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Friday, September 10, 2021

Ensenada, Baja California: FGR Seizes 10.8 Tons Of Chemical Precursors In Warehouse

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A warehouse with 10.8 tons of chemical precursors was seized during a search completed by agents of the Attorney General's Office (FGR).

In a statement, the FGE announced that elements of the National Guard located a warehouse in the Carlos Pacheco neighborhood, after an anonymous complaint, where various chemicals were stored.

The officers prepared an Approved Police Report and presented it to the Federal Public Ministry, which requested an investigation technique before the judge and when processing the proceedings, the elements of the Federal Ministerial Police located the following:

• Sodium hydroxide, 2 tons 750 kilograms

• Tarctic acid, 3 tons 151 kilograms.

• Lead Acetate Trihydrate, 4 tons 800 kilograms.

• Methamphetamine hydrochloride, 10 kilos 950 grams.

• Azobisisobutyronitrol (AIBN), 118 kilos 800 grams.

• Methyl alcohol, 3,160 liters.

• Acetone, 4,600 liters.

• N-methylformamide, 1,200 liters.

In total, 10 tons were seized 830 kilos 750 grams and 8,900 liters of various chemicals.

The seizure was made available to the Federal Public Ministry, which integrates an investigation kit against anyone responsible for a crime against health.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. 10.8 tons. Just sitting around. Collecting dust. Waiting for the chemist! Para meniarla en el monte. A que mandarles el Veneno que queren. Porque obviously they got something they can't stir the pot with. A que ser una sopa para los que no pueden. A que reglar un hambre. Y llenar los todos pa cagar. Peso minimo pa gastar. Acabense lo todo. One great big ole smoke out. To tout. Mexico bowl clout.

  2. 10.8 tons. Just sitting around. Collecting dust. Waiting for the chemist! Para meniarla en el monte. A que mandarles el Veneno que queren. Porque obviously they got something they can't stir the pot with. A que ser una sopa para los que no pueden. A que reglar un hambre. Y llenar los todos pa cagar. Peso minimo pa gastar. Acabense lo todo. One great big ole smoke out. To tout. Mexico bowl clout.

  3. Great I got the recipe 👍 to make drugs, I still have to think of a name for my Cartel, where gonna be some bad azzes. We will conquer Tijuana.


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