Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How Cannabis Legalization Is Changing The Workplace

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

 As the country's support for marijuana legalization grows, some employers are now looking at the once-taboo subject of weed and work differently. NBC News' Vaughn Hillyard reports.

NBC News

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  1. Replies
    1. I definitely think weed is safer than man other drugs. Especially alcohol. The problem is doing some activities under the I glue even of bud can be a problem for some. I'm having some eatables bow as i write this. So that's truly my concern. If you do a job that requires certain cognitive thinking or reaction time. That can be an issue. We tend to get upset at jobs demanding a person to not use certain substances and this is the reason why. I wouldn't want to have a company and have functional addicts working for me.

    2. Marijuana is much safer than issues coming from alcohol. The same rules for working/operating a car or machine should be the same though. The tough part for an employer is testing vs someone under the influence. Alcohol passes through quickly as opposed to cannabis. Imagine if there is an accident at a workplace and they test to see if the person was under the influence if they smoked a joint a week earlier and were not under the influence whatsoever at work, they could still show positive.

  2. I think many GenZ and millennials will be adopting the Chinese "lying flat" mentality. Cannibas will help.

    1. Tang ping is more of a lack of balance between capitalist and socialist methods in economics.

    2. Whats the lying flat mentality ?

    3. It's a (small) held viewpoint in China that people should relax and enjoy life. Currently in China people are known to literally work themselves to death, due to lack of sleep. This is seen as admirable.
      China especially is a dog eat dog culture. You are expected from a young age to literally claw yourself to the top.
      Where is in the West kindness and empathy is a value, the east sees wealth and status as key too somebody being a good person and respectable. This is a gross generalization but lots of elements of truth in it.

  3. Still have to be careful driving and operating equipment. I would not use either one on the job site.

    1. Well even Seth Rogen admits that if you need to drive a truck or are a nurse or something like that then you probably can’t do it at work itself but it’s more of an issue about drug testing because weed stays in your system for so much longer than even other drugs. Cocaine is out of your system in 3 to 5 days as well as most hard drugs. The whole urine test thing is scam in regards to weed use

  4. Even smoking it can cause lung 🫁 problems.

    1. I smoke 2 joints in the morning, I smoke 2 joints in the afternoon, I smoke 2 joints in the evening.

    2. I smoke two joints in the morning
      I smoke two joints at night
      I smoke two joints in the afternoon
      It makes me feel all right
      I smoke two joints in time of peace
      And two in time of war
      I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints
      And then I smoke two more

    3. High school memories… i think ive heard that album 1 million times

    4. 2:37 just buy a volcano end of problems

    5. 1052 smokes 5 joints a day, how do you feel, does it cause wild mood swings, when to get off it?

  5. Yeah. I want the heavy machine operator all stoned and pendejo, as I walk inside the yellow lines at the maquila.

    1. Finally something we can both agree on.

    2. Queso glad you are fine, for a while we thought you had gotten kidnapped.

    3. @6:44 Me? Kidnapped?
      Just busy selling oranges, and sometimes flowers.
      So, next time you see a Paisa selling oranges or flowers, buy some. It may be me.

  6. Im a high steel rigger/stagehand in the rock and roll bizness and smoking a little bit of weed relaxes me and helps me focus when Im 80 ft in the air pulling points .Im talking 3 or 4 hits not getting ripped or anything. That comes after all the points have been pulled up and the gear is in the air. . Alcohol is another story I cant drink and do anything other then fighting so I choose to smoke over drink and being in So Cal the weed here is on another level ! And its harvest season as we speak so we should get a flood from Nor Cal real soon ! Great time to be alive !

  7. Hope you all die in a self inflicted accident

    1. Unknown please take your medicine, you are have suicidal thoughts, like Whitey.

  8. Se me antoja una caguama bien helada y un gallito de mota de la masco.

  9. Pot used to make you high, but functional, pot just makes you sleepy, so I wouldn't recommend getting stoned while doing high, or power tool related work. Pot stays i the system approximately 14 days. 3:44, 2 j's in am, 2 j's after lunch and 2 j's in the evening is old weed or dirt weed. No way with today's strains I hear.

    1. So you hear? you don't smoke? why you saying you don't recommend if you haven't tried it. im with 8:53 some people work better with it its like getting a second wind and ready to get back to it

  10. LOL the weed experts are out in full force! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 jijuela chingada. La neta que se la maman ustedes. 🤦🏽‍♂️

    1. Ahh the emoji kid, somehow creeped in here, using mom's Gmail account.

    2. The post is about weed smoking what do you want us to talk about, cartel jalisco or sinaloa, sorry there not part of this story

  11. I drank, for years, and worked. Don't know nothing about Mota. Alcohol almost killed me.

    1. Pinchi borracho.
      Don't drink and drive Mijo.
      A judge threw the book at a close relative of the Sandoval Family. It was his 2nd DUI (driving under influence), he was deported to T.J., he should have went to visit relatives in Michoacan, but no he was quick to ask around for a coyote (Smuggler), sure two men said no problem come to our home, will feed you, they told him $1,500 dollars, sure enough it was wired. Nevertheless it got worse, they tied him up, and demand an additional $4,000. We suspected they are going to keep the money and not smuggle him. No payment, they killed him by stabbing, 2 years ago. In other words don't drive or commit a crime in US or get deported, many don't know how great they have it US, until they get deported. Well my brother Harvey is another story.

  12. I've been smoking weed for 50 years and am not addicted yet


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