Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Northeast Cartel Gunmen Shoot Dead A Texas Woman; "It Was Your Fault For Not Stopping," They Told The Victim's Partner.

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Victim Carmen Lorena Martínez, from Houston, was traveling in an off-road vehicle driven by her boyfriend, Martín Gómez, they were on their way to the United States when the criminals chased them and shot them.

Drug traffickers from the Northeast Cartel (CDN) shot and killed a Texas woman during an attempted theft of a vehicle on a highway in the municipality of Ciudad Mier, in the border state of Tamaulipas in Mexico.

The shooting took place last week when Carmen Lorena Martínez, 52, was traveling in an off-road vehicle driven by her boyfriend, Martín Gómez, 55, the website El Mañana reported.

Northeast Cartel file captured with powerful weapons on the border.

According to investigations, the couple was heading from the municipality of Cerralvo in the state of Nuevo León, to Houston, Texas aboard a 2015 Chevrolet Traverse truck when a group of armed men began to follow them near the municipality of Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas.

Although the couple increased speed in an attempt to escape from the drug traffickers of the Northeast Cartel, the driver didn’t see a series of caltrops that the accomplices of the criminals had placed on the road.

Once the vehicle was forced to stop, the criminals fired at the unit and the bullets hit Carmen several times.

As if that were not enough, after the shooting, the Northeast Cartel drug traffickers told Gómez that it was his fault for not having stopped.

The crime occurs while drug cartels continue to fight for control of the corridors for drugs and people to Texas. A battle that is carried out by the Northeast Cartel that was once part of the Los Zetas Cartel (CDZ) and the Cartel Gulf (CDG).

La Opinión

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  1. Can't believe the "boyfriend" was left alive to bear witness against the "Cartel del Noway"...
    --that killed her
    --because he would not stop.

  2. They were unarmed, no need to shoot, thier off road vechile was disabled, thanks to the caltrops. No need to kill. Will the government of Obrador, do anything to curve border nada, the same crimes will continue.

    1. Well the borderland beat archives tell a different story. According to the articles on this website AMLO's government is involved in confrontations with criminal organizations atleast once a week and throughout different mexican states. Go back a year and tell us what you find. Thank you. Have fun.

    2. Go back 2 years and it's the same all over México and it's gona get worst , cant Belive criminals have better technology than the government, just look at culican a great job done by obrador never made no arrests and never will

    3. Ingee33 that 1:44 fool is out of touch. Yes keeps getting worse.
      Government can't do sh@t, all the while bloodshed everyday. Cut up bodies.

  3. Lol her fault for not stopping, is the Cartel the Police? Since when is it, that everyone must stop to a criminal Cartel. It was never her fault, you had the tires flattened, but no you had to kill her. Was she shooting at you? Stupid Cartel.

  4. Lopez obrador with his wimpy voice at useless press conferences will do nothing and will not increase patrols why he won't use the military to fight these criminals ?

    1. What are you talking about? According to the articles on this website the military is involved in confrontations with criminal organizations atleast once a week and throughout different Mexican states. Check the archives for the past year if you don't believe me. LoL.

    2. You swear he should be able to do everything! Just like you do everything right in your life.

    3. 1:47 the Obrador nuthugger, ohh but he had new barracks put up, and he is aiding the burachos.

    4. Unknown I agree Obrador is doing little for it's citizens.

    5. 1:47 you like all is fken fine in Mexico. This is what keeps BB getting article after article, of murders everyday. The enpt government, cabinet on Obrador does very minimal. Thousands died last year to homicides occurring, plus the covid19 victims.

    6. Who is this guy you keep referring to articles on this site that state that the Mexican government is confronting drug cartels at least once a week. HOW’S THAT WORKING OUT? How about 7 days a week every week every month for however many years and decades it takes?! You talk like you’re the President of Mexico. The cartels DO own that country. She SHOULDVE stopped. That’s how it is there. Is it right or fair of course not. Does the Mexican gov care or do anything other than a fake show to stop it of course not. This way they get drug money, bribe money and big money from Uncle Sam to fight it over and over. Get a grip

    7. 5:14 there you put the Obrador nuthugger on the spot, your right it should be 7 days a week situation. But the so called nuthugger is so in love with the president, that he will say anything to defend his azz. I thank you for stepping up to the plate.

