Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 27, 2022

San José de Gracia, Michoacán: Armed Attack At Wake Kills Several Civilians

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Banda music was playing at the celebration of a wake this Sunday afternoon in San José de Gracia, when suddenly at least two white vehicles stopped at the door, heavily armed men got out and shot at the relatives.

The armed criminal cell literally shot several civilians who were outside the home. There is talk of several deaths from this attack, preliminary versions - although not official - speak of 17.

A person recording from a nearby house was able to capture what happened on video, although the attack is not clearly visible, it is clearly seen how several trucks blocking the street, armed men dressed in tactical clothing are observed around the units.

Outside one of the homes, a dozen or more people can be seen against the wall of a house with a yellow facade, followed by several shots from a firearm with which they killed all those civilians. There is evidence of the sound of the gunfire and a cloud of dust and smoke that came out from the place of the wake. The news is already circulating on social networks.

These events already generated the mobilization of police forces, the National Guard, the Mexican Army and the Michoacán Prosecutor's Office.

More information is soon to follow. 

Primera Plana Mx

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  1. So supposedly it was an ex cjng member that was there. When The plaza boss found out they went to confront him.. its the guy thats on the phone with black shirt tht was the main target.. theres another video on twitter showing him in the middle of thw street dead

    1. Benny and the Jets.😷😷😂😂

    2. So why did they kill the other 16 ?...another really dumb chango comment.

  2. The Cartels are committing Genocide in Mexico and nothing are being done about it,for how long will the Mexican government allow the Cartels to do this.

    1. They're waiting for you to do something about it.

    2. As long as Obrador is President it will continue, Obrador wants to milk every dollar of BRIBES.
      He bought his son a million dollar home in USA and a $70,000 Mercedes Benz, bribes make Obrador happy.

    3. 8:59 that is not true! My president AMLO would BEVER do that! -AMLO groupie (sarcasm)

    4. It's a trip how people be posting some ignorant ass comments. No matter how silly they look to those of us that actually read the articles and pay attention to what is actually going on with unbiased eyes. I'm not saying AMLO has never took bribes, maybe he has, maybe he hasn't, for sure much wasn't being done before when it came to organized crime, but that seems to be changing. These comedians haven't noticed how CJNG has been taking hits these last couple of months. Most of the cartels have as of late, but CJNG the most. It seems to me that AMLO has switched tactics. The hugs are over from what it seems like . He's authorized a bunch of operations as of late and the army and NG has been doing it's thing, atleast way more then before. Curruption is so imbeded in Mexico and it infringes on security operations (example, , that fool fantasma that got busted in Chihuahua and was let go by a judge when he got transferred to Zacatecas, or people being tipped off that there's an operation about to go down and the objectives split before hand, etc ), all that has to be taken into account. It's not easy when others that supposed to be pulling with you are actually pulling the opposite way. Case in point, Cabeza de Vaca, Tamaulipas governor, having an active warrant, AMLO tried to change that law that an active politician can't be arrested on criminal charges and the politicians in Tamaulipas were able to beat that change (I guess it's a state law). That fool cabeza de vaca is still legitimately governor of Tamaulipas, arrest warrant and all. That mothafu@#*¿! had the GOPES outside his spot in armoured vhehicles during the change of law process just in case anyone tried to run up and tried to capture him. That's fu@#*¿! way out!!! That's like a fu@#*¿! revolt!!! They should've ran up in their and killed every last one of them for doing that, they blatantly defied the country for personal gain, in front of the world...And what happens, that mothafu@#! got the last laugh and is still in power while AMLO had egg all over his face and Mexico was embarrassed. There's people in positions of power that have been incarcerated before. Those people shouldn't even be able to run for office let alone get voted in. There's people with arrest records that are incharge of law enforcement agencies. Cops should not even be eligible for hire if they have an arrest record, let alone be in charge. That's the sh@#! that AMLO has to deal with. You could get a person that's a saint, no blemishes on his record or reputation with the will of a tiger and ready to die in the process to bringing change, but he to would find it difficult and be hindered, especially if one goes in swinging from the gate. I truely hope AMLO does what he should do in trying to fullfil his pledge during his campaign. Fu@# it, leave the real traffickers alone. Focuse on those that blatantly do harm to innocent civilians. The ones that extort legitimate busnisses, that kidnap innocent people, etc. Getting a handle on this would be in the best interest of the average Mexican, the country and for his legacy. People would feel endebted to him.

      P.S. 😱...I apoligize for the rambling. Didn't realize how long it was.

    5. 2:38 Yes I agree some comments are lame, then you have wierdos like today, unkown wanted the last word, in every article, otherwise he would bully you, cyberbulling, by responding with a funny remark.

