Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 10, 2022

FGR Achieves Orders Of Apprehension Against "El Chapo" And García Luna For "Fast and Furious"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The operation that took place during the six year term of Felipe Calderón, was intended to illegally traffic more than 2 thousand US firearms to Mexico, with the object to identify its users; "Which is absolutely illegal and inadmissible," said the office of the attorney general.

El Chapo and García Luna were involved in the operation that allowed arms trafficking.

The Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) reported that he obtained from a district judge, orders of apprehension against seven people, for their participation in the "Fast and Furious" case. Against Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, Ex leader for the Cartel de Sinaloa, the ex-secretary of public security for the Felipe Calderón administration , Genaro García Luna, as well as Luis Cárdenas Palomino, Intelligence Coordinator of the Federal Police, as well as four other people , whose identities were not revealed.

"This criminal conduct, was intended to illegally traffic more than two thousand 

 US firearms to Mexico, with the assumption, identifying its users; which is absolutely illegal and inadmissible. In accordance with the investigations developed by the Department of Justice of the United States, the necessary information was obtained to establish this illegal trafficking of firearms, which were used in various blood crimes in the country, from the year of 2009 to recent dates, "said the FGR in release.

Concerning García Luna, the attorney general’s office revealed that "there are already two more orders of apprehension, dictated by Mexican judges, who have request the extradition to Mexican territory of said individual."

"In Mexico and in accordance with its own research, and with the data acquired in the corresponding previous inquiries, it was possible to establish that these weapons were not only introduced illegally to the country, but have also been used in various criminal acts, which have already been been investigated and processed in Mexico, "said the FRG.

Last week, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said during his morning conference that matters are not as they were previously. Agents of the DEA and the United States Embassy are not authorized to do something behind our backs. They couldn’t carry out the Fast and Furious operation, for example, nor would they dare to, "he said in reference to the operation focused on importing weapons from the United States to supply the lethal capacity to the criminal groups of Mexico during the Government of the former president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa from 2006 to 2011.

Twelve years after the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) office initiated Fast and Furious - the under cover operation that was responsible for the massive influx of high powered weapons to Mexico - the FGH had not clarified if officials from the Felipe Calderón administration were aware.

Since 2010, authorities and American agents involved in the operation have made contradictory statements as to whether Mexican government officials knew about it. According to their testimonies, at least, the ex office holders from the PGR Maricela Morales and Eduardo Medina Mora were informed . The President Calderón denied having been informed.

On May 19, 2020 the Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard said he sent a diplomatic note to the United States to know the details of Fast and Furious. He said that the US government already reviewed said diplomatic note.


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  1. Mexico should sue for FAST AND FURIOUS.Smerica the hunk they slick deporting and supplying us with assault rifles.America has always been evil.They are evil but careful now.

    1. We never were in shadows. You know, we are raised for being a bully. Nothing changes, You'll see.

    2. Who cares about Fast and Furious when it's now known that SEDENA loses 3 out of every 10 weapons purchased by the Mexican government? That's an easy 20,000 a year that go missing. But typical Mexico, still crying over a couple thousand firearms from 10 years ago.

    3. 4:45
      who cares? WTF do you nmean pendejo!?
      The US got caught doing something illegal and now they have to blame somebody.
      The fall guys are chapo and Garcia Luna in this case to protect their own.

    4. 6:27

      Pendeja tu mamá. The Mexican government is blaming guys who are already in trouble so as not to implicate other powerful people. (If the USA is putting them up to it, then AMLO needs to find his huevos... Which he won't, because he's up to his eyeballs with Sinaloa and the USA knows it). The article is talking about Mexico's Attorney General's office. Not the U.S. Justice Department. Learn to read, you imbecile.

  2. Chapo is already in prison, why they fuking around, he is never getting out.

    1. Fall guy! The politicos know all the dirt being done has to fall on someone. Always blame the bad guy!

    2. Chapo back then when he ran his areas all went well.
      Thanks to the Areallo Felix Cartel in Tijuana, had went to Guadalajara airport with clown cholos from San Diego to finish off Chapo. It became International news since the cholos killed a preist.
      And even though it was not Chapos fault a bounty reward was put on him by the government.

    3. 10:58 Chapo was a piece of dirt just like AFO. The death and destruction that short fuck caused is unmatched in Mexico. Chapo Guzman is offical property of the United States! Its time to talk about Chapo is past tense

    4. 11:31 idk I'd say Mencho has surpassedchapo in death and destruction

    5. 11:31 can't you see on the 1st sentence of 10:58, that he/she is talking about Chapo in past tense.

    6. 3:11 Chapo tried to take a lot of Plazas since the early 90s to 2015 hes go a lot of blood on his hands. It will be a good day when his sons share a cell block. Fucking which Fentanyl will be there down fall

  3. What about eric holder?
    No Americans are goingbto be charged?
    Yea, looks like Chapo and Garcia Luna are being blamed and used as an example.
    The other criminals in high government positions will be left alone. What a shame but its been going on for a long time..

