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Thursday, September 9, 2021

Tijuana, Baja California: Hitman Executes Father Next To His Son

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Hidalgo Market Merchants Union regrets the events and joins the petition to stop the violence in our city

The video of the moment in which a man was killedinside a commercial premises of the Hidalgo Market was unofficially revealed.

The images show how a young man wearing a white sweatshirt approaches the victim and shoots him at close range without caring that he was with his youngest son.

The merchants of the Hidalgo Market clarified that the victim is not an employee of the site.

So far no person has been arrested for this crime.

The man killed in the market was followed there

UPDATE: After the murder of a man inside the Hidalgo Market, the Union of merchants of the site clarifies that the victim took refuge there because he was being followed by the criminal.

Also, they clarified that the deceased didn’t work in the place nor does he have any relationship with the merchants.

On the other hand, the Hidalgo Market will provide the Baja California Attorney General's Office with any request they make for the corresponding investigations.

The Hidalgo Market Merchants Union regrets the events and joins in the petition to stop the violence in our city.

Warning: Graphic Video

El Blog de Los Guachos

Alfredo Alvarez


  1. What a coward, shooting an unarmed citizen in the back, poor kid no longer has a father.

  2. Ahh the great things that come along with gun control! Criminal has one, dad doesn’t! Mexico is fucking pathetic! Tell me again how common sense gun control works! Tell me again how less guns in Mexico is the answer. Tell me again how the Mexican citizens need to rely on the government for protection. Tell me again it’s USA fault and not the cowardly criminal who did this. Tell me again how u know what the fuck ur talking about gun control fuckheads!

    1. Da whitey coyote, you think cussing makes you a big man. Try a normal comment and people would respect you more. Also direct your uncontrolled road rage anger towards Obrador and his government por favor.

    2. Whitey gringo take it easy breathe in, breathe out, breathe in.

    3. We don’t swear in my house, or at least try not to. No swearing does not make me a big man, even though I am one. However, it is nearly impossible when reading this devastation. What’s a few swear words when there is a genocide taking place? And I don’t exhibit road rage when I drive. However, I am ready for any road rage incident that would attempted to be inflicted upon me. I don’t need respect. I know poncho the truth is a tough pill to swallow . I’m still dead right and u know it!

    4. Even if the dad had a rocket launcher, he was hit from the back. Absolutely no possible way of defending that.Using gun control and political issues, over this truly sad event, is pathetic and disgusting.

    5. Ur refusal to read the article is pathetic and disgusting! It clearly states he took refuge in the store! Only a gun control idiot would include gun control and political issues in the same sentence. The God given right to protect oneself and family is a divine right! Not a political issue! Once again I have completely dominated the discussion. Why? Because history and future will continue to prove me correct! My arguments and stances aren’t some rage filled blinding verbal diarrhea. Much careful research, life experiences, and READING have formed my correct positions.
      READ D2242! Read..

    6. Blame whitey sounds like a deranged sissy, yes it is The united states faults your goddamn right it's your fault, your drug addicted nation funds the crime happening in Mexico to a tune of 35 billion dollars a year, so go suck on a pacifier and STFU already whitey

    7. Hey whitey, even if he would have defended himself theyveere goingbto kill him either way. If anything they would have killed his son in the cross fire..
      It's cartels against cartels, they don't kill just to kill like mass murderers in the U.S that kill because they are bored or depressed..
      Point blank on the back of the head is cartel related..
      these cartel sicarios are going to kill each other like gang bangers in Chicago every day.
      It's not innocent people getting killed..
      I know you love guns but that's not the solution..
      The solution is to get rid of cartels and the problem will be solved. Of course that would never happen because Of the profit..
      The u.s has gun rights but a high murder rate.
      Places like Japan are safe and the guns are illegal.
      Just like many other places in the world

  3. Heartbreaking. I will never be able to wrap my head around any of this hellishness. And, the poor little boy.

  4. There's a mobile command unit usually stationed less than a block away, sometimes it's near the border or at intersection by Cuauthemoc statue, along with permanent patrol units at literally all intersections of Zona Rio. This hit was allowed to happen. Scary because I also shop at that market and specifically at that store.

    1. Me too I live a block away.
      I had gotten off the fwy to off ramp, This man had a placard like a Manta,it said displaced by CJNG. He wanted money, I pull forward he follows, I move back he follows, hell the light was taking a year to change to Green.My gun is next to me, I was ready, but then the light turned green, boy was I relieved.

    2. Absllutley right. That area is "blindada" but people still die around their. Any info on who was the victim?

  5. The sad question is Who really was the dad? That was a legit sanctioned hit municipales are usually stationed about a block away. El papa adversido un pez grande. Poor child

    1. Bulldoggie that means if I go the store, I have to watch my back, I didn't do illegal stuff, but I am sure, they can still kill me for mistaken identity.

    2. @7:58 the game is rigged against normal average Joe citizens. It's a horrible truth. You can live life free and happy but in the end going by statistics we all technically become victims of a crime no matter how small or big its just life. What breaks my heart is that a child witnessed such a horrific incident seriously esos cabrones no tienen madre.

    3. 9:35 your right that kid will never forget how his father died.Kids that age need thier parents. He might grow up to hate criminals and his way to avenge his father's death,is by joining the military after high school,then the national guard to kill criminals.

  6. Replies
    1. 10:45 - Most definitely not a "paisa hood". That specific Mercado Hidalgo is in a very nice part of Zona Rio, next to a dentist, pharmacy and close to a high-end shopping mall. This is the bad thing about Tijuana, right now - The murders have now crept into good neighborhoods like Chapultapec, Zona Rio and Sanchez Taboada, a opposed to dirt-roaded, poor-ass places as before.

    2. Mr. Unknown you seem to know a lot about Tijuana, you live there? If you do, I don't know how you would survive? Are you able to sleep at night?

    3. @12:45 if 2 million people can live, survive and sleep in tijuana I'm sure 1 more person there wouldn't be any much different than the rest.

  7. Even if he was armed he never saw it coming. Some comments are getting as ridiculous as the people writing them.

    1. That's what I call a cold blooded murder, especially being shot from the back.

  8. Know the store. Akways go their. What a Coward.


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