Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

"El Juanito" Juan Cisneros Trevino is the Alleged New Leader of Cartel Del Noreste

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat
Some images by "HEARST"

Juan Cisneros Treviño, alias El Juanito, has allegedly taken control of the Cartel del Noreste.

After the capture and deportation of his cousin Juan Gerardo Treviño Chávez, "El Juanito" is not only considered his successor but also the last of the Treviños.

El Juanito is designated as the new head of the organization and its armed wing, the Tropa del Infierno, through which he maintains a fierce fight with cells of the Gulf Cartel, as well as territorial disputes against the Zetas Vieja Escuela.

Juanito had a strong rivalry with his cousin El Huevo for control of the criminal organization and supposedly, after his capture, rumors began to circulate within the cartel that Cisneros Treviño had leaked information about his cousin to the authorities so that they would arrest him. As reported by Borderland Beat, the DEA and Mexican authorities began tracking El Huevo after appearing at a family party.

Juan Gerardo Treviño, alias "El Huevo," was located by the authorities as the leader of the Cartel Del Noreste and deported to the United States. 

The betrayal would also have extended to other operators of the Tropa del Infierno, whose arrests progressively weakened the armed wing of Juan Gerardo Treviño.

The arrest of Treviño Chávez unleashed hours of hell in that border city. After an operation of only 16 minutes, commanded by the Army, blockades followed one another, with burned vehicles, in 13 points of the city. The Tropa del Infierno, the armed wing of the CDN, unleashed attacks against 20 military bases and attacked six housing units where Sedena personnel live. Eight other civilian installations were attacked.

Under Huevo's command, the Northeast Cartel became the third criminal organization with the largest territorial presence in Mexico. Today he is accused by a Texas court of drug trafficking and money laundering, among eight other charges.

Chart Created by HEARST. 

Cisneros is the son of Ana Isabel Treviño Morales and half brother of Sofía Del Carmen, alias La Mojón; from Orlando, the Rolis; and Carlos Alberto "La Bola" Monsiváis Treviño. Currently all of them are in prison.

CDN Leaders

  • Juan “Kiko Ozuna” Francisco Trevino-Morales (19-1994) Leader-Imprisoned
  • Miguel “Z-40” Ángel Treviño-Morales (20-2013) Leader-Promoted
  • Miguel “Z-40” Ángel Treviño-Morales (2013) Boss-Imprisoned
  • Juan “Kiko Jr” Francisco Trevino-Chavez (2014-2016) Boss-Imprisoned
  • Ana Isabel Treviño-Morales (2016-2017) Boss-Imprisoned
  • Juan “El Huevo” Gerardo Trevino-Chavez (2017-2022) Supreme Leader-Deported
  • Juan "El Juanito" Cisneros Trevino (2022-Present) Supreme Leader
An offshoot of the old Los Zetas transnational criminal organization, the group has survived the 2013 arrest of leader Miguel Treviño Morales and the 2015 capture of his brother Omar Treviño Morales. After the split Zetas no longer function as a centralized organization. Kiko Treviño took the power of the Zeta faction of Nuevo Laredo after the organization plunged into a dispute over leadership; struggles that have weakened it, and resulted in its losing influence in the region against its rival the Gulf Cartel.

Kiko was arrested on September 28, 2016, in Baytown Texas, a city located on the gulf coast, about 25 miles from Houston. He was sentenced to two life sentences. The group of the "Old School" Zetas had offered a million pesos for the head of Kiko Treviño. The leader who replaced Kiko is another Trevino, his brother Juan Gerardo Trevino Chavez, also known as “El Huevo.”

El Huevo was the leader of another group known as Los Treviños, which has a long history in Nuevo Laredo. El Huevo had the CDN base, the all-important trafficking gateway city of Nuevo Laredo, on lock. Over the years, after several recruitments, new generations of Zetas began to emerge. Among them was a family from Nuevo Laredo, who became known as the Treviño Morales.

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  1. 🤔 for anyone knowledgeable. Is the Treviño name common to the region or are these Treviños related to any of the Treviños from the old corridos. If so is it safe to say the Treviños clan of Tampaulipas is the equivalent to los Quinteros clan of Sinaloa?

