Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, August 13, 2021

Zacatecas: 5 Dead Men Abandoned On Rancho Grande - Fresnillo Highway

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The dead bodies of five men were thrown on Federal Highway 49, near the junction with the Altamira community, on the Rancho Grande-Fresnillo highway .

The finding was reported to the 911 Emergency System, around 07:00 hours, when eyewitnesses observed the bodies on the treadmill.

As a result of the report, a security operation of the Metropolitan Police (Metropol) was deployed, who confirmed the presence of the five bodies lying on the road.

The bodies were wrapped in blankets and tied with clear tape; two were together and a few meters away the other three.

Therefore, the road was closed towards the Las Palmas cruise ship, since the bodies were scattered in approximately 200 meters along the federal road.

To that site that is located approximately 30 kilometers north of this municipality, the Investigation elements of the Attorney General's Office (FGJE) arrived to begin with the first investigations and protect the area for the police protocol to be carried out.

The identity of the five deceased men has not been revealed, for the moment they remain unidentified.

Police of the Caminos National Guard division took charge of closing the road while the investigation processes were being executed and the experts of the Zacatecan Institute of Forensic Sciences (IZCF) carried out the lifting of the bodies to practice the autopsy of law on each of them and achieve their identification.

NTR Zacatecas

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