    1. Today I brushed my teeth and some blood came out with the tooth paste.

    2. 9:16 good job. maybe you can wash your ass next time!

    3. 11:34 my ass is clean just for you my gunk hank unkown.

      Rubio NYC

  4. " well as four other people , whose identities were not revealed."

    Yeah, the other 4 people are U.S government agents...

    ask yourselves, what good has came out of U.S intervention in Mexico? Before the capture or assassination of all these druglords their was a small handful of cartels. You basically had the Gulf cartel in the east and the Pacific cartel in the west. U.S intervention resulted in the splintering of these cartels and a downward spiral in violence. All of the bullshit Mexico is facing now can be pointed back to the U.S.

    How is it that a U.S agency has been allowed to conduct covert missions in mexico without authorization? You think the U.S would stand for another nation going into the U.S and pulling off some undercover top secret missions with the U.S army or U.S police agencies behind the federal governments back? FUCK NO.

    Whatever Mexican official allowed for Fast and the furious, Allende or Culiacanazo is a fucken traitor and should stand before a firing squad. Fucken sell outs.

    1. DEA would not be involved, if thier were no drugs flowing into USA. As long as drugs are there, DEA will always be around simple as 1,2,3.

    2. 919. Precursor drugs are coming in from China. You do not see DEA there. Previous administrations allowed for the DEA to undermine Mexicos national sovereignty. Fast and the Furious, Allende and Mexicos current spike in violence are all a result of the U.S intervention. This administration denied the DEA their visas. About time Mexico stops selling themselves short.

    3. China ships precursor drugs to Mexico not USA. And if any were to arrive in USA they would be siezed

    4. 1053. China does not allow itself to be bullied by the U.S in the way Latin America does. If it did then the U.S would be in China like it is in Colombia.

      If the U.S can stop China from shipping precursor drugs to the U.S then maybe the same strategy should be applied on U.S soil rather than undermining Mexico's national sovereignty.

    5. Its because China OWNS the U.S
      They surpassed America years back.
      U.S depends on China for EVERYTHING including drugs (legal and illigal)

      Last time i checked U.S owes china 3 TRILLION dollars..
      China owns more property in U.S than you can imagine. They even own farms with cattle and pigs to feed us..
      If a DEA agent hoes to china he woyld be detained for espionage or something along those lines.
      There are many chinese spies working in US agancies. There have been many caught but its not going to be in the news..
      China is poisoningbthe SH!t out of America and the government lets them.
      In the Land of the free, home of the brave? Now also home of the junkies.
      Sad but true..
      Look at the homelesness going on all over america because of people hooked on drugs coming from china..

      BUT YEA, LETS BLAME IT ON THE MEXICANS.. that strategy been working for ever, why change it right.. lol

    6. 1:41 China doesn't own shit they only think they do. The west will always be the best and we will always own China. Bad days ahead for China. The world is fed up China.

    7. Just an FYI, precursors have also been found coming from Germany and India. Both countries are NATO allies and close with US. Just some interesting food for thought.

    8. 4:50 The US cant cant even afford 3 trillion dollars to pay china for their debt.
      How does US own china? Lol
      What a clown hahaha

    9. I said the west owns China 6:31 and debt doesn't matter when you have 10 aircraft carriers and military equipment them rice eyes can only dream of

    10. China is 10 years more advanced than the U.S..

    11. 8:49 AM

      Whoever allowed the Culiacanazo is a traitor? Are you saying that AMLO is a traitor?

    12. @238. Please highlight where I am saying "AMLO is a traitor"

    13. 7:44 AMLO made a call to culiacan to give the order to realese chapito..
      I would say hes a traitor but also a SELL OUT and a COWARD..

    14. 9:35 you and your grandpa are the idiots!

  5. Arrest Barak Obama Bin Laden for arming the cartel with military weapons.He approved operation "Fast and Furious"

    1. I agee rambo..Americans will never accept that, they are brain washed. Most havent left their city to see the world so they are ignorant and closed minded..

    2. 1:43,9:34
      You ignorant fucks there were 2000 total weapons of witch more than 700 were recovered. It was a operation to track straw buyers to better understand there gun walking operations it wasn't like the us government was buying m4s and aks for the mex cartels. It was miserably executed plan with good intentions stop acting like fast and furious totally armed the Mex drug war enough with ur stupid cooky right wing conspiracy theories you fucking shit bags💩

    3. Fact check, Fast and Furious was implemented by G. Bush by sending thousands of guns in to track where they ended up, Obama continued program which literally blew up in our face.
      Currently it's estimated 200,000 weapons enter MX from US a year. Also include Pakistan, old relics from South American cold war crap, old FARC Arsenal's and probably a few other places. Honduran hand grenades from 20 yrs ago are a dine a dozen as well.

