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Monday, August 2, 2021

Temixco, Morelos: Residence Is Raided In Search Of “El Señorón”

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Regarding the dissemination of an arrest warrant issued for the arrest of Francisco Javier Rodríguez Hernández, alias "Frank", "Colombiano", "XL", "Señorón" and "Señorita", a complaint was received that led to a tactical deployment by the Prosecutor's Office for the Investigation of High Impact Crimes (FIDAI), resulting in the arrest of a male in possession of a firearm and marijuana.

Through an anonymous complaint received, police were referred to the presence of the alleged generator of violence in the entity, in a home located in the Azteca neighborhood of the municipality of Temixco. Where several vehicles were observed on site and a truck in which an image with the logo that identifies the criminal group in charge of "El Señorón" was seen on one of the doors.

The report referred to the delivery of pantries with these logos, distributed in the area, so the investigative procedures were carried out by FIDAI, obtaining a search warrant.

Through the tactical intervention of agents of the Attorney General's Office (FGE) and the State Public Security Commission (CES), the property was searched and the arrest of Sergio Luis "N" of 38 years old, originally from the state of Michoacán and resident in the municipality of Temixco, was assured of a loaded .45 caliber firearm. As well as 53 small plastic bags containing marijuana.

Since July 12, the agreement was published for the delivery of up to 500,000 pesos for anyone or those who provide information that allows the arrest of Francisco Javier Rodríguez Hernández, known as the "Frank", "Colombiano", "XL", "Señorón" and / or "Señorita", who has an arrest warrant in force for homicide, in addition to being accused of the crime of criminal association.

The commitment to guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of those who report is reaffirmed, and the information received will be strictly classified as confidential, and in no case or under any circumstances will the name or data of the person or persons who provide the information be made publicly disclosed.

The information will be received at the facilities of the Prosecutor's Office for the Investigation of High Impact Crimes (FIDAI), located at Boulevard Cuauhnáhuac number 103 of the Ricardo Flores Magón neighborhood, municipality of Cuernavaca, through the email, or by the telephone number 777 773 16 22.

Crónica de Morelos


  1. 500,000 pesos x 16 pesos per the dollar = $31,250
    Do they really pay the actual reward amount? I don't think so.

  2. That's some funky lookin mota

  3. You know he was tipped OFF about the authorities going after him..
    Just like every time they go after MAYO..
    They have time to get away

    1. Not sure they even go after Mayo, honestly.

    2. 9:02 many TIMES
      He's not as powerful as you would THINK
      THERE are many stories of how they ALMOST catch MAYO..
      There's a rumor that he got caught a few months ago but they let him GO $$$$$

    3. 6:55- Good Lord. WHY capitalize words THAT don't EVEN need emphasis? I can't MAKE sense OF it.

  4. and they call that "marijuana" couldn't pay me to smoke that garbage


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