Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Canadian Arrested With 69 kilos of Cocaine in Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City

"Ivan" for Borderland Beat

The chief of the capitol police, Omar García Harfuch, reported that a 26-year-old man, originally from Toronto, Canada, was arrested by capital police officers when they found 69 kilograms of cocaine and a firearm in the trunk of his vehicle, when he was driving on Vasco de Quiroga avenue, Zedec Santa Fe neighborhood, in Álvaro Obregón district of Mexico City.

The subject was identified by the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of Mexico City by the name of "Haddy".

Haddy said in his first interview with the uniformed men that he was going to Toluca, in the state of Mexico, possibly the destination of the drug delivery.

The uniformed officers learned that the gray vehicle that Haddy was driving, with license plates from the state of Guerrero, is in the name of a person residing in Toluca.

In addition to the 69 kilograms of cocaine, found in packages known as high vacuum partitions and numbered, the uniformed officers seized a short firearm, with six useful cartridges, three cell phones and diverse documentation.

García Harfuch pointed out on his Twitter account that Haddy's capture was derived from the surveillance work of the police.

The capital agency indicated that the elements were carrying out security tours on Vasco de Quiroga avenue when they noticed that the motorist was driving "erratically and at low speed, and that when noticing the police presence, the driver accelerated the march."

“While the police unit was approaching, the crew member changed direction and continued his escape, so with the arrival of other work teams, they caught up with him at Ernesto Domínguez Street,” where he was told to get off. of the gray car for a service.

The subject, the drug, the weapon, the vehicle and the other articles were presented before the agent of the Public Ministry who will determine his legal situation.

Source: Jornada

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  1. As a Canadians I would just like to tell my fellow Canadians stop playing gangster in Mexico. Part of me wants to say these Canadians are dumb but they know the risks and are probably deep in the trade back home in Canada

    1. Anyone who attributes with drug trafficking especially in Mexico is at risk from rivals & being snitched on to authorities.

    2. 7:21 I'm thinking he was snitched by rivals?

    3. 5:26 isn't ndrangheta runs the shit in GTA? Or there's other groups??

    4. Yes Ndrangheta run GTA and the Rizzutos run Montreal. Wolfpac doesnt run shit I dont know why people think that. Mexicans up here doing work on there own wolfpac just buys off them. I am sure the Mexicans prefer to work with the Rizzutos and Ndrangheta over some man purse wearing doueche bag gang called he wolfpac

    5. 10:00 Chinese triads are the strongest overall

    6. @9:03- this ain't a GTA chat room....what the hell you rambling about?

  2. Canada girl you're comrades are getting busted or killed in Mexico.

  3. Many Canadian drug traffickers from Vancouver and Calgary have set up shop in Sonora and Baja California to traffic drugs to USA. They are working with Americans as well,

  4. Haddy the baddy (wink).

    The Vietnamese killed the other day had won the global lottery being accepted to Canada. They have to live 5yrs in a lousy clearing camp till a country takes them. Might be alive if they had opened a productive nail salon like all the other Vietnamese here.

    We have our own nefarious folks who when caught are punished accordingly. But these so called 'Canadians' who come to Canada or are first generation have 'SCAM' in their DNA and are particularly grotesque in attitude and lifestyle.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. That's true Canada girl.
      Many foreigners that go to Canada, are there to scam people vin USA, the scams are similar to how the Nigerian s do it.

    2. Ndrangheta the strongest organization in Canada

    3. The wolf pack was killing ndrangheta members

    4. The Rizzutos are back in power 9:05 if you dont know who they are do a quick google search Vito was at Chapos level. Vito was a real Billionaire almost funded a bridge from sicily to mainland italy

    5. 9:35 please stop with the wolfpac garbage. They where never anywhere near the ndrangheta. Wolfpac made a play for montreal and got put in there place

    6. Vito was never chaos level stop it

    7. Chapo supplied multiple markets in different country doubt vito made man plays outside Canada maybe few in Europe but thats it

    8. Vito moved massive amounts of cocaine directly from Colombia in partnership with the Cali cartel he had a diversified criminal empire with investments around the globe his organization was worth billions and still most probably is. Chapo could barely pay his guys at times as he had to wait for money to come back. 701 is a complete myth

    9. Canada was better before the European.

    10. @9:05-
      The strongest criminal organization in Canada is the Indian Posse, followed closely by the Hell's Angels. This makes your statement incorrect.

  5. Police probable cause (PC) for arrest is going to get this cat out of jail. The PC is bad because they are using a traffic stop without a traffic unit. In Mexico you need aa search warrant unless a traffic stop leads to the vehicle impounded then anything found during the impound is evidence. Fruit of the poisonous tree.

  6. Italians accept and respect hard work regardless as a bricklayer or CEO.

    Gli italiani rispettano il duro lavoro indipendentemente dal fatto che siano muratori o CEO.

    Cesare femmina 💋 Canadian girl

  7. How come nobody throws bricks at the Canadian junkies who are driving the violence in Mexico? Y'all are quick to attack US drug users as part of the problem. Americans deserve better. We're a great friend of Mexico. Let's gang up on our northernmost North American neighbor, eh?

    1. Junkies are in abundance globally. Along with those traffickers who utilize Mexico's dominance of the drug trade. To exclude & finger one over many nationalities is just such bigotry.
      Violence transcends to all who partake in drugs period.

  8. Canada girl stop sending Canadians to Mexico, cartels don't want competition.

  9. @2:53 possibly cuz their Mexican counterparts used bullets instead of bricks and Habby is about to be sleeping on a few bricks in a non-cushy REAL jail.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. Miss de Canada girl you de send men to Mexico, they may get de chopped up and put in a I've chest.

  10. i know god damn well this involved in this bust will pocket a few kilos for themselves.

    1. of course.
      i'm positive this bust was orchestrated for that exact reason

    2. All the coke will be split up by the popo and higher ups..bags of talcum powder will be burnt.

  11. fuck him.

    i'm glad he was caught.

    imbeciles like him transporting poisonous narcotics like cocaine and methamphetamine are the ones contributing to the downfall of humanity... these kind of drugs do nothing but create problems.

  12. Por favor no Canadians in Mexico, they will be cut up.

  13. Canada girl please issue alert to your piaszas, that cartels bare killing Canadians that try to get into thier drug business.

  14. And Canada Girl
    Continues to tell men, they can make big bucks in Mexico drug business.
    Michoachangos Cjng going down. Yes for CDS.

    1. @9:05-
      You are very wrong. The strongest criminal organization in Canada is the Indian Posse followed by a rising Hell's Angels close behind.

      Italian mobs have become very, very weak outside of Italy. Didn't you know this?


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