Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, September 20, 2021

Michoacán: Terrorist Attacks, The New Strategy Of The CJNG

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The inhabitants of the region have been left in the middle of the dispute and without police or military assistance.

In its advance to take over the Tierra Caliente region in Michoacán, the CJNG initiated a new strategy: through drones it carries out bombings on rural communities, whose inhabitants flee in terror, leaving large areas used for drug trafficking available. 

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) is a king itself owner of the territory of Tierra Caliente, in Michoacán. Aguililla, Coalcomán, Tepalcatepec, among other places, have been the scene of a dispute of more than just a drug trafficking route for weeks.

The objective is total control of the territory and its population, which lives besieged by the constant clashes between the CJNG and Cárteles Unidos, a criminal organization formed by the Nueva Familia Michoacana, the Viagras, he Knights Templar and the Tepalcatepec Cartel.

The inhabitants of the region have been left in the middle of the dispute and without police or military assistance, despite the fact that the Army and the National Guard have facilities near the area.

In its unstoppable expansion through Michoacán territory, CJNG is seizing the communities of the municipality of Tepalcatepec, through constant aerial bombardments carried out with drones that launch powerful explosives on the defenseless rural population.

These terrorist attacks are the innovative advance strategy of the criminal organization, since they cause the inhabitants to flee in fear so that later the armed hitmen enter the empty communities by land, gradually seizing this important drug route located in the so-called Tierra Caliente, adjacent to Jalisco and Colima.

To save their lives, the thousands of expelled residents take refuge mainly in the municipal seat - already practically besieged by the cartel -, emigrate to other states or flee to the northern border with the intention of entering the United States as political asylum seekers, victims of a humanitarian crisis of great proportions.

"Here in Michoacán the conflict is spreading: first it was in Aguililla and now it is in Tepalcatepec, where crime groups have already strangled the population," says the bishop of Apatzingán, Cristóbal Ascencio García, worriedly.

El Mañana

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  1. Why are empty villages needed? Are there thousands of shameless sicarios living in the abandoned homes with assembly lines of drug packaging? The poor people and worse the animals left behind starving to death.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. With an empty village there is no need to distinguish between friend and foe.

    2. Can girl, I have wondered the same and 11:16 makes a good point. There was a camera crew interviewing somebody from one crew in a now deserted town. The guy being interviewed was adamant that the entire village supported the 'others'. Strewn about were swing sets and kids stuff...not to mention the wandering pets. For an idea of the small size of some of these places Coalcoman's population was just 18,000.
      Also, how long has the fight for Menchos hometown (trafficking routes and a HUGE port for chemical import/finished product export been going on? I saw BB articles discussing it back in 2010. I think there have been many rivalries in this state as it's so valuable, even before the whole CJNG, dating back before Villareal clan. Can anyone clarify? Tough question, I know, but how long have people been fighting over the state of Michocan? Ms. H

  2. While many people die, the governor being on the Cartel payroll does nothing, next in command Obradors cabinet does nothing, yes even though there is a military base closeby, the Army is not dispatched, they stay busy playing cards, video games.

    1. Dude the Mex government is the mother of all cartels. No cartel in Mex does business without first paying piso to the government officials, their families and their cronies!

    2. Unknown it's no wonder they have their Military at stand down position. So it's true the government cares less about the citizens. Concenquenty it's the citizens that are forced by the Cartels to give up money by extortion, ransom which goes to bribe the government by the Cartel.

    3. @11:43
      When has the Mexican government cared for its citizens? This could easily be suppressed if the intention was there from the president of Mexico. Yet nothing has been remotely displayed to say otherwise by Mexico's government.

      The ineptitude of this government has only made its coffers wealthy.

    4. 1:54 @ he/she did put in the government cares less, why you say opposite, you know what cares less mean! Yes I agree the government is enpt.

    5. @1:54 please explain to us how this could be easily suppressed. I wanna see how your simple solution resolves a complex situation.

