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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Acámbaro, Guanajuato: Two Corpses Abandoned At A Elementary School

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Two dismembered corpses were abandoned outside Benito Juárez Elementary School in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, the school staff decided to cancel classes.

The finding occurred around 4:30 when two passers-by found the remains and reported what happened to the Emergency Center. Municipal Police agents arrived at the site, who corroborated the report and proceeded with cordoning off the area to report to the ministerial authorities.

Therefore, the circulation on Matamoros Street was closed to the corner of Abasolo, an area that is monitored by security elements to prevent passage. Parents, who took their children to the school, met with the mobilization in the vicinity of the campus. The agents informed them that there would be no classes as a result of the finding.

On site are elements of the Attorney General's Office (FGE) of Guanajuato and experts specialized in homicides carrying out the preliminary investigations into the facts.

The State of Guanajuato has positioned itself as one of the most dangerous entities in the country, according to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, it is among the five states with the highest crime incidence in 2021.

From January to July of this year, 1,800 people have been killed in Guanajuato, remaining the state with the most victims of this crime in Mexico.

Señor SDR

El Capitalino


  1. Another day another savage act. Including schools in the body part dumping ground that is Mexico. Let’s stand in solidarity and March unarmed through the streets and demand the elite and government take action. I guess prepping the next generation of sex trafficking victims and cannon fodder targets. Poor kids and parents of the kids. The schools that elite, politicians, and crime bosses kids go to….are those particular schools also body part dumping grounds? Oh wait…. I guarantee there are armed bodyguards providing protection to those schools and kids.. guns for me NOT THEE is the saying.

    1. De Whitey I hear ya make good tacos de carne asada,I will take 4 with Green chili, with Horchata.

  2. I believe CU is deep in these parts supplying Csrl with jale azul

  3. That gang of MARRO doesn't give up
    Dumb ass hell because they are against a cartel but at least they should know they ain't you g to last as sicarios

  4. No a apuro. ACA las escuelas publicas donde mandan sus ninios mocosos mientras que los parientes trabajan se andan despedasando. Solo va salir un ninio formal de gradacion. Para seguir pelandose la solo. You have no idea what the pandemic has done for my kids. I gotta bunch'uh mothafucking valedictorians rolling in.

  5. No a apuro. ACA las escuelas publicas donde mandan sus ninios mocosos mientras que los parientes trabajan se andan despedasando. Solo va salir un ninio formal de gradacion. Para seguir pelandose la solo. You have no idea what the pandemic has done for my kids. I gotta bunch'uh mothafucking valedictorians rolling in.


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