    6. @238 From how I've observed AMLO'S time in office it seems like his first 3 years have been about setting the stage. Everything from infrastructure, education to combating crime. Much like most presidents before him. During the following 3 years previous presidents took that opportunity to rob the country. In AMLOs case, and I could be wrong, it seems like this is his time to follow through. The set has been set and now it's time to execute. Hopefully he does. It's not going to be easy and he won't do it in 6 years but I just hope whoever follows does so in his footsteps.

    7. 10:44, I totally agree. I'm not going to lie, I had gotten real negative on AMLO, thought he should even step down and make way for someone more suitable and with the will to get it done, but I started checking out things he was doing outside the cartel and violence situations (he's doing some pretty good things) and the hits the cartels have been taking for the last couple of months and it's given me pause. I starting to think that maybe he was setting the stage to take care of business. Has been checking out who he could really depend on in this, tried and is trying to change some laws, and now that he's in mid term it's go time. It's now or never. Hopefully he does take care of business. Like always, I'm rooting for the average Mexican, the regular civilian. That's who I want to end up on top. Anyone who is helping that cause, to help them live their lives free of intimidation, free of fear, free to walk down the street without worrying about getting shot, kidnapped, etc, free to run a real business without anyone going in and demanding they pay a fee to operate their legitimate business or get killed or burned down, I'ma give my respects and gratitude, and if it comes down to it, I'ma back'em. Not for AMLO nor anyone else, but for the average Joe in Mexico. All the innocent people that aren't involved in this bullshit and are trying to live their lives. Hopefully AMLO is one of those. Make Mexico a good place for the average Mexican. That's who the president is supposed to serve and protect. It's not to make their pockets fat. Money isn't everything. When we die, the money we have means nothing. But those crooked greedy mothafu@#*¿!, they'll be damned even when there goon...And I hope they suffer and their soul is tormented as much as they made the average people suffer combined and then ten fold...For the abuse of trust, abuse of power and their greed.

  3. Cjng killing innocent people again smh

  4. Can't even go to a funeral or you get shot. Unfair tactics by the cartel,where is the Human Rights group to cry foul.
    At least let the civilians inside gets weapons. Easy kills no resistance from the unarmed citizens cold blooded murders

  5. They sure took their time getting set up before they started shooting and no one in that crowd outside the house noticed them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 9:26 ya damn fool, of course you horse, no one noticed because the music was blaring. Give me a break.

    3. They exucuted them in a fire line style. Thats why they were against the wall

    4. 9:26 Read and analysis the article, also see the video, before opening your rat infested mouth, they had the music loud
      Pend. Marcon

    5. It seems like they had them lined up. That"s why nobody tried to run. I don't care how loud the music is, there was alot of people in front of that wall. One of them would have to have noticed the mini convoy with their doors opened and the men standing around them in the middle of the street. The music didn't make them blind. If they were lined up , then more than likely they were hand selected out of the wake. Might be wrong, who knows.

  6. Camera guy had one Job and he messed it up

    1. I thought the same damn thing ! Fire the camera guy ! Maybe even bust his ass back down to wardrobe with all the other fuck ups !

  7. No outrage in Mexico by any government official. How pathetic.

    1. Edgar I agree there should be outrage at what happened, a quick reaction response from the Gurdia National but most likely go to the back burner and forgotten after a week.
      Why did they not name the cartel that went to do this massacre? Broad daylight.
      No justice whatsoever, where is the Mayor, Governor to denounce the killings(they are in cahoots with the criminals), but wait it's predictable what will happen if the public wants action....they will get 5-6 men that are innocent, and say they did the crime.

  8. Replies
    1. I know huh. Michoacanos worst enemy is another michoachango.

  9. They have an update on this story online. It looks interested.

    1. Well piazita what you waiting for Christmas???

  10. I understand the shooting of anyone blaring this kinda music for the whole neighborhood to hear I do . Although I dont condone it I do understand it .

    1. Chinblaster
      Michoacan is Calderon home State. Calderon has made a statement about the massacre, and how the State police responded 3 hours later. He made Obrador aware of the matter and put him on the spot, that he is doing nothing, reguarding the rampant violence, that is transpiring on Obradors watch. I still find it amazing that no one, wants to name the cartel that did this, where is the Human Rights of Mexico hiding?

    2. In all seriousness I agree they are saying these guys had time to load up the dead and spray the blood away and get outta there before the COMPETENT authorities found time to show up and check it out ? Wtf . I make light of the situation because I am a stupid pos but if I were to take to heart the atrocities occuring to the good people of Mexico it would drive me insane . I hope something changes soon but an unarmed populace against and armed cartel backed by corrupt govt officials will never have a good ending .


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