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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Jerez, Zacatecas: Authorities Dismantle 2 Organized Crime Narco Camps

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

They were located by state police and Army personnel in the Sarabia and Villa Hermosa communities

The members of the State Peace and Security Construction Table located and dismantled, in communities of the municipality of Jerez, two camps used by organized crime groups.

While continuing with operations and actions that allow to recover tranquility in communities of Jerez, elements of the State Preventive Police (PEP), personnel of the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) and National Guard, when carrying out surveillance and deterrence of crime on a dirt road between the Sarabia and Villa Hermosa communities, located two settlements used as camps by members of criminal groups.

In different points, they located the sites that, due to their characteristics and findings, correspond to camps used by a criminal group, which were abandoned upon the arrival of police personnel.

These points were located between hills, shrubs and groves: one with a capacity for 10 people and the second for up to 60 people. In them there were blankets, clothes, kitchen instruments, food and supplies for their stay.

For the above reasons, the camps and objects were destroyed in order to prevent their reuse.

With actions like this, it was indicated, the members of the State Peace and Security Construction Table endorse their commitment to continue joining the National Security Strategy to recover the tranquility of Zacatecan families.

Express Zacatecas

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