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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Zapopan, Jalisco: Cartel Jalisco Hands Out Help To Flood Victims

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

On July 27 rainfall that overflowed the "El Seco" stream, in Zapopan, left 700 families injured.

Some of the neighborhoods affected by the  inrush of water are Lomas de La Primavera, Arenales Tapatíos, El Briseño, Miramar, and Campestre Los Pinos.

In response to this flood the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) has decided to show their support for the townspeople by handing out humanitarian aid. 


Informador Mx


  1. Than we kill them

  2. Can someone tell what is the weather like now in Mexico? I have no idea how climate there works. I read that it is cold right now in Brasil so that left me baffled. Here in Europe it's hot as helk so I was thinking how do these sicarios manage to survive under all this equipment and long sleeved uniforms.

    1. It depends where you live in the republic. In Jalisco our climate is very mixed. It usually rains and we have typhoons starting from June to September. From September to February it’s hot in the afternoons but chilly in the nights. From February to late May it’s a god damn inferno here, hot as hell during the days and humid and hot as hell during the nights

    2. Bro its a massive country with different elevations so to say its hot or cold is foolish.

      Seriously though there are safe places to visit despite what you read here.

      The people, the food, the beauty...come on down.

    3. Mexico is steamy hot now. If a country is south of equator it is WINTER...north is summer
      The country of South Africa is Cold right now...average 40-60 degrees this time of year. When I first moved there in. the month of July, I was the only one in shorts and t-shirt, everyone else in jackets. Chilly

    4. The southern part of North American isn’t that hot right now. Probably will be by the end of the month. Here in Southern California it’s still not that hot but I know by the end of August is when all the fires go crazy and the sky turns grey from all the smoke.

    5. Winter to countries south of equator. Australia hot season in Dec

  3. They'll just ask for money later

  4. CDS cant even keep a elementary school open. Thank God for CJNG

  5. CDS cant even keep a elementary school open. Thank God for CJNG

  6. Nothing is FREE
    Their kids will be the NEXT, new, NEW generation CARTEL..
    Just saying..

    1. Young kid delete just saying you already stating a comment.

  7. Lmao after they terrorize the state

  8. Them Cartels in Mexico give-out stuff to feel good about themselves..... OK fine!!!!! BUT DONT GIVE OUT items EQUIVALENT TO THISE AT .99CENT STORES IN THE good ole’ USA.

    1. They don't buy the stuff given away, they steal it from cargo trucks.

  9. CJNG: "Yeah...sorry we kidnapped, tortured and executed your loved one just to make a propaganda video, but here's a new bed. We good?"

  10. Jaliscas making too much noise and those gifts wont change anything.

  11. Why are they asking for the residents name and writing it down if they receive something from them? (Second video).

  12. Meanwhile the f*cking government won't spend a single cent 🤬

  13. Imagine being given a gift basket and the cartel says “ your in debt to us now or we’ll kill you” I feel bad for Mexico

    1. Stop feeling bad for Mexico, or you will enter a depression with anxiety disorders.

  14. Puros muebles robados al los pobres comerciantes. This is a joke

  15. All for propaganda, in costumes yelling, videotaping

  16. Given the sociologically tribal nature of Human beings I sometimes wonder what the split is between a genuine desire to help 'their' people and pure propaganda in situations like these.

    It would be curious to know what percentage of families benefitted by these supposed charity runs are the families of sicarios or halcones versus regular citizenry.

  17. Hands out, only to kill them later.

  18. Puros catres con colchones de a 500 pesos de bodega aurrera. Hubieran regalado minimo unos colchones serta

  19. They should go to the real poor neighborhoods and do their propaganda videos there.

  20. The goods they deliver are obtained illegally, so this is quite the show. Hand me the popcorn!!

  21. I have read a similar story. It goes like this; Said the Serpent to Eve, "Here, have an apple".

  22. Those folks are trading their youth and offspring for $30 dollar beds. Pobre gente!

  23. Hugs Kisses thoughts prayers . Glad I could do my part . I love to help its the least I can do .

  24. Can someone explain to me how they have time to do this! Where are the cops, GN, marina lo que sea

  25. Another propaganda video from Mayo’s ex employee and now the employee of Los Cuini aka Mencho.

  26. Meanwhile CDS keeps killing WOMEN and CHILDREN in SONORA


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