    1. No, they haven't been in the game that long. They started around or a little after the zetas came into existence. Believe it or not, Z40 use to wash cars for a living before. He started standing out in that world when CDG was trying to take full control of Nuevo Laredo. There were alot of Zs and Ls in that operation, but the majority fighting and in leadership positions were Zs. But remember, back then they were CDG. That's how Nuevo Laredo became their strong hold. They stayed on there working after the opps got eliminated or subjugated and were in complete control. When the war started with CDG the Ls that had stayed there ended up jumping ship and became Zetas, just like alot of Zs that stayed in Matamoros became CDG. Reynosa was like 50/50 with CDG coming out on top about a year or so later (full control). Atleast from my understanding.

    2. Trevino name is fairly common throughout.

  2. Why does Canada girl love el huevo?

    1. I really love Canada girl, I am not asshole I love how she smiles and laughs. I want to marry her and have 6 babies.

    2. 3:59 I give you five fingers
      up the ass...
      Leave my girl alone.

    3. You want to have 6 kids, you have a good paying job? Or you just dreaming? It's ok to dream.

  3. Mas pendejo, will fail too, the treviñas got fucked up because their ambition is as big as their shortcomings, they could never lead when they never respected or supported leadership and chose to topple pr betray their Godfathers employers and associates because they feel superior because of having treviñabrothers in prison "in texas" where they worked as illegal braceros and got infected with the tejas virus of self aggrandizement.

  4. "The leader who replaced Kiko is another Trevino, his son Juan Gerardo Trevino Chavez, also known as “El Huevo.”"

    Isn't El Huevo the brother of El Kiko? As seen in the family tree

    1. Seregalin, yes he has a brother they call Kiko. But they also called the dad Kiko, or Kiko Ozuna. If you see right above his brother Kiko, they have the dad down as Kiko Ozuna

    2. You’re correct. That part was copied from an old article that had some info incorrect. They are all named Juan though.

    3. Yeah confusing names. Infobae has great articles as always

    4. they are a mixed group of inbreds

  5. The original Zetas were 31 Special Forces ex soldiers (GAFES).
    They had a high level of military tactics and discipline. They changed the game. Now the Gulf Cartel had professional paramilitary hitman with training from US and Israeli military.

    The Treviños are a bunch of car washers.

    1. 3:50 in spite of their 'helicoteros' and high faulting training, the GAFES failed to tame or defeat the EZLN, they just got trained as government terrorists and repressors but failed at "counterinsurgency"

    2. El teniente do you make up shit to be funny or are you a stupid ass motherfucker that just posts shit with no knowledge of shit. The original zetas numbered 14 to 20 at most. One or 2 were usa army deserters most were mexican soldiers and some were mexican special forces but also some were just mexican federal police. But all had some tactical training. The treviñas didnt have tactical training of any kind they were and are just some assholes.

    3. 6:04 Are you high on Fentanyl ?
      My comment indicates the difference between original Zetas (military ) and Treviños Zetas (car washers) ..

    4. 604 JAJAJAJA te salio cola. Andele wey, por pensativo.

    5. 6:04 Juan Chuck Norris is a walking book with a lot of knowledge, you are confused with Scario 006.

    6. That's what happens when people are to lazy to read the whole sentence lol

  6. This guy might last awhile. They don't even know what he looks like (supposedly). The government don't know nothing about him just like they didn't know anything about the 43.

  7. They say he is the last of the mohicans maybe he did turn in his own cousin if there was a power struggle How low can you get moral or scruples if they know what that means who knows how much level of education they got Que.Novela.

  8. Juanito Y La Bola Treviño's branch of Treviños have wanted the top spot for a long while

  9. 12:46 the Trevis scam steal everything from everybody after promises of paying
    "when the money comes", brainwashed Z3 and stole from the Talibanes until Ivan Velazquez Caballero "el Tal Ivan" said No Más and escaped to San Luis where he got arrested, the Trevis son puras pinchis gandallas


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