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Saturday, January 8, 2022

How The Largest DEA Manhunt Uncovered Widespread Corruption In The Mexican Government

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The hideously mutilated body of DEA Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena sparks the largest manhunt in the Drug Enforcement Administration's history. 

Implicated in his murder is the Godfather of Mexican drug lords himself, Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. But the subsequent homicide investigation also exposes widespread corruption and a cover-up within the highest levels of the Mexican government. 

It would take a special unit of investigators, a battalion of Mexican soldiers and months of undercover work by the DEA to bring the killers of their fallen comrade to justice.

Our History


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Best account of the facts yet! You get the true story when those who actually lived and worked the case, and, who were well-respected, hard-working agents, tell the story. It is always a team effort to take these criminals down and, when one person draws all the accolades to himself, then you know its BS.

    1. The government (U.S.) fabricated so much evidence to go after these criminals, all in Kiki's name. Yes, they were heavily into drug trafficking, and were probably all horrendous human beings. Still though, the U.S. did a whole lot of dirty tricks to go after these guys. An example of one (of just many incidents) would be: The hair folical testing. That was total B.S. The F.B.I./D.E.A. fabricated that completely. And if they did that, who knows how far they'd go to fabricate even more evidence. It brings anything and everything they found as evidence into question. They (F.B.I./D.E.A.) even sent out bounty hunters down to Mexico, to pull a doctor from his family, in his own home, up to the U.S., and held him on bogus charges. Holding him against his will. His case eventually went all the way to the Supreme Court, and frankly he should of sued; and won, that case against the F.B.I./D.E.A. Doing that to a Mexican citizen, just because your the U.S. government, and hell bent on trying everyone involved, does not mean it's okay to breach foreign policy and fabricate evidence. Imagine if the Mexican government did that to the U.S.? Mexico eould be in so much deep shit from it. Kiki is a hero, but the response to his death by the U.S., mainly F.B.I./D.E.A., is shameful behavior, and questionable at best.

    2. You forgot to mentioned that famous doctor, was present when Camerena was being a tortured, he was there to prolong his death with medicine. Always more to the story Mijo.

    3. Supposedly bro. Who knows if he really was

    4. When you go after those cowards you fight fire with fire to get results or do these guys fight by the rules or have Morals? These are not men of honor and neither was Joe bonano in denying that his right hand man was not involved in drugs.all these guys are made from the same clot just different groups from different countries all cowardly killers who live by the sword and die by everyone stop glamorizing these punks.

  3. I remember when i was in michoacan as a kid. I was in kindergarden playing in the play ground. There was a bunch of millitary soldiers going up and down in that town. I didnt know what they were doing since i was a kid but later i found out they were burning all the marinuana plants and arresting people that owned the land.
    Those sinaloas knew what they were doing, they are good at calentando the plaza. Kiki got tortured and killed in guadalajara but dumped in michoacan.
    DEA was all over michoacan along with mexican soldiers looking for drugs and drug pushers in a desperate way..

    1. And drugs are still in abundance compared to back in the days.

  4. Those greedy bastards messed up big-time in killing kike and brought a storm of heat from the USA they're never seen before so to this Day it still has consequences and if it wasn't for that stupidity today everything would be different with everyone working in their own areas But like the Trevino's who ruined n.laredo into letting the outside zetas into town and killing Chacho he bite the hand that fed him working for Los Tejas.los used to be a beautiful city Now it's all surenos and Cubans and central Americans nobody wants especially on the US side

    1. Unkown I shetted my pants again.
      Come over and clean my butt, por favor.

  5. Lol.....funny, how old is this, is someone trying to change the story from The Last Narc


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