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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

El Pezón, Leader Of The Los Metros Coup Against El Primito, Allegedly Killed in Tamaulipas

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

It is being rumored online that El Pezón, a leader of an uprising within the Gulf Cartel (Cartel del Golfo, CDG) group Los Metros, was killed sometime yesterday. The only photo alleged to depict the incident shows Army (SEDENA) soldiers in a nearby truck. 

Los Metros is a subgroup of CDG which is Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generation (CJNG) allied. The leader of Los Metros’ stronghold of the city of Reynosa is believed to be Miguel Ángel Álvarez Campos, alias “El M54” or “El Metro-54”.

Meanwhile their leader for the area of “La Frontera Chica”, or “La Ribereña”, a region in northern Tamaulipas along the US-Mexico border, is believed to be César Morfín Morfín, alias “El Primito”, “El M300”, or “El Metro-300”. 

As a basic overview of the Los Metros internal conflict, on one side there is a group led by “El Primito” versus another side led by “El Flaco Sierra” and “El Pezón”. El Primito is believed to have recently suffered the loss of two lieutenants “Comandante Sánchez” and “Comandante Leno”, both widely believed to have been killed by armed men working for the El Flaco Sierra and El Pezón. 

Then another Los Metros lieutenant José Alfredo Hernández Campos, alias “El Calamardo”, was found dead on September 3, 2021. His death was allegedly due to an encounter with Army (SEDENA) soldiers. There is still some confusion surrounding whether Calamardo and Primito were on good terms at the time of his death and whether El Primito was involved in orchestrating Calamardo’s death. 

For further details on the conflict between El Primito and Sierra Flaco/Pezón, as well as an overview of each person’s personal history, please see this previous story

On social media sites such as Twitter it is currently being reported that one of the two leaders of the internal uprising against El Primito, who goes by the alias El Pezón (meaning “The Nipple”), was found dead. 

Some of the online rumors right now assert that it was members of El Pezón and El Sierra Flaco’s own side in the dispute that killed El Pezón. So far there is no evidence to support this claim, but it is worth mentioning what is currently being discussed, regardless of the rumors veracity. 

In the only currently available photo allegedly showing the event, a vehicle with SEDENA soldiers can be seen nearby. 

Whether the soldiers were merely called to check on the report of the discovery of a dead body or whether they were involved in the homicide is unknown at this time. However, considering the controversy still surrounding SEDENA’s involvement in El Calamardo’s death, their presence may stir up some speculation about northern Tamaulipas SEDENA soldiers possibly colluding with El Primito. 

When it comes to different government agencies, especially in states of heavy conflict such as Michoacán and Tamaulipas, it is often speculated as to which cartel each government agency is loyal to.

For example when La Droga was arrested in early September 2021, there was discussion over the Special Operations Group (GOPES) being more loyal to the Los Ciclones Matamoros faction than the Los Espartanos faction.

As of the writing of this story however, the dominant belief of social media users seems to be that SEDENA was not involved in the death of El Pezon, and that it was done by Pezon’s own men. 

Updates to follow and be added to the story as new information (hopefully) comes out throughout the day.

Sources: El Guzman, Andre Aguilar

Further Reading: 

El Primito vs El Pezón & El Flaco Sierra in La Frontera Chica, Tamps

Leaks From National Guard Database Expose Gulf Cartel Kingpins

Los Metros vs CDN Battle Leaves At Least 4 Dead in General Bravo, Nuevo León


  1. El Primito is #1 and jefe supremo within Metros R8 is #2. After el choco died he remained at the top.
    Theres audio of Primitos ppl tell pezons men to stop with the BS that thdy are wrong and to give up already becuz its a lost cause. He says its no problems its a dead issue if they choose to come back with primito and then says they dont wanna have to kill anyone because they are all one and they are being led in the wrong.
    This was after they basically surrounded all of them and before they knew Pezon had actually died in a confrontation.
    And yes SEDENA is colluded with Los Metros, they have been for a while. Its widley believed that Primito bought the commander of the battalion there. And as for Gopes it is also specualted that they are or were with el Contador. Tbh it seems alot changed after CDV was put on front street and Vaquero was atrested. All that is for damn certain is Gopes are Anti-CDN. GOPES were and are practically CDV armed wing. They are knosn to extort drug traffickers, migrant crossers and migrants themselves. They tax businesses and just about anything they can .

  2. Tiene el apoyo de Mencho hora si Golfo pa arriba


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