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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Zacatecas: An Imposter Pretends To Be A State Police Agent

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Bea

The Secretariat of Public Security of Zacatecas (SSP) warns about a form of extortion in which a subject claims to be an element of the State Police and needs money to resolve a situation with a family case.

Through a citizen complaint, received on the Contact Line with the Office of your Secretary, it was reported that, from the telephone line 496 125 31 08, a subject makes calls indicating that he is a State Police of Zacatecas who communicates to provide support, since an alleged family member had an incident or they have him detained.

Therefore, he seeks communication so that a bank deposit is made in order to help the false relative of the probable victim.

In this sense, in compliance with one of the decrees of the Comprehensive Public Security Strategy for Zacatecas (ESPIZ). And with the commitment to implement actions to prevent these crimes, the number is presented and its dissemination is requested so that Zacatecans don’t fall into deception and are not victims of extortion.

Likewise, it is reiterated that the Ministry of Public Security doesn’t make calls and much less request money in exchange for protection, on the contrary, it urges citizens to, in case of receiving this type of call, they hang up and report immediately so that corporations can act and avoid falling into these deceptions.

With actions like this, the Secretariat of Public Security endorses the commitment to Zacatecan citizens to confront those who violate the law and damage public order; in addition, it calls for reporting crimes that hurt society through the 911 emergency number and the Contact Line with your Secretary's Office at 492 219 71 59.

Express Zacatecas


  1. I remember telling esa to have the jefes pay me. He said how much. I said whatever they decide. So here I am. Here I am. Now I demand everything and now. I just took this shit on zero. Puro poder de la gloria y Jesus de noria llegenle y sabran muerte choria. All day. All day. I am. Here.

  2. phone extortions are the most common in Mexico. low barrier of entry.

    1. Most people in Mexico don't answer a number that they don't know. Good advice !

    2. Works to this day.

  3. Lol. I get those calls all the time. It's usually some Hindu sounding MFer or a well spoken lady with a Midwest accent talking about my bank account has been jeopardized, I'm in trouble with the I.R.S and a police official will be right over to apprehend me, my vehicle warranty is up and I should press 1 to speak to a representative. Mind you this is something that occurs in the U.S. it's nothing new, don't be alarmed, just hang up and block the number.

    1. 10:31 Mijo
      In Mexico there are inmates in prison with phones and a lot of time on thier hands, they hire couriers to pickup the money at the bank, Inmates become professional at conning Innocents into sending money, by different means.
      Nigeria does it to USA, they have many trucks.

  4. Zetas or so called Zetas did that in the early 2000s

  5. BB comment section brings out the weirdest folks.

  6. I told that Reddit Caps lock kid, not to inpersonate a police officer from Mexico, now his azz is grassed. Possibly get beat up by the real cops.

    1. He deserves to get beat down, will never learn, when not to use capitals.

  7. He should have a bayonet or large knife inserted into his anus.

    Vengeful Kathi


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