    8. I will post my reply on this thread since this is the one that got the most feedback for my comment. @2:35 all you do is call me a "nuthugger" but my nut hugging is based on facts. You cheered @5:14 like he accomplished this great feat for asking that the military be on patrol 7 days out of the week. When was the last time you two ding dongs went to mexico? I've gone 4 times this year, going for my fifth time in December, and every time I go out there, whatever time of day or day of the week, I see the Marina or the Guardia riding around in the back of their pick up trucks. But ok, whatever you guys say. As far as them confronting criminals, as I mentioned before, this website is proof that the government is doing their jobs. Since you two tontos only read the headlines and not the articles I decided to compile a list of articles from the BB archives for the past week and a half  that proves the soldiers are actually fighting the cartels and not sitting around, watching novelas and playing cards as you claim. So here it goes...

    9. Nov. 1st:
      -"Don Jose" arrested in CDMX
      -3 Kidnappers arrested 25 victims freed. Tampaulipas
      -3 kidnappers killed in Sonora
      Oct 29th:
      -6 killed in confrontation with military Nuevo Laredo
      -1 killed in confrontation with military villa de paz SLP
      Oct 28th
      -450 deployed to Tulum after 2 tourist are killed in shoot out. Not a confrontation but it's action being taken.
      -3 hitmen killed in Sonora
      Oct 27:
      - armed attack at wake, later reported on the same source that BB provided that 3 were arrested in connection. (BB didn't follow up but I understand. It's not easy to get every incident that occurs. Hats off to the BB staff for doing what you do)
      -"El Soldado" arrested. He is linked to "El Gigio" or "Los Yiyos" in Sonora
      Oct 23:
      - 4 arrested and 3 killed including "El Tigre" in Matamoros
      - El Jaguar and 4 others arrested in Madera Chihuahua....

      ... and the list can continue. All of these are incidents that occurred within 1 weeks time in different parts of mexico between the government and criminal groups but you two MELOLENGOS wanna say the government doesn't do anything. Keep in mind this is coming from BB archives! Lol,  No mamen. Par de tontos.

    10. Now let's talk about AMLO and how "enept" his government has been for the past 2 years.... (I'm being sarcastic just in case you two Mongolitos didn't catch it) Call me a nut hugger all you want but the proof is there, he has done a lot for Mexico. A lot more than you two that's for sure. So here's a list of the presidents projects to prove that he is doing something and Not enept as you guys claim.
      - 8 hydro electric dam constructions and renovations throughout mexico. This will benefit many surrounding towns, cities and states by providing power and water.
      - Something like 35 Road projects throughout mexico that will bring much needed resources, save drive times and gas to many isolated communities throughout mexico.
      -Northern mexico has all of the trains but less roads, southern mexico has more roads but less trains, which brings me to "El Tren Maya" project. A much need railroad system in southern mexico.
      - The new airport outside of Mexico city which will serve as an overflow facility and house both the military and commercial flights.
      -140 new learning facilities ranging from trades to the medical field. The large majority are in southern mexico and in indigenous communities. Some of these schools were built from confiscated narco properties. Google it if you doubt what I say.
      -3 new oil refineries, updating 6 existing refineries and purchased 1 in Texas.
      - approximately $200 a month for seniors. Not much but it's something.  And as we all know, something is better than nothing.
      - so far 150 new military barracks out of 266 have been completed. As my earlier list proves, the military is doing their jobs, you guys just need to read the articles instead of the headlines.
      -More extraditions to the U.S under AMLO than the last 2 presidents...

