Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Mexico City, CDMX: José Alfredo Cardenas Martinez aka El Contador Captured

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

José Alfredo Cárdenas Martínez was captured in Mexico City.

Federal and Mexico City forces captured José Alfredo “N” alias “El Contador”, regional leader of the Gulf Cartel-Ciclones-Scorpions branch in Tamaulipas.

The Mexican government reports that the subject is linked to the transfer of drugs and weapons, in addition to different acts of violence, in particular the murder of 15 people in Reynosa in June of last year.

The operation was carried out by the Mexican Army, the National Guard and the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City, with intelligence information from the National Intelligence Center (CNI).

The alleged criminal was captured in Mexico City, with a .380 caliber firearm and 600 white packages, with characteristics of methamphetamine. He was placed at the disposal of the Mexico City Attorney General's Office.

"El Contador" has a valid arrest warrant in Tamaulipas and is subject to investigation for various crimes, says the federal government bulletin.

The alleged criminal is identified as José Alfredo Cárdenas Martínez. He was arrested within the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood in Mexico City.

Carlos Jiménez

Aristegui Noticias

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  1. One of thousands of capos in Mexico

    Got a long way to go AMLO....

  2. I trip out how these guys get busted with dime bags. Like why lol maybe to give out to ppl or something cuz why qould he be slanging dimes if he has money allegedly and runs a cartel/faction

    For all u guys that think capos hide like rats that only happens during operations and once they escape they just continue bizz as usual. Grease some pockets n good to go. The rest of the time they live like kings. Yeahaybe they move around alot but they aint sleeping in no fucking cueva.
    Mencho is rumored to even visit his family in Riverside, Up north in Cali and Chicago at the restuarant he owns. Those who know, know which restaurant im talking about

    1. One of these days Mencho is gonna come and snatch your ass from your bunk for being a chismoso mitotero.

    2. Those dime bags are plated so they can keep them locked indefinetly and make a more severe case

    3. 10:42 Mencho is dead. Due to health reasons related to Covid19.

    4. @1143 @418 @633 lemme guess, you were all invited to the funeral services? You guys must've taken a day off of your jobs as professional online trolls? Get a life Loosers.

    5. 9:13 in Deniel lol.
      You barely waking up MFuker.
      He is DEAD, DEAD. Want part of covid19 do you not understand?

    6. 937 lemme guess. Your compa commandante Sargy personally called you out on his live feed and told you he was invited by a source but he can't say who. Get outta here you clowns.

    7. @10:19
      Well hello CuernaVaca bully.
      You seem not to like the truth are you high on something today.
      Little Nuts Truther lol

    8. 10:49 Cuernavaca is an idiot and so are you
      Cds groupies 💯 always talking nonsense with no common sense.
      Fuck you and your boyfriend Cuernavaca!
      "Omg he's a bully" GTFO 😆

    9. Unkown 11:52 you are behaving like a bullying person on this site, you got on every article to comment and belittle others making constructive comments, yet you seem act superior and out of line, behave you want to be a moderator apply, and see if you qualify. Once again behave.

    10. LoL @1049 @1152 "Mencho is dead! Trust me! I know, I read every article title on borderland beat and I follow Sargy on youtube!" You guys are fucken clowns. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    11. @2:35 I second that, total idiot for sure.

    12. 225 and 354. I agree. You guys are idiots.

    13. Your Right I have read, he died from health problems in the lungs, covid does like to attack the lungs. People that live in Mexico agree he is dead. Wonder who will be taking over, or will they splinter to other cartels.?

  3. Olvidate de jefe del cartel los jefes de plaza de matamoros antes trafivaban toneladas.Oziel cargaba un millon de dolares en efectivo todo el tiempo para emergencias como una detencion. A este pendejo lo agarraron con una miserable 380 y 600 bolsas de hielo. Como ha caido el cdg. Antes eran narcotraficantes estilo mafia ahora son pandilleros extorsionadores terroristas con rifles de asalto.

    1. Eso de las bolsas es la pura empapelada que les da el gobierno

    2. Ni feria tenía

    3. cops aligned chapitos and barrio Aztecas yet?

  4. I don't think he was running Matamoros anymore. I don't even think it's him, something is off about his appearance. When that happened with Tigre (CDG), I read after that the older bosses in Matamoros lowered el Kenas rank as well as el Contador. That they were disatisfied with them and didn't approve of how they handled that situation in which el Tigre got killed. That they didn't trust their leadership and were going to put someone else at the helm.

    1. What older bosses. The older drug traffickers have to kiss the cardenas ass.

    2. sooooo, then I was like:
      we don’t have to go to the fair..
      and you can take the table
      to o’ahu..
      it’s just mango-wood..
      and lilies smell nicer

  5. There's a few, that keep low, don't want attention, and a real IQ. Not all the old schoolers got killed or incarcerated. Example, Homero, there's rumors he was dead, but nothing to validate it, and as much as some of the Cardenas Guillen like to post pics and videos, there's not one of a wake, funeral or body. It might be true, but I know this much, he always ducked attention and hated the lime light.

  6. Funny guys . Wait a min.. isn't CDG aligned with CJNG ? So why would I care .... These guys must like the way my name taste in their mouth..since they can't keep saying


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