Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Uruapan, Michoacán: Cartel Jalisco Gunmen Warn Kidnappers, Extortioners, Fee Collectors, And Turncoats

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In a recently released video from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the city of Uruapan. An alleged kidnapper from the Carteles Unidos (CU) previously had his life spared by Jalisco gunmen. 

Unfortunately, soon after he was once again picked up by the CJNG and made to appear on film for the second and last time of his life. 

The man kneeling before the camera is purported to have met his demise off camera. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario # 1: Good evening to everyone within my beloved state of Michoacán. We are the Jalisco Cartel. We’re already here and we’re not going to leave. We are moving forward with the purge of kidnappers, extortioners, fee collectors, and turcoats. 

This person was made to fall into formation, he was forgiven, and he chose to deceive us. We are not a mockery. Sincerely, Jalisco New Generation Cartel. We’re currently in Uruapan. And we’re coming after everyone. We already know where each of you are located. 

Sicario #2: Let’s burn him alive…

Unidad de Inteligencia Ciudadana

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  1. They forgot to mention the Michoachango hairstylist handing out free haircuts to the needy residents.🤭🤪

    1. Sol Reddit kids are invading the comments section again, they should be limited to 4 comments a day, as this same troll, comes in all day stating the same thing.

    2. "Mira bien hijo de tu puta madre, soy El Peluquero, güey. Relaja a tu puta gente a la verga, soy El Peluquero wey. Relaja a toda tu partida, si no te voy a cortar el pelo a ti y a toda tu bola de perros como a la vieja de otro dia. Te tengo identificados 30 güeyes. Hasta a tus putos perros te voy a trasquilar sino te relajas güey, ¿cómo ves?
      No cuelgues hijo de la verga, te tengo pa las 3 de la tarde, estamos en Chacala güey, por la 5 de Mayo y la Benito Juarez.
      Póngaseme las pilas. ¿Qué le cuesta ser amigo cabrón?
      Mire, revíremeles a todos lo hijos de su puta madre, porque todos agarran sus cortes y son bola de puercos que no dejan propina.
      me ponen al tiro o tú eres el primero que vas a subir a la silla por ellos, León. Cuádrese a la verga, porque aquí las tijeras, [….], ya se la sabe, miedo no hay."

    3. @644 are you here for the articles or are you here for the comments? Ignore and move on. How hard is that?

    4. 8:40
      It's very hard kiss my grits😂😐😳🐸

    5. @9:15 Ahora dilo sin llorar escuincle

    6. 8:40
      My mom can kick your mom's butt any day long live CDS 😂😂😂👍😳

    7. LMAO! All of the Michoachangos are joining forces! Uy yu yu yuy, que miedo! Si asi fueran buenos para hacer lo mismo en su pinche estado cagado. Bola de jotos Juangas.

    8. Lmao the remix of Menchos call made my night 😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. There is a video of a man getting his face burned off by CJNG. Not sure if it’s old news.

    1. I’m thinking that you’re talking about the Ghost Rider vid. Send us a link or pic playboy. This will clear all doubts.

    2. Yes. It’s truly one of the most brutal, disgusting, videos one will see.

      I wasn’t sure If BB had already posted.

  3. i swear is that Cumborindio from the radio station con el Mandril?

  4. "Mira bien hijo de tu puta madre, soy Mencho, güey. Relaja a tu puta gente a la verga, soy Mencho wey. Relaja a toda tu partida, si no te voy a partir tu madre a ti y a toda tu bola de perros. Te tengo identificados 30 güeyes. Hasta a tus putos perros te voy a matar sino te relajas güey, ¿cómo ves?
    No cuelgues hijo de la verga, te tengo ubicado, estamos en Chacala, güey.
    Póngaseme las pilas. ¿Qué le cuesta ser amigo cabrón?
    Mire, revíremeles a todos lo hijos de su puta madre, porque todos agarran dinero y son bola de puercos.
    me ponen al tiro o tú eres el primero que vas a marchar por ellos, León. Cuádrese a la verga, porque aquí los vergazos, [….], ya se la sabe, miedo no hay."

