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Monday, September 13, 2021

Mexico City: Organized Crime Kidnapper Sentenced To 542 Years

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

He was held fully responsible for organized crime and the commission of kidnapping. 

The Attorney General's Office (FGR), through the Specialized Prosecutor's Office on Organized Crime (FEMDO), obtained a conviction of 542 years in prison against a person for the crimes of organized crime (suspicion of kidnapping) and aggravated kidnapping.

On August 31, 2021, the Second District Court of Federal Criminal Procedures in the State of Mexico, based in Toluca, issued a conviction of 542 years in prison and a fine of 28,331 days against Jesús "V", considering him fully responsible for the commission of the crimes referred to.

The sentenced person is credited with being a member of a criminal organization dedicated to kidnapping that operated mainly in the then Federal District and the State of Mexico, uninterruptedly at least between September 2007 and June 2010.

Based on the elements provided by the Agent of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), attached to the FEMDO, both in the investigation and in the corresponding process, his participation in at least 10 acts of kidnapping committed against 10 victims was proven.

As a precedent on July 17, 2010, criminal proceedings were brought against detainee Jesús "V", for the crimes in question; the next day, the Judge in the case granted the arrest warrant for the solicited charges, which was completed on July 21 of the same year. The criminal is interned in the Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation number 4 "Noreste", based in El Rincón, Nayarit

Express Zacatecas


  1. The MF is convicted and his face is still covered. He will serve over 500 years in prison. I wish I can live to 700 years lol.


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