      This is just some of the stuff I've gathered. The list is incomplete but you get the picture. Now for you guys to call the president enept, or say he isn't doing shit is just plain ignorant... What are you guys doing to make Mexicos situation better? How many schools have you built? what organizations have you donated to? What missing people search groups have you volunteered for? What makes you guys feel entitled? What makes you worthy of criticizing the Mexican president? I want to know. Come at me with facts, please. No need to cite them, I'll cross reference what you guys put on here just as I expect you guys to cross reference the facts I posted. Have at it fellas...

    11. Nuthugger, I agree wichiu, but you know perfecly that corruption has its ways to get everywhere, for example gertz manero the florero has not captured or convicted many corrupt crooks that should be singing in jail, also no major crooks captured, looks like the guardia macional and federal cuicos helped by state police, perimeter police, industrial police, bank police, municipales and windshield washer police, barapem, chutes and paramedics don't want to help.
      Much more and BETTER needs to be done, buy some seem to be taking their time, they show no results worth mentioning.

    12. @2:22 I understand what you're saying. Turning the tide on decades of corruption is not an easy task to take on. AMLO won't get it done in his six years as president. I believe he is well aware of that, but he is the one to get that "change" started. He is the one to get the ball rolling. The proof is in his actions. It's up to the next several presidents to carry that torch and continue the good fight. People want drastic changes but change comes one day at a time. A lot of the idiots on here want to see all out war, they want bloodshed, yet, they've never experienced war. It's very easy to call for war and expect others to do the fighting. You want to make a difference then participate. Join the Marina, join the Guardia, become a Federal.... it's very easy to point out the obvious, we all know Mexico could be better, that's obvious.

      I would rather support the president than support a cartel. You catch me pointing out AMLO's accomplishments because most of the media won't. I enjoy pointing out AMLO's contributions to Mexico while calling you a "tonto" a "mongolito" a "melolengo" or a "pendejo". Mexico has a long way to go, but atleast the ball got rolling and so far it's headed in the right path. You just need to stop focusing so much on the narco news and look at everything as a whole.

    13. 12:59 Nuthugger.
      I am not going to waste my time with you anymore.
      56,000 died to homicides in 2020.
      This year it's predicted to be in the 50s again.
      Your the monglito that said the military only handles it 2 days a week, and some one in here corrected your azz, it should be a 7 days a week, and rather than understand you attack him, your a one minded cabeson.

    14. @900 aka El Mongolito, you won't waste your time because you have nothing to back up your claims. The homicide count for 2020 was not 56k as you mention, it was about 35k but thanks for trying to misinform the readers pendejo. I never said "the military handles it 2 days a week" go back and read my comment, I said there is confrontations between the government and criminals ATLEAST ONCE A WEEK, and that was me being modest. As I pointed out in the BB archives there's confrontations between the government and criminals about once a day if you base it on averages. No worries though, I wasn't expecting you to answer back, especially not with any facts or proof of your frivolous claims... You can call me "one minded" (whatever that means) but my statements are based on what's being reported by reliable media sources. Not the chismes you read in the comments....

    15. 5:25 I know revolutions are not instant coffee, but like the democrats on the US are known for bringing knives to gunfights with the worst of the worst the "US Extreme Right" has to offer in massirdering guns, Obrador who I supported and support, comes with wooden knives...
      He should get more involved and demand more better results quicker, the conservadores are just stringing everybody along until it is too late,
      same as on the US, by the book.
      The conservadores need todo un Señor Coscorron rairaway.

  5. If you drive a newer pickup truck specially at 1 with 4 doors and that area and not only that area but most of Mexico you are a Target all the most important issues

  6. Andrés Manuel López Obrador " Hugs not Bullets".

    1. 1:51 La Macarena clandestine mass grave in Culombia is said to contain more than 2 000 corpses killed "in action" by the melitary, many died with a bullet to the head, but could have deserved a hug instead...
      AMLO refuses to murder just because he is the presidente, or because the melitary or police will do it, you are lucky some cuicos still do murder for their governor or to steal troques for themselves as in the recent case of EDOMEX state police murder and cover-up of Octavio Ocaña...

