Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, September 13, 2021

Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua: La Línea Unleashes Gunfire On The Military

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Alleged criminals shot at Mexican Army personnel, who saw the need to open fire to fight the criminals, leaving one person dead and two more arrested

During the early hours of Monday, September 13, an armed confrontation was recorded in the municipality of Nuevo Casas Grandes, where alleged criminals fired on Mexican Army personnel, who saw the need to open fire to fight the criminals, leaving one person dead and two more arrested.

The events occurred on Benito Juárez Avenue and Durango Street, in the Nogalera neighborhood, where the confrontation between members of organized crime and the Mexican military arose.

According to the official report of the events, elements of the Ministry of National Defense were patrolling the area when they were assaulted by armed subjects of the group identified as La Línea, which left a toll of one person dead, two more people arrested as well as the seizure of weapons, vehicles and tactical equipment insured.

In the armed attack, an element of the Sedena lost his life, it was also possible to arrest two members of the criminal group La Línea, identified as R. R. G. of 25 years old and E. S. A., 24, it is mentioned that some armed civilians injured by firearms managed to escape in the confrontation.

The following items were seized:

• Three long weapons.

• Three plates carriers with their plates.

• Three kevlar helmets.

• A black Chevrolet Tahoe vehicle.

• An Orange Hummer HR vehicle with gray.

• A white Volkswagen Vento vehicle.

It should be noted that the two men were brought before the Public Ministry, to continue with the legal procedures, in addition Elements of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), have completed work to strengthen security, as well as preserve order and public peace.

An operation was implemented by the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), in order to locate the whereabouts of the members of the criminal group La Línea who managed to escape in the armed confrontation.

El Heraldo de Chihuahua

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  1. Should have shot the remaining suspects, Brazilian style.
    Suspects robbing a bank or shooting at police don't live they are killed by the police.

    1. Brazil ain't got shit on mexico

    2. 523 no comprende, we know Brazil is not Mexico, what hevor she is stating that Mexico soldiers should kill LIKE they do in Brazil kapech.

    3. Philipines presidente and drug addict rodrigo duterte has been murdering cheap broke ass people who "looks like drug addicts" for years, looks like impunity is their own bitch's name...

  2. Ncdj far from done they still receive orders from los carrillos

    1. Los carrillos also received support from damaso and mochomito. I wonder how all this is going to play out now that mochomito is back in the game

    2. His pops was the contact wonder if hes gonna bring la Mochomera back

  3. comandante lacra de nada sirve que quieras comentar. ya adivinamos quien eres inútil. jaja.

  4. Soldiers should shoot after fired upon shoot first ask questions later take no prisoners problem solved.

    1. What you don't understand is Obrador doesn't want to go down with any massacres or human rights violations under his legacy. I think its a Longshot but I believe AMLO is seriously going for a Nobel Peace Prize.


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