  5. The BLM Cartel is sending its sicarios to attack Mexican street vendors and to rob them.

    1. Lately in Los Angeles
      BLM are going in groups to rob people in Beverly hills that drive Fancy cars, we sure don't see Hispanics or whites commiting these type of crimes. Not being racist, read the headlines black crime.

    2. Just like the Black Hand in LA put out greenlights on innocent Black people. These operations were carried out by EME's Southside dog-soldiers such as the Avenues, Florencia 13, Inglewood 13,East Side Longos and other Latino vermin. Black people bear the brunt of hate crimes in AAmerica. Whites commit a huge amount crimes that they get away with because of white privilege.
      White people stole California and Tejas from Mexico. How come you aren't pissed off at that. Black people didn't steal your muthafuckin' lands. Yet you pick on Black people. You just can't get enough of kissing white ass.

    3. I read some of the headlines online Los Angeles times, 10:35 it does show smash and grab and follow home robberies are being committed to by Blacks, some have videos you can't hide under the mask and hoodie. No evidence of Whites or Hispanics committing that type of crime.

      I also read on Rodeo drive gang members from Crips were caught, yes I would mention the race, as you know already, stating the facts don't attack me and don't play the race card.

    4. Here we again play some violin music "im da victim".

      James Doo-Doo Brown did you see the news about Fentanyl Floyd's niece was shot by BLM sicarios for New Years?
      First complain about law enforcement brutality now complaining law enforcement took too long to arrive.
      BLM Cartel members hate the police but they call 911 when thier own "brothas" attempt to end their lives. The Irony!

    5. what most of us Chicanos /Mex know here in Los Angeles is that certain crimes are frowned upon by the Homies inside. We get checked in County. I understand blacks dont have the same system. Respect is everything.

    6. Juan Rambito
      Yesterday's channel 5 news in Los Angeles..,
      Follow home robbery becomes home invasion with tying up two ladies. They took cell phones and money. They not yet released nationality of the suspects, but we all suspect which nationality it will be.

    7. 5:39
      Feythal Floyd family hit the jackpot, attorney Crub who Chase's all around USA for lawsuits against police is also rich with the 30 % fee he charges. Anyway the Floyd family don't have to work no more 65 million is a lot of money. And that is taxpayer money.

    8. @8:11 yes home invasion is another source of income for BLM sicarios. Their hero Fentanyl Floyd served prison tume for a home invasion in which he pointed a loaded gun at a pregnant woman. Thank you officer Derek Chauvin

    9. You are right @ 5:39 frivolous lawsuits are a huge income for the BLM cartel in addition to government assistance fraud. Crump wants to see as many dead "brothas" as possible this is how he makes his money.

  6. Jefe de Latrine Duty Rambo If you had any higher education you would know that most crime is intra-racial. Mexicans knock off Mexicans just like Blacks light up other Blacks.
    Black people are basically decent folks just like Mexicans. We beef at times but we don't storm churches and kill the worshipers. White people do that special brand of evil. Im pretty sure that you're a white agent provocateur. Stirring up shit to divide blacks and browns.

    1. James brown. I agree with you, it's a small percentage of people who commit crimes. To paint one race with a single brush is wrong... as far as you're comment on La Eme giving the green light to kill innocent black people in South L.A is wrong. That was due to the Eastcoast crips robbing a shipment from. A local pusher. That pusher sent Florencia 13 retaliate against the eastcoast crips. Unfortunately the media portrayed it as a race war. Anyway,have a blessed day. Don't let the trolls get under your skin. 🖖🏽✌🏽

  7. Tan pendejas las jaliscas si piensan que la gente creen sus mamadas

  8. Just a matter of time before these guy confront each other face to face, hopefully its not in the city limits.


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