    4. Bush left office in January of 2009. Fast and Furious was started in 2009 under Obama's justice department. Operation Wide Receiver ran 2006 to 2007 under the Bush justice department.

    5. 6:36
      Fast and furious was started in oct 2009 9 months into the Obama administration. I wasn't disputing the fact that a good chunk of cartel weaponry is American in origin. I was just stating that the ATF let 2000 weapons walk during straw purchases.
      Fuck you punk bitch mother fucker

    6. Ok thanks for info, thank you

    7. 3:51 PM

      And now it's been revealed that the SEDENA loses 30% freaking percent of arms that are imported to Mexico. But no, let's pretend 700 arms that went missing are the reason MX is a bloodbath.

    8. 7:41
      You're still a punk bitch.

  6. El Chapo was about business and has never killed anyone ~ regardless of what those blubbering quasi-bards chortled at his unfair trial in order to save their own thin-skinned hides.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. El Chapo Lives Matter!

      XOXO Canadian Girl .

    2. Don't speak about what you don't know. The people of Durango will tell you different as to how he would come with an army of 200 hitmen. He would tell all the farmers and land owners that they now work for him without choice. The independent owners were massacred. Come to Chicago so you can hear the stories of hatred some of the families from Durango have for the Guzman family and Sinaloenses. Don't ever go to Juarez or Culiacan to make that funny joke around some real motherfuckers either. You won't be blowing kisses. Xoxo - El Mickey de Chicago

    3. 8:59 its crazy how i met a bunch of people from Durango that think they are sinaloas lol
      Many in this blog from Durango love CDS. Just look at their comments from past articles involving Durango.
      Durango guys are the ones recruited by grupo flechas and go get slaughtered in zacatecas by CJNG..

      Durango is a mess, its filled with teens and adults hooked on crystal meth thanks to CDS.. but yet they still love thise sinaloas lol

    4. Didn't expect you to turn into such a Chapo groupie. I guess he didn't rape young girls, either?

    5. The more I read your comments the dummer you appear to me

  7. This is a ploy to get el Chapo released from prison. Once extradited he will escape with the help of the Mexican Goverment

    1. If its a ploy the USA is not stupid enough to fall for it. Chapo will die in the USA

    2. This is a ploy to get Hearst out of the office, to see her wonderful hair.

    3. Actually this is a ploy to get Sol outside to get fresh air.

  8. This is a ploy to get el Chapo out of prison

    1. No it's a ploy for Juan Rambo to come out unarmed, James Brown of the Barney Harris Cartel wants to finish him off.

    2. @12:00 James Doo-Doo is very busy performing BJ on the BLM male sicarios.He took the phrase "Brotherly Love" very literally.

    3. @Ram-ho. You're a funny guy. You're just mad because you're getting "replaced". Black Power! I'm down with Micah Johnson. Brother blasted five white cops. How you like that motherfucka.
      You want a brotha? Look up Mark Essex. New Orleans. Brotha filled cop helmets with their brains. How you like that muthafucka.

    4. Hey Rambo Thanks for bringing out the ignorance out of James Brown..
      Man.. poor dude's brain is a cluster fuck!! Poor guy, i hope he gets the help he needs..
      victim mentality right there..
      He's so proud of his people killing innocent cops..
      dont do the crime if you cant deal with cops and the jail time..
      That simple..

    5. @3:44 This is what I have been trying to tell everyone.
      BLM cartel and BLM male sicarios make up 4.5% of population yet commit over 50% of violent crimes.
      Its in thier DNA by nature. Yet they play the race card and the victim game to enrich themself with frivolous lawsuits .

      Facts on your comments @3:44 Exactly. I learned this from my father when I was in my teens " dont do the crime if you dont want prison time"
      The problem is over 80% of BLM sicarios are fatherless.
      The most confusing day for BLM sicarios like James Doo Doo Brown is Fathers Day.
      He was raised by a single EBT Queen surronded by bitter section 8 queens no father figure in his life .

    6. Rambo knows a lot about BJ's after giving a few to killer kyle and ex cop Derek chivuan.

  9. The U.S. wants Mexico to extradite narcos to be prosecuted in US courts, they went after Cienfuegos, but they don't prosecute the dea agents that were behind fast and furious and reside in the US... That's way out. How much more hypocritical then that can you get???!!!! If that isn't double standard what is. Knowing them guns were going to be used to kill people, guilty and innocent civilians. Since they were Mexican, it didn't matter. And to those that say drugs are killing americans, there's a difference when people choose to use drugs. One chooses to use drugs, no one chooses to get shot.

