Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Los Correa Against CJNG 20 Person Massacre at Cockfight in Zinapecuaro, Michoacan

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

At a sanctioned cockfighting ring in Zinapecuaro, Michoacan; gunmen, allegedly from Los Correa cartel blocked the roads surrounding the venue and attacked killing 20 people including the local leader of the CJNG.

Update: The Michoacán Prosecutor's Office has identified 19 of the 20 people murdered in a palenque in Zinapécuaro, including three with US citizenship, in addition to a subject with the alias of "Chapo," from Guatemala.

Less than a month after the massacre of 17 people in San José de Gracia, Michoacán, another event exceeded the number of fatalities in the same state since on March 27, 20 people were executed by an armed commando while they were interior of a palenque in the municipality of Zinapécuaro.

Just after the events, the Michoacán State Attorney General's Office released the substantive results of the first inquiries carried out by the agency's investigative staff, who were able to reconstruct the violent events.

According to what was reported by the Prosecutor's Office, the palenque opened at approximately 3:00 p.m. on Sunday 27, an establishment that is located in the El Paraíso ranch in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood, and in which constant meetings of the members of the cartel were organized. Jalisco New Generation (CJNG).

That day, an event open to the public was held in which around 40 cockfights were held without betting and supervised by the National Section of Breeders of Fighting Birds, which was "organized for genetic selection purposes."

After having concluded their operations and after the visitors to the palenque had allegedly left the premises, the members of the CJNG, who dominated the municipality, stayed to continue holding their meeting, in which the leader of the local criminal cell was present.

Preliminary reports indicate that the revenge was planned against an alleged regional head of the CJNG who migrated from his affiliation with the Familia Michoacana. Halcones located the alleged ringleader and an operation was deployed to execute him, however, Los Correas would have served as support for these actions. But the authorities have not given an account of major elements that support these reports.

The regional leader of the criminal organization was present at the scene and it is presumed that he was the target of the assassins of the Los Correa cartel, to whom Michoacán authorities attribute the attack since they would have carried out an armed incursion into the entity to seize control of illicit operations in the area.

After the palenque had closed its doors to the general public, the armed command entered the place aboard two small trucks, one of them branded with the logo for Sabritas, a potato chip company, which had been stolen in the State of Mexico days before. The trucks were used to block the highway leading to the cockfighting arena, and from which various gunmen descended carrying high-powered rifles, in addition to wearing clothing and tactical equipment. At the same time and in a coordinated manner, a passenger truck, which had been hijacked, was used to maintain a blockade outside the building and thus prevent the victims from escaping from the scene.

“Once they entered the venue, the men fired weapons at the attendees, including the owner of the venue, Abiel A., 59, and his son, Salvador A., ​​who died in the place, as well as 17 other people. In this attack, five people were injured, one of whom died on the way to a hospital, "the prosecution reported.

The other bodies delivered correspond to the women identified as Melissa S., Jennifer Karina T. and Martha Elba P. In addition to José Abiel A., his son Salvador A.; as well as José Andrés M.; Jose H.; Erik Salvador M.; Daniel E.; Damian M.; Federico L.; Juan Pablo L.; Jesus Horacio L.; Miguel Angel M.; Alejandro Michel G.; Carlos Alberto M.; Jose Martin A.; John Ignatius G. and Juan Jesus M.

After executing 20 people, the assassins abandoned the vehicle in which they arrived and fled the scene in cars stolen from the victims of the attack. In addition, the state authorities "located 15 vehicles of different types and models, in one of which, presumably related to the people who suffered the attack, clothing, and stickers with the logo of a criminal cell were located," reported the prosecution.

The clothing and the vehicles were transferred to the vicinity of the FGE, where more than a hundred 7.62 and .223 caliber shell casings were also recovered, as well as a .40 mm caliber grenade, which was raised as evidence of the attack. The lifeless bodies of 16 men and three women were left in the palenque de gallos, which have been transferred to the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) to be identified.

The five people who had to be transferred were four men and one woman. The man that died on the way to the hospital was identified as Erick Salvador M., 32 years old. 15 vehicles of different models were also seized, which were made available to the Public Ministry, confirming the prosecution.

"Until this afternoon, Abiel A., Salvador A., ​​José Andrés M., José H., Erik Salvador M., Daniel E., Melissa S., and Damián M. have been identified before the Prosecutor's Office," the agency reported. through a statement.

Los Correa Cartel is headed by Daniel Correa Velázquez, "El Tigre".

Who is the Los Correa Cartel?

Los Correa Cartel is headed by Daniel Correa Velázquez, ‘El Tigre’, whose family began by controlling the clandestine logging of forests in eastern Michoacán, expanding their activities to the production of marijuana and synthetic drugs, extortion, and other crimes.

