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Friday, August 6, 2021

Tepalcatepec, Michoacán: The State Is Under The Siege Of Cartels

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Several areas of the state suffer the attacks of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), which disputes the land with other criminal organizations. 

Mainly in Tepalcatepec, where they have been experiencing violent incidents for three weeks.

Video translation is as follows:

Female Newscaster: Organized crime has turned Tepalcatepec into a true battlefield.

Reporter: What does your cartel want?

Sicario: The cartel wants to take control of Tepalcatepec…

Female Newscaster: That incident happened in the middle of an interview for a conflict that has been going on for 2 weeks. That municipality and various parts of the state have suffered a siege. 

Arising out of the armed attacks that have happened by land. As well as by air from the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) that disputes with other criminal organizations the drug corridors of Tierra Caliente.

Noticias Telemundo


  1. De aya por aya nacieron mis biswellos. Connie's kitchen. Me lo muelo con native quedo. Y sangrar Haysus curo un special.

  2. I’m glad Mexico is suing American companies. That will sure change the entire siege and corruption going on in Michoacán. Also, the sky is blue

    1. So once the companies are sued, the crime in Mexico goes away, and the Cartels become sellers of tacos, so no more kidnapping, no more extortion Mr. Ajyda Mexico I really like your way of thinking.

  3. 1:13 looks like your biswellos were already smoking too much grifa...

    1. My dad injected the H. But my mom's mom who from infancy raised me whose parents were from Michoacan never had a single hit. Imagine the love I was fortunate enough to be brought up in. Before me gramps and grammy had already raised 15. Ora meh la fumo todo compa! Smoke rings flow from my mouth. Nobody gets a pass from me. I'm smoking it all. Pela meh mas guey. De piensamiento te dejo sin ganas.

  4. Those tires stacked on top of each other is nothing more than an improvised HESCO barrier. Very crude layout but just as effective nonetheless if enough tires are used.


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