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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Video: Family Caught in the Middle of Latest CDN vs Army Battle in Nuevo Laredo, Tamps

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new shooting between members of Northeast Cartel (Cartel del Noroeste, CDN) and soldiers of the Army (SEDENA) has occurred in the border town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

It is yet again being reported that CDN hitmen shot towards the SEDENA barracks. On September 10, reportedly CDN hitmen fired at a residence in the Altavista neighborhood, near a brick yard. 

Soldiers were reportedly guarding the street as a similar attack had just happened two days before and they caught the hitmen as they were fleeing the area. Having caught the hitmen in the streets of Pino Suarez, in between Francisco Mungia and Felipe Ángeles, a shootout broke out and Frontera Al Rojo Vivo is reporting that 5 cartel hitmen were killed. 

The State Attorney General's Office later came to remove the bodies, which are still unidentified and the remains were sent to the Forensic Examiner for autopsy. 

As previously covered on Borderland Beat, there have been a number of clashes between soldiers and CDN members in the last week in Nuevo Laredo. Which began with a skirmish between CDN and soldier on a highway on September 5, 2021. Then CDN leader El Cadete was arrested on the morning September 6, 2021, which led to CDN clashes with security forces through the rest of the day and into the next day of September 7. 

Then on September 8, 2021, as previously covered here, there were reports that CDN shot at a military barracks in Nuevo Laredo which then led to a chase and shootout where three CDN members were reportedly killed however SEDENA has not confirmed any of these details. 

Much like the September 8 shooting towards the barracks, this new shooting has frustratingly little further details available. Few local news outlets have even covered this latest shooting, presumably owing to the fact that SEDENA has not commented or sent out a press release on the matter. 

Video Source: La Voz de Pueblo

 However, this most recent shooting is believed to have been caught on video by a civilian family who were sitting in a vehicle nearby when the shooting broke out.

The following is a transcription of what is being said, as translated by Sol Prendido:

Female #1: Get down, get down! 
Female #2: I’m getting down! 
Female #1: Get down, get down, get down! Let me borrow that rag that you have there so that I can cover myself.  
Female #2: Take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it.  
Female #1: Let’s get off on this side. 
Female #2: Everyone get off.  
Female #1: : Get the keys out of the ignition.  
Female 2: Get off everyone, get off everyone, get off everyone.  
Female #1: Don’t forget the keys. Everyone get off, everyone get off.  
Female #2: Call my mom. 


Sources: La Opinión, Frontera Al Rojo Vivo Article 1, Article 2, La Voz de Pueblo


  1. Why If u are cartel u would start a fight with the army. Dumb. U are making so much money off Human Smuggling

  2. What idiots. A good sniper from a far would do more damage & less likely of being apprehended or killed by soldiers.

  3. I didn't see no video of no shoot out. I just heard some gunshots. Guress it played the wrong video for some reason


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