  7. Off-road vehicle?
    A traverse is a mini van

  8. Es por eso mejor comprar boletos de avión aunque sea de esas líneas guajoloteras de la viva o violarís,está cabron manejar por esos rumbos .

  9. Vale mas que te pares cuando te degan que te pares. I'm sure you can read the meaning in a hand signal by now! No te queres ayar muerto despues de la mirada. Ja saves la mano sin decir. Puro paro caro. No tries pa gastartelo. Don't forget who you're jumping around here with.

  10. Why are there clowns in here, that defend the president, that with all the obvious articles, of the truth occurring every day, the clowns choose to be blind. Many citizens that have no weapons to defend themselves are easily getting killed, with no resistance. I wonder what is the next move for the clown, that says the military does something for 2 days, while the other 5
    days go back to barracks smoke joints, play cards.

  11. Texas citizen I am sure FBI, will be making a report on this one.

    1. @Texas Citizen:
      What good has the FBI, and for that matter the DEA, done to even SLOW, let alone prevent, this kind of stuff?? I will help you: ZERO.

      There is but one solution to this insanity and that is a full blown U.S. Military "War on Drugs". Unfortunately for those most affected by Cartel violence this will never happen. Sovereignty has it's drawbacks, at least in this case.(Mexican Drug War)

      The Cartels butchering people in and out of the drug trade, and in and out of the U.S,and in and out of MX.will go on and on and on and on and on and on and...Well you get the point.

    2. The war ON drugs has been nothing but a war FOR THE DRUG TRAFFICKING BUSINESS, specially since rudi giulianni stole the US Mafia business from the Italians to give it to the Red Mafiya of Bladdermir putin, and he has been their lap dog ever since.

    3. Tropoass
      You got lots to learn son.
      FBI would make a report and put it on thier Intel database. Should the same Cartel be the ones doing it, a pattern of crimes will be on the system. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  12. Common sense but nobody uses it Don't go to Mexico it's a cesspool with Lopez stirring it it's not Mexico LINDO anymore but paisanos don't listen if you leave don't come back but they always show off their new American trucks No wonder criminal aliens don't to get off the bus at the Bridges to be deported but they broke American laws face the music tough guys you'll be working as lookouts for five pesos a day.

  13. Everyone writes comments on this website cheering for their favorite group always Monday morning quarter backing but at the end Mexico is still a big cesspool and no gornment ve

    1. Well then mind your football games and continue to get fat on the couch.

  14. Everyone from both sides of the creek comment on this site the ones in Lopez turf write in English wonder where they learned very good use it for good not bad.

    1. Being bilingual Mijo. I pity those that come to America, and don't want to learn a word of English, they place an order in Spanish, to a teenage cashier, that only speaks English.

  15. I don't know if a Traverse is an off-road SUV, but I don't blame them trying to out-run them. If you do you have a chance, if you stop, you might not have a chance

    1. They we're escaping, but they got a flat tire thanks to those things they put on the road.

    2. I don't blame them for running either. However they reside in Houston, TX so their decision to visit MX in the first place makes them at least partly culpable imo.

  16. Would all end with legalization but too many make their $$ and gold plated pensions from the misery of others by being Dick Tracys, judges, lawyers, and prison guards! 100s of Billions could be put into prevention, chemical cures for addiction and the root causes.

    1. We are way ,way ,way beyond the "legalization and drug prevention and treatment" will put an end to anything.

    2. At 10:21 miss H forgive him, he may have big nuts, but he is thinking way back in the 1990s, when treatment was a lot easier.

    3. The problem is that outside of Mexico's black market economies there are no, or very limited, living wage jobs to be had. Greed at the top, and desperation at the bottom, of Mexico's Drug Cartels, are the ultimate driving forces.

    4. 1:18 at the end, addicted street people that do not work, always can find a pusher and money to buy their shit, but cuicos can't find shit at all unless it bites them on the ass and won't let go


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