Currently, the Los Correa Cartel maintains an alleged alliance with a cartel that has been in the region for years, La Familia Michoacana. Both criminal organizations also maintain a war with the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), whose cells seek to enter eastern Michoacán.

In Michoacán, the cartels of Los Correa, La Nueva Familia Michoacana (with its arms armed with Los Viagras and Lo Blancos de Troya), Los Caballeros Templarios, Cartel de Los Reyes, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), Cartel de Tepalcatepec and La Familia Michoacana (old organization that was the base of the Knights Templar).

In addition, in some regions of this state, there are self-defense groups, armed civilians who protect their territory from the onslaught of the cartels, although there are suspicions that some of them also belong to criminal gangs.

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  1. Replies
    1. Vaca are you really in the basement with your laptop?

    2. Chump..are you at your mom's Cocina waiting for her que te caliente tortillas. Pinche estupido... Anonymous gangsters... No mames

  2. At this rate Michoacanos are going to be an endangered species.

  3. Michoachangos killing Michoachangos. This is actually a good thing.

    1. 12:45pm Callese pinche joto pendejo, nadie le dio derecho de hablar. Fxck outta' here with your gay ass Grindr profile pic.

    2. Paisa probably a central American

    3. 1245 I don't always agree with you but this time you're 100% correct.

    4. I didn’t think that my picture will get the attention of homosexuals like Lobo Puñetas but coming from Michoachango country everything is expected.

    5. Paisa, quit being such a crying little bxtch, maybe today you'll find a match on Grindr. Go on now sewer rata.

  4. Triste la situación en mi Mich. Pero esto es guerra, ni modo vale. We Tarascos' been built for war since the beginning. We repelled the Aztecs, drove out the zetas, and we're going for the dirty sewerloas next. Fuck a filthy sinarata. Puro Michoacán.

    1. 3:48pm Awiwis, puro Michoacán primo 🥑 Zamora 🍓

    2. It’s ok Lobo Puñales. Michoacán is full of criminals thieves and ratas, the more they die the better. Michoachangos are like cucarachas 🪳 just like Zetas. They need to be exterminated.

    3. Allow me to remind you LOBA, Michoachangos extort small businesses, avocado 🥑, lemon 🍋and strawberry🍓 farmers 👨🏾‍🌾, destroy roads, communication services, plant land mines and drop drone bombs. They create fake autodefensas to disguise their criminal activities, cry for military intervention and greet the soldiers with violenc, they kill community representatives like the mayor of aguililla and commit massacres as they did to the 17 last month and 20 at this palenque. They are responsible for the illegal logging of an endangered tree in Michoacan, and as a result they are endangering the monarch butterfly population. But don't tell a michoachango that because they will accuse you of being a Sinarata...

    4. 12:44am Butterfly boy couldn't resist his homosexual tendencies and had to reply to daddy. So cute 😄🤣😄🤣😄🤣

    5. 818 LMAO RIGHT, coming from the 🦋🦋Michoajots🦋🦋 who wants me to drop my location so we can meet.

    6. 9:23am Where in California do you live ?

    7. Don't bother La Loba Catrina, her bitch tits get erected and aggresive and she may crap her panties...
      Remember this, not every michoacano or sinaloense or mexicano is a criminal just because criminals is all you know.
      hay que no ser pendejos ni babosos.

  5. Michoacan cartels ate ruthless
    nowonder sinaloas are scared to take that plaza.
    Arellano went there once and barely made it back alive
    Mayo tried clicking up with C.U/viagras/autodefensaz when Dr. Mireles was the face of that cartel to fool the people with the good guy persona that he always tried to perceive.
    Chapo tried Colima but failed, that's when he knew he couldn't make it any further south without taking major losses if he tried.
    Zetas, well we all know how they got ran out of there fast

    1. No mms that's what your proud of 🤣

    2. 2:37 the funny thing is the chinolas have thousands of corridos of how brave , tough, smart and ruthless they are but michoacanos showed them who really is the tough ones

      4:48 yea, I'm proud michoacanos shut the sinaloas up with all that noise of how they were the toughest muthafujers on the planet hahaha

    3. I could never support any of these murderous ass hole egotistical fucks, but at the bottom would be the sinaloa federation Ive never seen a criminal enterprise so intent on snitching on anyone and everyone it goes against anything Ive ever been taught or believe in, it absolutley sickens me and its a sign of the no balls no backbone way of doing things weak minded motherfuckers survive on .I spit at their demise !
      As far as Micho goes I have no opinion there was a strong presence of them in Austin Tx while I was there and in the time I was there several of them ended up going to prison everyone of em went like a man and some are locked up to this day, this was 8 yrs ago so I have nothing bad to say about them I do feel terrible sadness of how bad it is in that area of Mexico for the children and the people who just want to live and be at peace which I think we all take advantage of. I know some of the strongest women ive ever met come from there and I hope they all find peace.
      Even in Sinaloa I just cant stand the way the criminal elements embrace the lowest form of criminal behavior and write songs about it but always seem to leave that part out . But to the regular people of Sinaloa I hope peace comes to your lives as well .
      And this is just My opinion which doesnt mean much if anything at all !
      But it is how I see it nothing more nothing less.

