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Sunday, September 26, 2021

UIF Seeks To Recover 250 Million Dollars "Stolen From The Government Of Mexico" By García Luna

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The unit details that the assets are derived from a large illegal hiring scheme in the national security and defense sector, related to the former secretary; list of other defendants.

The Government of Mexico, through the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, filed a civil complaint with the Court of Miami, Florida, in the United States, in order to recover properties and assets that Genaro García Luna, former secretary of Public Security during the six-year term of Felipe Calderón, would have acquired.

"The plaintiff seeks to recover at least 250 million dollars stolen from the government of Mexico by his former Secretary of Public Security [Minister of Public Security] GENARO GARCÍA LUNA ("GARCÍA LUNA") and his co-conspirators who hid the funds stolen from the government of MEXICO and the proceeds thereof and hindered their recovery by washing the product in transferring the funds stolen outside Mexico to bank accounts in Barbados, the United States and elsewhere," reads the document presented in Miami on September 21.

The FIU details that the assets are derived from a large illegal contracting scheme in the national security and defense sector, related to the former secretary.

He details that this first legal action is filed in Miami, since "it is the place where a significant number of companies and properties associated with the acts of political corruption and money laundering that make up the litigation were identified."

"The action filed covers 39 companies and trusts belonging to Genaro García Luna, his accomplices and / or relatives, which according to the lawsuit are located or have operations in Florida and own properties acquired with money derived from an illegal contracting scheme."

The document mentions as defendants, in addition to García Luna, Linda Cristina Pereyra de García, his wife; partners Mauricio Samuel Weinberg López, Jonathan Alexis Weinberg Pinto, Sylvia Donna Pinto de Weinberg (wife), Natan Wancier Taub, José Francisco Niembro Gónzález, Martha Virginia Nieto Guerrero de Niembro (wife).

Also the companies Nunvav, Nunvav Technologies, Gult Holding Enterprises, Glac Security, Technology, Risk Management, Reynolds LLC, Century LLC, Sigb LLC, Penn II, LLC, Assets Financing Services LLC, ASW Holdings LLC, Awoffice Inc, AWP Village Bay II LLC, Bellini Wi 1501 Corp, Best Friends Midtown LLC, Best Friends since 1880 LLC, Delta Integrator LLC, GL & Associates Consultuing.

Former Mexican Secretary of Security from 2006 to 2012.

Genaro García Luna, was arrested in the Texan town of Grapevine and accused of corruption in December 2019.

In a statement, the attorney of the Eastern District of New York, Richard P. Donoghue, established that García Luna received millionaire bribes in exchange for allowing the Sinaloa Cartel to operate.

Aristegui Noticias


  1. The Weinbergs got their fingers deep in several cookie jars! I am surprised that it allowed to become public, but suspect there will be a lot hush-hush to come

  2. It’s safe to assume while he was plundering and pillaging he did so under armed security and armored cars. Meanwhile, the average and poor citizens of Mexico are raped and killed at a genocidal rate not seen in the Western Hemisphere.
    All the while the cartels who are ALL serial rapists and killers are glorified! Fuck the law arm yourself Mexican citizens. If u don’t have the money steal rob or kill to get it in order to protect ur loved ones.
    It seems the gun control fucks are the same ones who suck off the elites and are all liberal fucks!!

    1. You're a nut job. You're suggesting people Rob and kill in order to protect themselves. You're asking people to engage in the same activities as the criminals. Think about that pendejo...Do the world a favor and don't ever come out of your basement.

    2. Whitey Coyote
      What's up man ya ranting and raving?
      How's the taco business going?
      Say out of trouble.

  3. One of the main partners of Genarco Garcia Luna and probably the boss behind all his crimes is Carlos Slim Helu, his brother Julian was a commander in the DFS and worked with miguel Nazar Haro, fighting communism through drug trafficking, stealing cars on the US, disappearing Falsos Positivos after torturing them into death for their own crimes, ended dealing drugs with the Guadalajara cartel whose members used to have DFS Charolas valid on the US, like amado Carrillo Fuentes and Rafael Aguilar Guajardo, used until they got murdered betrayed by their own allies in government, but slim always knew to buy politicos to get rich instead of being one himself...that how he got to be the world's richest for a while.

  4. 250 million dollars or pesos? That’s a lot of cash to go unnoticed

  5. 2:55 the US spent about 36 billion dollars on their war ON drugs at 3 billion per year during the FECAL and the EPN regimes and had been spending money during the FOX and Zedillo presidents AND genarco was involved on all of that for 24 years, and he still owns a lot of businesses in Mèxico through others like his sister and Luis Cardenas Palomino and carlos slim helu and many many other partners.
    250 million dollars is just part of his take, stolen from government, there is the drug trafficking, extortions, shake downs and ransoms for people, some of whom had already been killed when he collected...
    That is why he took over all the police corporations and fired anynody he did not like and hired crooks that failed the examinations, EPN did the same, but genarco also murdered most of his front line accomplices and commanders like Edgar Millan


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