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Thursday, September 23, 2021

US Reward for El Mayo is Tripled to $15 Million USD

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The increase from $5 to $15 million USD is commensurate with "El Mayo's" leadership status in the Sinaloa Cartel.

The Department of State is announcing an increase from $5 million to up to $15 million of the reward offered under its Narcotics Rewards Program (NRP) for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Sinaloa Cartel leader Ismael Zambada-Garcia. Zambada-Garcia is a long-time business partner of convicted Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquin Guzman-Loera, also known as, “El Chapo” and is charged in several U.S. indictments along with El Chapo and his sons. The increase is commensurate with his leadership status in the Sinaloa Cartel.

This reward offer directly complements the derivative designations announced today by the Department of Treasury. Treasury’s designations are being made pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act of Zambada-Garcia’s Sinaloa Cartel associates. Together, these actions are part of a whole-of-government effort to combat drug trafficking and transnational organized crime globally and in Mexico.

More than 75 transnational criminals and major narcotics traffickers have been brought to justice under the NRP and the Transnational Organized Crime Rewards Program (TOCRP) since the NRP’s inception in 1986 with the Department paying more than $135 million in rewards for information leading to apprehensions.

The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) manages the NRP in close coordination with the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, and other U.S. government agencies. These actions are in step with the Department’s commitment to supporting law enforcement efforts to bring transnational criminals to justice.



  1. Respect from the Northwest Territories to MZ. They should start indicting Chinese officials for starting the Fentanyl epidemic. Respect for MZ.

    1. Imagine the US indicating Chinese. That will never happen. Mexicans are a different story.

    2. Your fentanyl epidemic is only a direct result of the persecution of the now traditional opiate, effectively Heroin which used to be highly processed but be cause of all the pressure and restrictions on the trade of stuff needed to do that since a free decades came often also as 'black tar' (closer to dried, sticky, rawer form of the stuff out of the plant). It is a result of the war on drugs and nothing else. Fentanyl is hundreds of times more potent (stronger, more concentrated) and thus is infinitely more easy to smuggle. Also it comes from a lab and I suppose that makes it cheaper for those that trade in it. It causes so many dead folk be cause of its strength, which makes it necessary to be cut one part per several hundred (I suppose) which makes it far from fool proof - a grain as small as a small grain of table salt of the pure material (for instance when cutting, diluting, the powder wasn't done thoroughly enough) will easily kill a grown man. It is only one more destructive consequence of the war on drugs, in this case be cause of its harsh punishment of the trade of a substance that is identical to what is legally used worldwide medically as the oldest and one of the strongest pain killers even to this day. (Which is part of the reason people ever start buying it on the black market: they have gotten addicted to something similar to it through their actual doctor, and at one point they didn't get it prescribed any more, which left them with no alternative). If Western governments had not started prosecuting this heftily long ago and still did so with a vengeance today, the stuff would be affordable, hardly noticeable, hardly a problem, and sort of regulated and reasonably safe to use as well, and no synthetic alternative would ever have entered any marketplace.

  2. Pinches Gringos andan buscando un personaje que ellos mismos criaron como el mentado bin laden 😂 si la guerra es entre DEA sapos , informantes y Gobierno Mexicano todos quieren el pastel el dinero que deja la droga el cartel del gallo 🐓 es la cortina de humo para que no miren los putazos de sudamerica y centro America contra la bola de informantes de usa

  3. They could raise it to 100 million- theyll never find him- just call the cia next door

  4. For that amount any one gonna drop dime

    1. The thing about that is he will offer MORE MONEY to not get snitched on or execute your entire family including grandma, the dog, everything

  5. If 15 million is being offered to find just this one guy. And after so many years of supposedly looking for him yet unable to locate this man. Then it should tell you something about how useless the NSA and DIA actually are. All that budget spending that’s allocated to them yearly but they just can’t seem to find this one Mexican that lives next door to the USA. Yeah ok silly bitches.

    1. C'mon you don't think they know where he is? I have no doubt the CIA is actively in touch with him, through a few buffers of course. That reward is being offered by the FBI, they are not privy to the same information.

    2. He was allowed to insulate himself and grow quietly while they were more focused on Chapo, Caro and Mencho. So likely focusing more effort on them now and bringing more attention to El Mayo. The indictment of 'Gigio' that was announced this week was done in 2018 so the timing of these 2 I am sure is no coincidence.

