalisco and Sinaloa. The last road connects Ayampe, Ecuador, with the beaches of Sinaloa.

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  1. Thats weird they seem to have glossed right over the weapons part Im sure the Mexican government are busy preparing a frivolous lawsuut aimed at the evil Ecuadorians who Im certain was shipping the first load of weapons ever and will prbly never do it again .Im also certain that any bulk weapons deals Mexico makes happen south of their borders because you cant buy guns in bulk here legally speaking . But that goes against the narrative of the website Borderlandbeat has become . So good for them ! Im sure it was our fault anyway .

    1. Mexican Cartels have always bought weapons from international arms dealers

    2. Chin, why would you say Borderland beat narrative? Just because somebody takes the time to translate (to English) stories written IN Mexico media, this makes the site bias for printing an article?
      I know I have hastily written responses here, perhaps you did the same?
      This is a new development, new lawsuit, so there aren't a lot of stories in MX media to translate that call BS ON the suit.
      The volunteer writers here (easy to submit your own opinion with references to back up, as an in-depth opinion piece, OR you can translate articles directly from Spanish from MX to English or discuss an article you read from an English/American source with references. Heck you can even submit an article as I have and ask somebody to look into it further and explain it with history/ context. Honestly, I would love to hear from somebody who has a different perespective on things. But, please don't bash Borderland Beat as a whole.
      I get defensive when people criticize anyone who takes hours out of their day to provide stuff that I choose to read for free, no subscriptions or obnoxious advertising etc. These people work, have a life yet churn shit out. So there is my perspective when somebody makes can take the time to criticize the site from their armchair, yet won't take the time to contribute. Ok, I'm done with my diatribe. Good day MS. H

  2. Guns from Ecuador???? Could that be mistatke, I thought guns came only from The U.S. danm it now mexico can suit Ecuador. So funny the government and President of Mexico. Lol

  3. 5:26 your dedication to denial isn't anything but admirable, but weapons trafficked by US merchants of death to Mèxico caught at the border are more in one day than the stash caught in this ecuadorian incident, the US has other routes for their wares of death than the mexican border, they even had residential acco m.j odations in Costa Rica for Rafael Caro Quintero to hide after killing DEA agent Kiki Camarena on orders of their own CIA rogue agent felix ismael rodriguez mendigutia, there were also landing strips for US planes to move weapons, cocaine, cocaine, contras and "US/israeli weapons for iran", please note that we do not blame the American People for the misguided affairs for profit and the complicity of many of their government people that then go and "classify" their bullshit ever since United Fruit founded the CIA.

    1. Its 5:28 and you seem to know everything and have all the answers too how powerful you must feel . And you must understand that frankly most Americans dont give a shit about your expert insider knowledge and or about what hapoens in Mexico a few of us do but whats happening now is beyond anything anyone can blame on anyone but the people who allow it to happen . I cant wait for your smarmy response but I must inform you that deeply I really dont give a flying F what a smarmy know it all from the BB comment area thinks so make it a good one and have a smarmy day .

    2. SIR Syarn inten republic 6:24 for a guy that knows it all, you sure picked a wierd aycn. US planes move weapons lol your Coco in the head.

    3. Protesting too much does not prove how much you want to keep ya yayas out of trouble, think and inform yourselves before blaming, there are of course germans and chinese and even the Vatican partnering in the business of weapons, shelter, the Vatican also sells condoms and anti-conceptives, I regret some births could not be prevented on time but I embrace all the living and the dying...
      Welcome to class, masks here are optional.

    4. SIR I knew I could count on you for a heroic dose of smarmy . Thank you very much some of the purest Ive ever had to deal with . Still not giving an F - Cb666

    5. SIR I knew I could count on you for a heroic dose of smarmy . Thank you very much some of the purest Ive ever had to deal with . Still not giving an F - Cb666

  4. Weapons from Equador headed for Mexico, will Obrador sue Equador too? The whole Mexican government thinks it's USA only.

    1. 6:44 would be like suing the donkey, did the weapons have a sending and return addresses?
      It could be that the drugs just got home to the right cuicos that will "resell them" to the highest bidder.

  5. How much do they pay to buy it back? A bunch of Ecuadorian officials will soon have access to some serious bank accounts.

    1. 9:48 amazing knowledge of latin american Cuicos and Co. They make more money than Amazon with their Ebuy.

  6. Redogram see these weapons by the pallet loads were coming from Euador to Mexico, will you be saying they come from USA??????????

  7. Quite Frankly Im offended . How dare Ecuador try to step on our toes ! Revenge will be slow and drawn out Im hoping it will be in the form of 24/7 advertising in all your forms of media kinda like what we live with daily here in the Great Satan . Advertising Revenue whores (google) are ruining and destroying anything and everything it can . I applauad Borderland Beat for not succumbing to this nightmare of a plague . (not yet anyway ) This comment was brought to you by Geiko because Ausie Lizzards know whats best for all your insurance needs and are totally relevant in all aspects of your life .


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