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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Luxury Jet with Over 1 Ton of Cocaine Belonging to CJNG Seized in Guatemala

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The packages were labeled "G1," a sign that would identify a Tumaco capo, in charge of moving the cargo by land to Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, where it was collected and transferred to the border with Venezuela. "The substance was camouflaged in cargo vehicles and transferred to Cúcuta, where, supposedly, it was collected to complete the ton and coordinate its passage to Venezuela," the statement from the Prosecutor's Office reads.

Likewise, it was ensured that this illicit activity was articulated by a structure of dissidents of the extinct Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) with destination to Central America. Identified as "Nueva Marquetalia."

The aircraft in which they tried to transport the drugs is a G3 jet, which took off from a clandestine runway located in Venezuelan territory. International authorities detected the unit about to depart and forced it to land in Petén, Guatemala.

This document also indicated that the location of this "narcojet" was achieved in conjunction with the National Army and the US DEA, after the discovery of a drug trafficking complex in the rural area of ​​Tumaco in June of last year.

This process allowed the authorities to know the route and set up to process and remove tons of cocaine destined for Central America. Likewise, they found in the gigantic laboratory several tags used to identify the blocks of narcotics with the "G1" logo.

It should be noted that the criminal group, CJNG headed by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, has increased its presence in Central and South America, not only with the purchase and sale of merchandise in different countries but also with the establishment of criminal routes, relations with international groups, acquisition of criminal knowledge and presence through operators.

In this area of ​​the American continent, he would have generated an alliance with members of the FARC, with whom he would have trained on guerrilla and urban counter-guerrilla strategies, and with the so-called Criminal Gangs of Colombia (BACRIM) to agree on the production and transport of cocaine to the United States.

The Colombian Prosecutor's Office reported the discovery and seizure of a luxurious "narcojet" in Guatemala, which was transporting more than a ton of cocaine, which was allegedly received by members of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG).

While in Guatemala, the CJNG has been seen since 2014, when Sebastiana Cottón Vásquez, Doña Tana, one of the main operators of the Sinaloa Cartel, was arrested, so the organization led by Oseguera Cervantes began to weave a network of alliances for the transit of drugs.

Furthermore, the organization of the four letters has also been known to be linked with powerful people in Argentina. There, judicial authorities in the province of Buenos Aires began to investigate businessman Óscar Calvete Souza, who was allegedly one of the main connections of Los Cuinis, the armed wing of the CJNG.

For its part, in Uruguay, the presence of this cartel was also detected in April 2016, when the country's police arrested 11 members of the organization allegedly linked to the Panama Papers. They were identified by laundering money through the purchase of property in Punta de East and other areas with high purchasing power, with companies created expressly as Montella Global SA and Deltodo Enterprises.

Source Infobae


  1. Los cuinis are the brains behind CJNG,
    Mencho and his crew are the arm wing

    1. This is the smartest comment I've seen on here ever. Besides Juan Rambo's expert tutelage of course.

  2. Excellent 👍 catch, glad DEA helped intercept this large amount.
    Cjng nuthuggers sorry to hear the bad news.

  3. CJNG has gone worldwide!

    @canadian girl the CDC just issued a "do not travel to Canada"warning . I can't go visit you to cuddle.

    1. thats hillarious!! Hahahaha

    2. Do go just to cuddle go for sex man!

    3. Nice to meet you, John Hamtoe

    4. @ 8:34 no cuddling for you Ms H. Is it H for Harambee?
      Now go change your horse hair weave.

    5. Juan Rambito go conquer Canada girl. I want to hear a wedding soon.

  4. CJNG is all hype "secret management" 2018

    1. "Mencho will fall by the end of this year".-secret management 2017

  5. CJNG is going down and due to the lost load, Mencho will be having some of his members heads cut off.

  6. This CIA always flies first class.

  7. CUINIS was the Financial brains for CJNG , when cuini was arrested by accident that's when Mencho really got All his power.. . But having your name on the news n papers only makes you famous in a business where you want NO ONE knowing your name

    1. 12:48 DEA knows who the big dogs are because they let them operate.
      You are a big IDIOT If you trully believe DEA wants to stop the flow of drugs to America lol

    2. Cuernavaca by accident? NOT! His compadre who worked with the Jalisco governor that got killed in vallarta turned him in! Mencho wanted him dead but cuini said he would straighten his compradre up and look what happened! And the reason all the cuinis are getting extradited is cause lobo from new milenio is rattling on them!

    3. Beyond Stupid.... Cuini was picked up in an operation that'd absolutely nothing to do with him. The Colombian he was with was being investigated. He just happened to be at the wrong place at the Wong time

  8. Lol I can't stop laughing 😂.
    Cjng lost a ton of drugs, including the big airplane.

    1. TOTAL 39 tons found:Here is a link
      For 23 tons of coke found in Germany, and this was right after they found 16tons. That should make you giggle all night. The 16 led to the remainder I believe it reads

    2. Germany drug bust?
      Why did it not make the news?

    3. 8:03 it didn't make the news here because European groups go direct to Colombia so Mexicans are not really involved

  9. For all you guys to get a perspective on this load

    EL MOLCA ex member of now defunct MILENIO Cartel claimed that during his time with the organization led by LOBO
    Valencia (Maradonas and Tigres full brother and El 85 Erik Valencias Half brother) were picking up/moving 15 tons MINIMUM at a time, 4 times a year.. thats 60 fucking tons a year..

    Now think how much bigger CJNG/Aliados are now.. the Valencia's are STILL with cjng, from Maradona to El 85.

    I believe Molcas exact words were
    "Los ventabamos 4 jales al año... de a 15 toneladas o hasta lo que pudieramos, no menos de 15 toneladas..."

    Truth is cartels purposely lose loads all the damn time just like this one to give the authorities a bone to play with so they keep busy elsewhere while the maim big lode cruises right on by or as an agreement with their govt protectors and allies to "show work" or could be other purposeful reasons but those two are most common. Many time they buy the fucking jale back at a price where the altos mandos who siezed i or are im charge of the siezed load can make money OR as PAYMENT to thei political or govt protectors
    A lot of this shit is all for show. Yeah occasionally you get authority that actually does their job, intercept huge loads that werent meant to be lost, intercept rival cartels loads that dont pay them particularly or loads belogning to cartels that attempt to pass thru without paying their fee

    If you think any drugs move without the government's approval you are smoking hot Dxck lol the govt is and will always be the REAL boss of the Cartels
    Whether its the US govt using its Alphabet soup boys or the Mexican Govt using its armed forces or whatever govt all over the world

  10. Ok, I'm going to ask a question, please don't crucify me for ignorance; when cartel A claims control of a route or plaza, how do they know cartel B is bringing loads throug? Is it gossip, word of mouth, unrecognized trucks coming through the area?
    I hear the phrase "fighting for the control of important routes" either a border crossing or route through a plaza. Example Zacetecas

    1. Not an ignorant question. It all depends on the route and essentially it’s controlling that territory and its resources. For example that might be certain ports, towns or roads that connect to other areas (a big reason why inland areas see a lot of fighting as it connects a home territory to a route/border crossing.

      In the early days of the plaza system a lot of criminals would traffic certain routes and pay a tax for it that doesn’t happen as much now as each group wants total control of an area or a route. So basically they would know if other criminals are working for a competing group in that area. Aside from knowing or controlling all of the criminals in the area the bribes to port officials or local police and government are needed so if someone else was trying to do the same they would know.

    2. Can think of a route as a territory/area and the logistics along the way. The logistics would include how it’s transported/smuggled, the people available to do it/guard it and the protection of it all.


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