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Saturday, January 8, 2022

El Marro Claims He’s Being Tortured In Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

I want to state that they have me isolated from the rest of the inmates. I haven’t been fed, and it’s been eight days since I’ve been outside. And I feel that everyone else does go out to the courtyard. José Antonio Yepez Ortiz "El Marró" leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel stated in his lawsuit. 

I am kept in a small cell where it’s only me. And I have two guards sitting in front of my cell about a meter and a half from the toilet. And they’re watching me, even when I go to the bathroom.

He added that the guards remove him when someone greets him or simply when he raises his face to look at his surroundings. They tell me that I have to keep my head face down.

The amparo was presented October the 7th of last year and admitted almost a week later on the thirteenth day of the same month. In specific "El Marró" claimed isolation, segregation, cruel inhumane treatment, physical abuse, as well as torture in alleged damages committed against the common order and body of integrity according to judicial records.

In response to his lawsuit a collegiate court discarded the amparo promoted by "El Marro" because the capo couldn’t prove the mistreatment that he supposedly received during his stay in prison.

This was resolved by the Second Circuit Collegiate Court in State Criminal Matters. Who in their amparo revision 221/ 2021 decided to reject the amparo after failing to find evidence of the claims made. 

According to the lawsuit, these dealings began August 2, 2020 after "El Marró", arrested during an operation performed by elements from the Secretary of National Defense. From this date onward he is being held in the federal prison of Altiplano in Almoloya de Juárez.

The capo in his lawsuit indicated that he has been pointed out as one of the main generators of violence in Guanajuato. He complained specifically of being a victim of isolation, segregation, cruel inhumane treatment, physical abuse, and torture before the Second District Court on Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Mexico.

However, after the court dismissed his lawsuit, the capos legal defense went to the court that, this past 15 of December 2021 had reported on his sentence, to discard this lawsuit because the authorities denied the facts.

In addition, the judge's defense informed that on two medical evaluations made to Yepez Ortiz in July and August of 2021.

It was understood that the inmates health status was both physically and emotionally stable. He didn’t display any internal or external injuries.

This proved  that there hasn’t been any related health incidents of the torture and cruel inhumane treatment he complained of. 

Grillonautas 2


  1. El Marro whatever you are experiencing in prison is heaven compared to what would have happened to you if Grupo Elite had captured you.

    "Mira bien hijo de tu puta madre, soy Mencho, güey. Relaja a tu puta gente a la verga, soy Mencho guey. Relaja a toda tu partida, si no te voy a partir tu madre a ti y a toda tu bola de perros. Te tengo identificados 30 güeyes. Hasta a tus putos perros te voy a matar sino te relajas güey, ¿cómo ves?"

    1. Imagine if he was captured by CBLM

    2. could be worse.two nites with el cumddante sister


  2. I hope it's with an unlubed 12 inch dildo. Fuck him.

    1. That's pretty fucken gay but, then again, your moniker is "eatadik"

    2. Rubio the Puerto Rican using a different call sign, he had gotten tired of the Red panties he wore for Christmas.

  3. you lucky Marro. I seen some stuff your guys do to people. stop your crying and do some burpees.

  4. If you're not ready to do the time don't do the crime.

  5. Well what did he expect? Prison is hell on earth..

  6. Better start paying the guards or diggin' that tunnel. Imagine, prison sucks. Who'd have thought?

  7. This Marro reminds me of a criminal in the USA.
    He was a thug ,but as aoon as the police arrived he would start crying " I cant breathe ,I cant breathe"

    1. Juan i read a medical report that Jorge died from fentanilo not knee on neck? Is that true or fake news?

    2. @ chocoflan Facts are Facts!
      The toxicology/autopsy report showed "fatal levels of Fetanyl",Methamphetamine, weed,Morphine plus he was positive for Covid-19 and had heart problems (atherosclerosis and hypertensive heart disease).
      This explains why when the police arrived he is bawling "I cant breathe" .The original 20 minute video shows that. However most people only watched the 45 second video which played non stop by the liberal media which pushes the false narrative of any type of brutality.

