Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 26, 2021

The Capture of Mario Alberto Gamboa aka Comandante Tecolote

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Following recent articles put out by Borderland Beat and La Opinión on the life and short lived existence of Mario Alberto Gamboa aka Comandante Tecolote. Numerous Borderland Beat readers have sent in links with videos of proof of this commanders actual death. 

The subsequent broadcast shows a wounded Comandante Tecolote lying on the ground after an armed attack. Just as well within the second film the opposing team of hitmen who took him down hold up for the camera the head gear with his name to confirm his capture and identity. 

Video translation is as follows:

Interrogator: Where are you from?

Captive: I am from the Cartel de Sinaloa. 

Interrogator on radio: How about it 02, how about it 02? Come in, come in, come in?

Male #2 is speaking to a captive off camera: What vehicle were you on?

Man on radio #3:  We’re on this here road. There were 2 guys here earlier. 

Male #2: What vehicle were you on?

Interrogator is speaking to one of his counterparts: Lobo, we’re over here!

Male #2: Which one?

Interrogator on radio: Look here 02, if you happen to see a white truck with tubes on it. That’s the first truck we destroyed. We’re just to the side of that truck. Use this reference point so that you don’t mistakenly fire on us. 

Male #3 on radio: Are you guys on a pickup sir?

Interrogator on radio: We are on foot, we are on foot here. Every truck you see here belonged to the opposing team. 

Video translation is as follows:

Hitman is holding the head gear of The Mob of a Revolutionary Sergeant: Well, what do you think boss? These men were the mob a of sergeant. It’s for this very reason that their worlds went to shit. 

This is the reason why these dumb asses died. Supposedly these men were the support. One of these guys was known as El Tecolotes. I believe this was a commander, for the Scorpions Group. 

What a gang of fucking dumb asses. It seems as though they couldn’t close it off, huh? Take a look at this hole here. Wasn’t it Chago who killed this guy?

Narco Guerra Mx

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  1. Animo Sicarios!

    Grupo Scorpions Special Air Service is already in the area every one that participated in El Commandante's death and he who recorded this videos is already in the afterlife.

    1. No mames, puro culon. Que paso con Barrera ya casi dos anos o mas, y el cuervo y el balas no que hiban a vengarze, puro culon nomas presumido. Les parten la madre a cada rato, van por puro mocoso cagon hay a Durango y los mandan al matadero, asi pronto van a ganar las jaliscas.

  2. Those chinolas are no match for mencho's team of sucarios

    1. Relax foo that was weeks ago Sinaloa is winning Zacatecas everyone in Zacatecas knows that

  3. Catolicos hasta la madre verdad?

    But if you are a sicario, would you carry a couple grenades with you and pull the pin if you are too wounded to keep fighting or run away?

    A hell of a way to go, but beats getting tortured and chopped up limb by limb by the cjng primates.

  4. Wonder if they cut him into pieces.

  5. Está noticia la vi en suelta la sopa hace unos meses atrás.

    1. Es porque vatos pendejos alucinados decian que sigue vivo el morro.

  6. Dosent matter...plenty of those where he came from...

  7. Guys belonging to the group that did that got taken out one week later while they were bathing in a water tank used for cattle to drink water from. They say like nine got ambushed and killed in the water tank and more in their camp.

  8. The capture of el Tecolote...that doesn't sound like they killed him. It sounds like they arrested him. If that was Tecolote in the video, it seems a lil suspect que they didn't show his face up close or scattered his body parts around Zacatecas. That's more Jalisco's style. Look what they did to Cholo. When they caught el Michoacano From CSRLthey hung him from a bridge. As far as I know, they've made it a point to put people with rank on display through video and physically. They've left no doubt and bragged about it both with their actions. When they ambushed and/or killed even low figure CUs they've showed it on video clearly and left them on display. Their so called Tecolote is kinda blury with no kind of facial close up. Not only that but they don't show no other dead or injured sicarios, not even the trucks they mention. I don't know. It seems suspect to me. Just my humble opinion

    1. He did die, and that's him. Looks exactly like him, you need some glasses brother. You are correct with what you said, he ended up with "luck," if you want to put it like that, took it easy, and not cut in pieces while he was still alive.

    2. Teco was just a sicario leader not a cartel boss that betrayed Mencho like Cholo

    3. Lmao dude myhmbleopinion is a perfect example of the idiot alucin cdsinalacras that defend their cartel to the very end. Prood literally right in front of his face, yet has some conspiracy theory of what he concludes happened lmao
      Seriously idiot,
      The idiot tecolote was killed in a gunbattle with cjng amd govt forces on cjng payroll. solUsed the word captured because essentially he was :captured" by his enemies as he lay dying after a gunbattle.

      Idk if u notice but many times the ppl who come out in videos where they are laying in their own blood sying from a gunbattle they are not interrogated or tortured probbaly because they would die to quick being they are mortally injured already or maybe a respect thing.
      Dude probbaly caught a burst of rounds to the face and body after the video.
      Just accept it idiot, this is tecolote u can see clear as day, his nose gives it away .

  9. Another photo of dead narco-sicario to my clandestine collection. :-)

  10. oh no!! thats it for cds its going to crumble...they lost this pobre pendejo

  11. Wonder what his resume looked like

  12. This is a never ending war because neither side has full government support Unlike Michoacán where the government fights and protects cartel unidos plaza here in this state they letting them get it on old school style ones there’s a winner that’s who they going to negotiate with and they both sides have a shit load of money to keep this thing going for a while

    1. Mijo how are you today good news I’ve just got a job I will be sending you guarache money for the holidays nothing for your fat mama you know 1 guarache don’t fill her up maybe if I work some OT I will send you some more for 3 kings day I’m sorry I have a lot of making up to do…Sincerely your fat mamas favorite milk 🥛 man..

    2. Glad to hear you got a job. Now you can finally pay child support. Beats being a deadbeat dad.

    Supposedly la mayiza killed 26 jaliscos in Valparaiso. Afterwards two choppers with miniguns came in to finish the job.

  14. When he was ask where was he from he never said "Cartel De Sinala" he said Cosala, Sinaloa.


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