      El Mencho's reward is $10 mil USD
      Caro-Quintero's is $20 mil

    3. When the alphabet soup agencies do this I always try to ask myself why? Its obvious they know where he is probably almost all the time. The whole thing is a joke. USA is so corrupt that they don’t even need to hide it. Diabolical more than corrupt.

    4. @9:29 It’s not the 1980s anymore bro

    5. The fact they can't even be bothered to use a photograph that is more accurate instead of one that he no longer would look like being a grandfather instead of a young adult now, even when it is available, makes this all the more questionable indeed. But I also have a different thought, I think they REALLY don't know where he is. His is the tightest AND probably the most elaborate of actual families, and he runs his business THE OLD FASHIONED WAY. Like actual old fashioned mafia bosses from Sicily and the like - that communicated exclusively through kites (a few words written on a tiny piece of paper, in someone else's handwriting), a whispered word or two late at night in a quiet, nondescript back ally.. And THAT is only, when we would suppose that he would still be in the game today.. which I highly doubt. I think he has retired at least a decade ago, if he even is still alive today). Also he spent his entire life in far-away rural regions where few folk live, where families are still close-knit and tight, where it is hard to pinpoint locations from abroad indeed, and where a stranger, let alone a foreign agent, stands out like a sore thumb. Anyway, that already makes it incomparably more difficult to find this man.. and that is even more so be cause he is endlessly more careful and intelligent than all those traffickers we get to hear of, and understands that the way to get caught, the way the gringo feds and their departments work, that that is by using electronic equipment. Which may seem all fine and handy and dandy and trendy (for the idiots and young folk) and maybe that is so indeed when one is NOT in the drug trade and don't need to dear getting caught one day but in the end this type of equipment is traceable, cause any bit you send has to go through a network (that is known and will approximate you already and place you near an antenna), and any bit will be logged, can be picked up (on) directly or later, and can be deciphered. And that leaves untold all kinds of tricks can be played with computers and phones, for instance 'injection' of as good as undetectable, alternate software that switches on the device's GPS and maybe even its cameras or mikes and makes it broadcast the devices PRECISE, ACTUAL location, a trick the cartels have used broadly themselves to be able to find and brutalise anyone only too often themselves. Didn't they already kidnap communication experts nearly two decades ago under the brutal Zetas, to make them set up their stuff for them? That was even before the modern smartphone was out! Imagine, when a cartel can set up an entire network of their own that gives them state-wide coverage, making use of snatched technicians, how possible it must be for foreign federal agencies much closer with the producers of such techniques, to merely creep into a network to pick up a signal.

  6. Looks like mayo grew old and he no longer is needed in the destabilization 8n Mexico.
    There's a new Capo in town, younger , tougher, more ruthless and blood thirsty and ambitious. Time to replace grandpa MAYO..
    He should have retired when he had the chance. The question is.. would he have been able to retire?
    Nah.. his protection money is too high..IMO

  7. sol if they havenr found him it isnt because they cant, its because they dont want to. Hes protected ay yhe highest level of govt. He has old powerful allies that even though rrtired and living abroad have sowed enough politcal seeds to where he still control many politicians and his political party via 3rd person. Ill let you ponder on that one.
    Its not the NSA or DEA or CIA who cant find him believe that, hes exactly where they know he is. If DEA cant get to him its porbbaly because they do not have any mexican military personal whos actually willing to go after him. (Reffering to military commanders) no ur average soldier. They need the order to do so and this man is protected or his moles will quickly notify him so they see it as useless. And to be honest MZ being the rat he is doesnt kick up much dust and operates with a rather low profile. The war in Zac is the rare ocasion where he is involved in an all out war directly and not using a fall guy or frontman like chapo but i guesss you can say Mayito Flaco is the one actually taking care of the Zac war.