    4. 9:06 could you be more succinct and to the point without rambling soo much about BS?
      I am a slow reader...

    5. Smarmy
      Ill stop rambling when you are able to fart right again you effiminate little butt nut you ramble more then anyone in here ! Now run on back to what ever pride parade you crawled out of ,Im sure they woukd like their conspiracy queen back . Keep your chins up if you arent already . Eat a dick sweetheart !

  6. The Lord of the Roosters is quite upset! The palenque is his happy place, his playground, where his pedigree and military trained roosters fight till the death.
    Grupo Elite will avenge the deaths

  7. Michoacangos make the snitchaloas look like school girls.

  8. Clearly proxy's fighting for local extortion rackets and dime sales

  9. To many fucking cartels. On the other side who fucking cares if a cockfight gets shot up. Only human garbage attend that shit. Fuck em.

    1. I Care Don't fuken read the article if you don't like it.

  10. Fucking trash goes to see cockfights so who cares if they get shot up. Good for Mexico

    1. Nah billie jean but your mom and sister were there giving free head to spectators.

  11. Dam, this was very well orchestrated. After all the visitors left (innocents,) they pulled up in the Sabritas truck and blocked the rivals all in. Very clever move not gonna' lie.

    1. Agreed I was surprised they spared anyone but Its a sign of professionalism that they did .

    2. 9:08pm Yes true, they've probably done this before I assume.

    3. 632 stop and think about the shit you're praising. Get a life.

    4. 6:32
      Lobo lives in that country, you live in USA, typing away in your mom's basement, someone that lives where the action is another story.

    5. 640 who the fuck are you? LOBO's girlfriend? LOBA doesn't live in Michoacan where the action is, he lives in shitty ass Stockton under his parents roof and still not paying rent. LMAO ain't that right LOBITA!🤣🤣🤣

    6. 10:52
      Make up you're fken mind is Lobo a he or Lovita is a she, what a dork and a cyberbully.

    7. 1131 LOL @ Cyberbullying!🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry, did I insult your girlfriend LOBA. you jotos should meet up at his gym and wrestle eachother to figure out who's the man in the relationship.

    8. 1218

      Just because they corrected you, don't mean you have go in a rage, you need Anger Management Classes, something when wrong in your don't go buying my nalgas as they say in here, accept the truth bro.
      Nemesis ELA

    9. 11:31am Don't mind this butterfly boy troll my friend. He lives in his moms' gardening tool shack in the backyard with a male donkey who is also his intimate partner. He has much free time to troll because he is a Schizophrenic who recieves government assistance aka disability money.

    10. Te digo LOBA, ya que no hayas la puerta sales con puras pendejadas.🤦🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣. Go hit your punching bag joto. It doesn't fight back.

    11. 3:08 lol lobo he gets disability money. Thanks for the heads up... Seems he is not satisfied with picking on Cuernavaca and you, he can't pick on me because many of us use Anonymous. He is what I call a major TROLL.

    12. Lobo jotolon puñetas no hables a lo pendejo. Two women victims of this attack were on vacation and had no criminal connections. Michoachangos are trash ratas jotolonas.
      Well orchestrated lol pinche jotolon.

    13. 536 you're another joto! "Stop picking on me! You're a cyberbully!" Te digo. Par de joto🧑‍🤝‍🧑👨‍❤️‍👨

    14. 5:36pm No problem my friend. Yes, Butterfly troll is the #1 Borderland Beat troll. Becareful also with Paisa, He is a sinaloa super predator cannibal who is known to stalk other men on Grindr.

    15. LOBA wears a purse when he hits his punching bag while asking it to drop its location. 🤣🤣🤣

    16. 3:56 el burro dejó deshabilitado al lobo ya es una loba lesbiana,
      pero las dos son manfloras.

  12. What's more barbaric..dogs & cocksparrer ..find eh hobby Taras schevenko

  13. Of this would have been a CDS move
    Cuernavaca. Catarina and all the CDS groupies would be saying " yea, the sinaloa people are calculating and smart"
    But since it's a michoacan article they will talk garbage lol
    Michoacan haters are tough behind that key bord 😆

    1. Cjng cheerleader I regret to inform you Mencho is dead, but his ghost won't rest.

    2. 12:41 no te excites cochaburras.
      Learn some respect,
      get some back, someday.

  14. @chinblaster and Anonymous: Some of your longer posts seem well thought out and informative... not childish flippant and dismissible wastes of time.
    Please keep posting things that are insider and informative "true".


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