  3. Didn't CU start with the drone bombs? Perhaps CJNG is akin to terrorists, but aren't both combatant groups herein using this technique?

    1. No? I mean maybe but I’m pretty sure CJNG is the cartel most associated with drone attacks.

    2. Drones have been used before the Michoacan war. If you google Guanajuato Drone attacks youll find that they were used by cjng to fly into cars for high priority executions. If im not mistaken the first time i read about Cartels using drones this way was in 2015 but do not remember which cartel. Cartels began using drones to fly drugs over the border in small amounts a while back so one can assume that the idea of strapping explosives to drones for attacks isnt entirely new. Just becoming more and more popular and more and mote public. For one, with a deone attack you minimize the danger of having your sicarios injured in firefights and cqc and it can be used for more than one person

      To say its only CJNG doing this like the article intends to potray is wrong. CU does the same thing only they do it where cjng has taken control like Aguililla and Aguaje for example.
      Both sides to this war are doing mamadas and alot of times they do it falsey claiming the other cartels name. Because for one, if you go extort X amount businesses and get X amount of $$ you get X amount of money for your cause, your enemies name is run through the mud and you may gain support for the people. Most cartels do this when entering a new zone.

    3. @2:08


    5. 2:08 BB is not pro CU. They are just a news outlet bringing real news about cartels to English readers nothing more nothing less.

    6. @ matazetas666 please by all means keep running yo mouth. it’s just a matter of time before i uncover who you really are with that new account of yours.

    7. Matazettas, your ignorance of this site is showing as well as lack of critical thinking skills. BB along with most other readers and commenters know that all of these cartels are complete and utter douche bag scum. There may be brief moments where one group is doing a better job portraying their propaganda to the general public, but most readers quickly learn to see through this bullshit. With your name, it's painfully obvious you are a desperate individual attempting to find your identity wearing your football teams color. Wise up, prick. Sincerely, h

    8. SOSAP7G,Thanks for that info. This is the stuff that makes some of the comments worth reading. I take it all with a grain of salt as truth is nearly impossible to extract in this game, but I really appreciate it when somebody comes along and takes the time with something I didn't know. Yeah, yeah,before I'm crucified by anyone I realize this isnt all gospel truth but I appreciate the insight. Ms.h

  4. Someone please tell me why they are not labeled terrorist groups this article itself uses the word terror what am I missing here in Mexico what what's going on this is just too much for anyone to believe but it's true

    1. Political reasons are why the Americans have yet labeled them as such. Added with the pressure of Mexico's government for them not to do so.
      It's baffling to see the same tactics and behavior that others terrorists are labeled compared to these groups.

    2. Despite this article’s headline, it’s still not technically terrorism. This is violence for territory/money/routes. To be “terrorism” it would have to be violence over specific policies like extradition which is why Escobar was a true narcoterrorist. This is quasi-terrorism at most.

    3. USA should be labeled terrorist with their drone attacks killing innocents🤷🏻‍♂️

    4. Michael Jackson was a child predator. It’s nice to know u glorify that u fit right in with the cartel cheer leaders who in their cheering glorify the mass rape killing of the Mexican females! Disgusting. The fucking USA can drone whomever in the fuck they want!! Whose gonna stop em? Nobody!! Every country is on the USA tit!

    5. Ahh Billy Da Jean
      Common give us a break, every one wants the American dream to come live. Just this weekend 9,000 hatians were in Texas went through the Border.

    6. Billy Jean da whitey coyote is saying you blend with child molester?

  5. Looks like CU has officially infiltrated BB

    1. Hey lay off the meth Billy Da Jean.

    2. 1:14 exactly my thoughts..
      Either way, those bums from viagras and coward @$$ ABUELO are on their way out of michoacan 😆
      All the propaganda videos, sending their sisters, mothers and girlfriends to cry for government help ain't going to change a damn thing..

  6. Whitey E. Coyote
    Taco Tuesday tacos are supposed to run a Dollar, why 3,00 size did not get bigger. Your over priced dude.

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