    1. Today for supper will be eaten Bacon, grits, peas, of course some Pepsi too.

    2. MHO: "One chooses to use drugs, no one chooses to get shot."

      It mostly is a choise(s) to get shot. Choises all the way.

    3. El perro. Innocent people don't choose to get shot.

  10. Seems everyone is a expert in here now but how many of you actually live in or near a border community

    1. 4:04 No one said we are experts, but we sure come in to make a comment about the article.Mr. GonerelliaN, did you have something to comment on the article?

    2. So tell us what's it's like living in a Border town?
      Maybe lots of gunshots are heard at night?

    3. Gonteia so tell us instead of being a sideliner.

    4. I'm def not an expert, but have had a couple of long barrels pointed at my head in MX.
      I think the majority of us are gringo's, participating in the only respectable blog covering narco/crime in MX

    5. I should have ended that with a blog for gringo's in English.

  11. It has been a long time since sicario 006 has appeared around here commenting nonsense, I am beginning to suspect that comandante Juan Rambo is him

    1. Who gives a shit about him and his dum comments

    2. Sicario006 is Juan Rambo. I started this whole BLM mess. Some time ago in the spirit of things I posted a story that, incensed by the racist murder of George Floyd, Sicario006 had agreed to train select BLM activists, a deal brokered by La EME. BLM sicarios would be trained in Mexico's mountains then return to the US.
      I didn't know 006 or some other fucking idiot would take the silly story and run with it.

    3. I state the facts about the BLM cartel and its sicarios based on statistics!

      James Doo-Doo Brown is text book classic BLM.

      Step1.Personally attack and attempt to riducule the other party(me).

      Step2. Play the victim.

      Step3.Try to gather suppprt for his cause by generating pity with the moderators of this site.

      Step 4.Incite the other party to commit violence against his own "brothas".

      Step 5: brag and promote the crimes of his "brothas" against law enforcement.

      Step 6 : Distraction tactic by making up a story about a 3rd party commentator of this site(006).

      They will do anything to win an argumemt even if the facts dont support thier point of view.
      This is the reason the cities where there is a large amount of BLM sicarios are the most violent in the USA.

    4. 2:46 Be strong don't let James Brown of The Barney Harris Cartel, try to take you down.
      I heard today BLM 3 men vs 1 off duty cop. Cop did get to shoot, but eventually died. The black activist lawyer Ctump are in hiding, but they sure crawl out of the rock, when a black man gets shot.

    5. 2:46
      You are a race baiting piece of shit btw I'm Mexican ok the racist shit you post about a whole people shows the piece of garbage human being you are. Every race has its percentage of deplorables. If you are Mexican you have no room to talk shit considering what savage acts are perpetrated by Mexicans on a daily basis

    6. 7:27
      Rambo speaks the truth.
      BLM getting out of hand.
      You have to see it to believe it.
      Now now don't go playing the race card on this matter.

    7. 2:46 you speak facts and idiots call it racist..
      Like dominis503 BLM supporter lol

    8. 9:50
      Just because I'm speaking sense and truth makes me a BLM supporter? so You're a kkk supporter then right? U r nothing but a little scared punk bitch talking shit thru your keyboard... Keyboard warriors is all you all will ever be you fucking cowards!!! I know your kind/type your little hearts pump nothing but kool-aid you're nothing but food...

    9. Domins503
      Could you be Rubio NYC that Puerto Rican that wears Red panties? You changed your call sign again.

    10. Dummynis503 is a clown.
      Stay in your lane boy.
      If your mexican why do you support a cause that has nothing to do with you? Loser! Haha

    11. 7:14
      Where in any of my comments did you come to figure me as a BLM supporter? Just because I said you can't shit on a race as a whole because of it's bad apples?? I've dealt with piece of shit racist try to shit on me and my people because I'm Mexican, saying that we're all gang banging drug dealing cholos that wouldn't amount to shit so you know what fuck you bitch. If you are Mexican just keep parroting your white masters deep down all you care about is your master's approval you pathetic fuck

    12. 7:14
      If you are some ignorant racist hillbilly? fuck you all the same... you're nothing but a scared little bitch coward who talks shit thru his computer you don't have the balls to shit to my face. I'd slap the taste out your mouth sweetheart 😘

    13. I'm done rolling in mud with you fucking shit birds!! It's not worth the couple calories I burn typing this shit at the end of the day I'll never get the chance to get my hands on any of you turd nuggets so fuck you guys

  12. Leave de Chapo alone, he is already serving a life sentence.

  13. Se acabaron los acuerdos y la DEA
    Lo confirma de proteger a tu familia
    De la gente que entregaste
    Te creíste inteligente y a tu socio
    Ahora si ya se prendió el cerro
    y vamos Por tu Gente 🎵🎵🎵
    Un brindis 🥃 por aquellos
    Que murieron en el juego

  14. Dominis503 kiss my grits you punk Brewster.


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