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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Reynosa, Tamaulipas: K1 Threatens César Morfín aka El Primito

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat  

An enforcer for the Cartel del Noreste (CDN) known as K1 sends out a threat against César Morfín aka El Primito.

A narco message attributed to K1 was initially reported back in February 2020 after a male was found executed in the Loma Alta neighborhood. 

César Morfín, aka El Primito is supposedly allied with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG)

Audio message translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: There’s talk that this shit is over. But it’s quite the contrary, quite the contrary. Now the fucking devils have awoken. Straight from the bowels of hell. You gang of bitch ass faggots. 

Sicario #2: Faggot Jaliscos. 

Sicario #1: It does you piece of shit Jalisco gunmen no good to turn off your radios. I have more than enough radios. 

Sicario #2: The Jalisco…

Sicario #1:  Primo, R8 and the rest of you faggots can all go fuck your mothers. You guys can go fuck yourselves. I’m going to kick you the fuck out of Tamaulipas. Because the state of Tamaulipas belongs to us and not to you guys. 

Sicario #3 on radio: That’s right. This here terrain fucking belongs to CDN Zetas!

Sicario #1: Thats right. It sure does…

Reynosa Código Rojo


  1. It's getting real now
    Cdn feels the heat..
    Let's get ready to rrruummmbbbllllllleeeeeee!!!!!!!!

  2. Nothing like a little positive reinforcement . Its funny though how they consider themselves better then the other guys when in reality they are all the same piece of shit just in a different location . I would love to see how tough these guys really were if the general populace were to arm themselves and actually go head to head with these parasitic bastards . Itll take something of that nature to make change I believe I also believe nothing will change until the corrupt politicals are dealt with from the top down .

  3. Nothing like a little positive reinforcement . Its funny though how they consider themselves better then the other guys when in reality they are all the same piece of shit just in a different location . I would love to see how tough these guys really were if the general populace were to arm themselves and actually go head to head with these parasitic bastards . Itll take something of that nature to make change I believe I also believe nothing will change until the corrupt politicals are dealt with from the top down .

    1. Chin blaster? Was your nick name Devin or Gordon before? Just wondering what you think about the video

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Pretty sure cds is feeding cdn glass now too

    1. Yea, funny how CDS is now clicked up with that shitty cartel

    2. Cdn has no allegiance to any cartel theyre the most hated group outside jaliscas

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thats how they talk in tamaulipas and the rio grande valley. Tell them fucking jaliscas to go fuck themselves all jaliscas all michoacanos are getting ran put of reynosa and the frontera chica

  8. Yep 7:57 is scared, he is peeing himself, and crying about nothing.

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