      But it happened during election year the BLM cartel and the corrupt Democrat party along with a socialist billionaire who owns about 90% of the liberal media in the USA, used it to thier advantage and an innocent Police officer is in jail.

    3. el cumddante sound like your mom under flava bean poor unkept rattus.I HATE POOR PEOPLE.

    4. @hudsonbay. Keep practicing your anal acrobatics with the horses and mules

    5. Hudson Bay
      How's the weather in Turkey?

    6. 12:23 Juan Rambito
      Yes I remember officer Chavin was trying to accommodate him in the back seat of the cruiser, that's where Floyd started to say I can't breathe. Chavin ok I open the window, but floyd kept panting, they even tried to lay him in the back seat he would not go in.
      Chavin had enough of his tandrum, that as we all know he was laid outside to mellow down.
      But Rambo as you said he was found with all those drugs in his system, then of course he was a ticking time bomb to death.

    7. @11:12 Exactly he was bawling "I cant breathe " before Officer Chauvin restrained him . Why ? Because he had Covid 19 ,Heart problems and enough Fentanyl in his system to kill everyone in James Doo Doo Brown 's section 8 living family .

    8. You are a liar, plain and simple. Read the court documents for Chauvins trial. All the bullshit you are spewing was totally disproved. Either you know this, and you are a racist liar, or you don,t, and you are just ignorant and honking all the louder because of it. But the fact you are bringing that shit on here, again, shows the narco-tourist slackjaw you really are. Happy New Year.

    9. Ram-hoe. Yes I live in Section 8. $148 for a nice apartment market rate $1500. And your tax dollars are footing most of it bitch! Keep slaving so I can live like a welfare king.

    10. James Brown
      Homie fyntal Floyd would be alive today, if he only had cooperated with the police. All he had to do is go to the police station, get booked and photographed for passing a fake 20 bill, and out on the street after a few hours.
      Mr Brown tell your homies in the crib, to respect the police.

    11. @6:05 In my opinion I think his own relatives gave him the false $20 on purpose, (knowing Fentanyl Floyd was a violent drug hunkie).They knew he was going to die due to Covid 19 and heart problems. So they
      set him up, then when he expired from drug overdose they created the go fund me page .

    12. Good theory Juan Rambo!
      The Floyd family is rich.
      Thanks to Fent Floyd's health.

    13. 4:34 unkown
      GTFOH if you don't like it.
      You Floyd hater!

    14. "Socialist billionaire" lol... That's an oxymoron

    15. This boy James Brown proud to live off the crumbs from the tables of productive people. Como dice el dicho de estereotipos?

  8. He a G he should have the mental down ...

  9. In specific "El Marró" claimed isolation, segregation, cruel inhumane treatment, physical abuse, as well as torture in alleged damages committed against the common order and body of integrity..

    Basicly everything he did to inosent people in guanajuato..
    El marro is a big cry baby...
    He even cried when CJNG was taking over the plaza and he had to hide..
    He lived like a king when he was out but he killed el mencho's nephew when he was sent to make a truce with em marro.
    Should have just kept it cool with Mencho and he would have been good..
    Only el abuelo is getting away for betraying el mencho and stealing a cocaine load from mencho.
    El abuelo is one sneaky litle rat, he seems to get captured and let go the next day.
    He has good connections with government in michoacan so that makes him untouchable until they decide to fuck him over like la tuta and el mas loco..

  10. He needs to send president Lopez obrador a big suitcase or suitcases full of money and not pesos he wants dollars : hasta eso.they want dollars for bribes? The wimpy president and all the Naco.capos that pay him off to operate have never seen so much money in their miserable lives until today hopefully they'll enjoy it on their old age if they live that long.??

  11. Mencho could've have had a good life in California making an honest living and being a good American but no he had to be like all criminal aliens and break the law and be deported? No wonder we get a bad rap because of guys like him in the US everyone gets put in the same barrel of bad apples Mexicans and Mexican- Americans that's why nobody likes them.


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