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Monday, August 2, 2021

Silvano Aureoles: The Morena Political Party Is Related To Organized Crime

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Badiraguato is the clearest proof of Morena's relationship with organized crime, according to what was stated by the governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo

In his official Twitter account, the Michoacan president said:

“After Lopez Obrador's visit to Badiraguato for the third time, is there any doubt about the Morena’s political party relationship with the drug traffickers, along with the fact that organized crime operated to force citizens to vote for Morena, the president's party, and its candidates? ”.

And he added:

"That is why I affirm that Morena is a narco-party and that the president is complacent, ignorant and permissive with criminal groups, who are his spoiled counterparts and allies, so we cannot allow Mexico to become a narco-state."

A week after starting his tour of the United States, the governor of Michoacán, expressed this Saturday morning a direct attack on the party of President López Obrador, reiterating that the election of Michoacán was won by the political institute through the alleged interference of organized crime.

Silvano insists: “The Morena political party is an instrument of organized crime”

In addition to having interviewed directly with the secretary of the Organization of American States (OEM), Luis Almagro, President Aureoles, met with North American media with influence in the Latin world, with whom he has emphasized that “we must not allow the next presidential election to be won by those who have a relationship with organized crime ”.

It is known that, according to what he himself expressed, next week Silvano Aureoles will attend international bodies based in the European continent. In order to demonstrate the "narco election" that he says, took place on June 6 in Michoacán.

For the context of our readers, the Michoacan governor started a route, in the National Palace, where he was not received by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and later went to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and later to the Attorney General's Office of the Republic and the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Contra Muro


  1. Morena, PRI, pan are ALL CROOKED and do the same tactics

  2. Meh. Nothing new. All political parties in Mexico play in the sandbox with organized crime.

    Expect AMLO put dirt on his predecessors.

  3. He’s not clean either but he’s right!!!

  4. Why would anyone be surprised, his relationship Guzman family. He will be a Narco President

  5. Mexico became a Narco State long before the Morena party. The PRI is a footnote of the political influence and muscle of organize crimes.
    Mother in-laws would say; "quien le gana a PRI". Political parties may have changed but the criminal activities remain. Look at former Mexico's presidents and their wealth. Guilty by association as many people know. Mexico is a Narco State.

  6. Silvano is a loose cannon for Obrador, he is going to be made disappeared, by a Cartel that is complacent with Obrador, it's a prediction.
    Yes I am GOD!

  7. Political activist like the Democrats in the USA

  8. What a Bozo! This idiot is running around the world saying, "Help! Narcos rule my state and took over the election!! Help! I'm incompetent - my state sucks and I'm responsible!!"

  9. Que no mame esa pinche lacra.

  10. Lol. This guy's a clown. You can say what you want about AMLO but check his track record. Do an inventory of all of the federal projects he's initiated. You can bring up the violence but even then he's done something to address it... now let's just say AMLO is in cahoots with the cartels, and the federal highway that is being constructed from Sinaloa to Chihuahua is a cover up, then what can be said about the other federal highways that are being constructed in other parts of Mexico? What can be said about the railroad being built from Mexico to Cancun? Are these cover ups as well? If so than atleast you can say that the mexican people are atleast benefitting from AMLO'd cooperation with the cartels in the regions where all of these projects are taking place.... la neta que Silvano Aurelos es un pendejo corrupto. Se la lleva chillando como joto mientras la gente de su estado se la pasa sufriendo.

    1. El tren maya is a big money pit, also dos trompas and the central avionera. AMLO is both in cahoots with cartels and wasting tax money on shitty projects, and stupid referendums like the one done yesterday.

    2. 2:32 He is a clown.
      What is more important getting credit for....1. Building a HWY.
      2. Fight cartel violence on innocent citizens.
      You know the answer. But you come up he is good for Hwys.
      Keep in mind last year's homicides topped 56,000
      Wait until this year ends.

    3. Benefiting? Maybe, but open to future bombings and things like that to kill rival routes. Benefit for a while... disaster waiting to happen. The ones that end up suffering, El Pueblo. Where is the benefit?

    4. @11:56 so you're telling me the people of all these isolated areas are better off driving through these unlit windy dirt roads instead of having a highway that cuts drive times by hours? Okay buddy, no benefit for the people...

      @6:43 here's the thing, AMLO is combating violence along with building highways, building learning centers, introducing social programs for low income communities, political reform. I get you tho, its a lot easier to search the negative reports than it is to find AMLOs achievements. The major mexican media outlets are a part of the political establishment that's why they try and do everything to discredit AMLO'S efforts.. you're saying last year's homicides were 56k but that's a huge exaggeration on your behalf. It's been hovering around 35K, which is still high, but if you check the yearly homicide reports from Calderons administration to the start of AMLO'S they were increasing at a rate of 10k per year. Under AMLO they have stabilized and there have been no significant yearly increases.

      @1:57 You're the type of person who always sees the Glass half empty. Nay sayer. These "shitty projects" are bringing much needed resources to low income and disenfranchised communities, everything from highways, tourism, learning institutions to financial assistance.

  11. Serious accusations against ALMO. You think the president will have Silvano wacked?

    1. Ha. Hugs & Kisses.
      A Mexican Dalai-Lama.

  12. Travelling abroad on the taxpayers money while he still has the "coat of protection" of political office, llena memorias mientras puedas que nada te llevarás.....

  13. "...we cannot allow Mexico to become a narco-state."
    That horse left the barn years ago.

    1. Yea,I laughed a soon as I read that. Mexico at least pretends it's not a narco state, where as Venezuela doesn't even bother hiding it anymore.

  14. "...we cannot allow Mexico to become a narco-state."
    That horse left the barn years ago.

  15. All parties are dirty, none is clean, but MORENA is something else, if PRI was king of the crooks, this pejistas are taking things to a whole new level, that´s why LMAO wants to give hugs instead of bullets to narcos. He´s all in, just look how MORENA won in all CDS territories.

  16. AMLO is a NARCO presidente so it's only natural to have NARCO governors

  17. AMLO is a NARCO presidente so it's only natural to have NARCO governors
    That's the reason AMLO visits badiraguato
    There ain't sh!T in that LITTLE town BUT CDS capos..
    I can't BELIEVE there is still a bunch of PENDEJOs who DON'T see that.


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