    My assumption as to why he keeps moving higher on the DEA list amd why they trippled his bounty is the following.its no secret the DEA deals with cartels. They trade info, giveup rivals and their own, give up shipmetns to show work and id guess help with their underground business and cooperation to have possibly one almighty powerful govt back cartel and in return the cartel select few are left to conduct business at their own accord, left to traffic as much jale as they please, start as many wars over important plazas, be warned of any pending operations by either govts etc. Well imo and i could be completely wrong just making a guess, is that the DEA no longer has an understanding or a working relationship with MZ like before. After the Chapo arrest and the show his son put on to retire the relationship they had began to diminish until no longer functioning and there is teo new love birds.CJNG and DEA Im guessing with project pyhthon and the extradition of his son Menchito the DEA put enough pressure on Mencho and co thst they forced him to cooperate hoe MZ and CDS did for years . It could also explain my Mencho keeps moving down the list and if u look on the DEA most wanted hes not even on the front page anymore. Its not farfetched. hoe the relationship with DEA and CDS began. Applied pressure both through Govt and Enemies until they were forced to cooperate with the DEA.

    I have $100 that MZ or RCQ is cptured or killed by june next year.

    1. Sosa the chopper glad it's Friday bro, got some cleaning and BBQ doing this weekend, but 1stbi have to do chores.

    2. You honesty believe that Mencho is collaborating with them? If so, what's in it for him?

    3. Why is that so far fetched. Its no secret that all three letter boys and the equivalent Mexican counterparts are involved with deug trafficking in one way or another. Look at CDS Genaro Garcia Luna and The DEA... so maybe u can ansserr that quedtion on your own.. whats not in it for Mencho? Freedom, fulfilling his ambitions of 32 states, freedom for his family good deal for Menchito etc.
      I honestly cannot wait until Menchos political protection and allies are cast into the spotlight just like Genaro, cienfuegos etc.. he has some major political allies for him to be able to wreak havoc across all of Mexico. Or you think hes on his own? Isnt there a coalition of Governors that at first chose to back Cabeza de Vaca when accused of corruption? Eell if you look closely youll realize that coalition consists of all the govenors that Mencho his cartel and his allie sare currently fighting in. Hmmmm.

  8. Lmao @9:32

    The first time mayos name shows up in dea records was in the 70s.. theyve had close to 50 years to find this guy-

  9. I was just in Sinaloa early this week.. Passed through El Salado to get to my destination and let me tell you they have that place locked down to the T

    1. Oh yes, surprised you did not come home,in a xoxo cooler, mitichi!

    2. 6:16 an my Tia coca lives a block away, she is a plow dancer.

  10. Does anyone remember how Trump wanted to designate Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations? If that ever happened (highly unlikely since crazy uncle Joe & AMLO are pretty much twin brothers) certain individuals wouldn't come out of their caves..

    1. As a outsider looking in we are all glad trump is gone. Good riddance and rest in piss mister trump

    2. It did not happen, there was huge push back from AMLO on that and was causing issues with trade deals/etc. It is thought to be an agreement that dropped Trump/congress pursuing that designation in exchange for the arrest of Garcia Luna, the timing of that was just 3 days after Trump agreed to halt

      The cartels/companies they do business with are designated as DTOs and this does allow for similar measures as with terrorist groups for anyone or company supporting them....but designating the cartels in Mexico (some in Colombia already are) would allow US military to get involved on the same level potentially as part of the war on terror. Imagine justification for the US military taking out a cartel boss with a drone strike.

      By the definition of terrorism, there are many cartels that fit that category, especially with assasinating police and political candidates and innocent towns. But while terrorist groups may smuggle drugs/etc in order to fund their political agendas...most of the cartels are the opposite, their main deal is money and the terrorism/political agendas is to support that.

  11. Weak American...they should go after Chinese fentanyl producers...not middle men trafficked

    1. Mr. 1981 I too regret to inform you, that due to unforeseen events transpiring in Mexico.
      The Chinese precursor chemicals do come over from China, Mexican Cartels have thier scientists, mix and produce the chemicals in Mexico not in the USA, now you know where the fent is made.

  12. Whom ever tells on El Señor ain't getting squat shit. Just ask the plastic serging that gave up phone# to Chapo wife that lead to he's arrest. Never got shit

  13. Lol, 15 million you will never see!!!!
    🇺🇸 doesn't pay shit, they will come out they had that info b.s for 1
    2 you won't live to see the money anyways!
    3 stick the 15 million in your ass 🇺🇸

    1. Unkown you're been offering dumb ass remarks lately, also belittling people in here, obviously you don't know what you are talking about Willis, but I bet your a Reddit kid.

  14. Why not ask his Grandaughter? She’s in the US.


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