Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco: Kidnapped National Guard Women Are Released

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Early this Thursday, a criminal group kidnapped two military women while they were taking a vacation in Puerto Vallarta.

Women from the National Guard kidnapped in Puerto Vallarta are released

The women were found alive in the Plaza Fluvial, in Puerto Vallarta. 

This afternoon it was announced that two women, elements of the National Guard, kidnapped by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), in Puerto Vallarta, were released.

The victims were located in the "Plaza Fluvial" shopping center, thanks to the immediate reaction of the armed forces, federal and local authorities.

It was early this Thursday that the two women were abducted in Puerto Vallarta, by a criminal group from the area, according to information from the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena).

It is presumed that the kidnapping occurred in retaliation for the arrest of Saul Alejandro Rincón Godoy aka El Chopa, which occurred on April 22. And as a means of pressuring the authorities to release the wife of "El Mencho", Rosalinda Gonzalez, arrested on November 15, 2021.

Por Esto

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  1. Puro pichi pedo, las viejas se largaron de güilas, ASK ME, I used to get kidnapped by gangueros every weekend, until my wife would not believe me...

    1. 8:47 de que te ris cabron, no es muy gracioso que te cache tu vieja y ti haga ver lo que es cajeta y se agarre un sancho extra... nat fanny!

  2. Oh wow, that was fast. De seguro se les apreto el apestoso a los mencos cuando se dieron cuenta que AMLO mando 400 guachos a vallarta.

    1. 8:56 oh plis, 400 motherfackers on vacation at about 6 000.00 thousand peisos a month is a latta money, even after devaluation is a latta money for nothing...
      The messikin army should not.even exist after a lifetime of treasons and betrayals against México, the mexicans and constitutionally elected governments, it is like the Chilean, Argentinian, paraguayan, Uruguayan or Culombian armies, FULL OF SHIT ON ALL FOUR SIDES

    2. Perfect metaphor for the whole country!!!

    3. SIR fucking with the fuerzas armadas now is not like fucking with the fuerzas before. AMLO and La cuarta are the real deal.

    4. 805 This has nothing to do with AMLO your full of crap and F U too. Payaso.

    5. At 8.56 you must be the Obrador nutthugger. Out of the rock to defend the lazy ass grampa.

    6. 8:56 whose's apestoso doesn't stink???
      Even pretty women can't escape, see Johnny's wife amber heard dropped a crap on his bed and blamed the dog.

    7. SIR pues clarintes, por que crees que le dicen el apestoso y no el perfumado. 819 What do you mean this has nothing to do with AMLO. I could understand if it was municipales or estatales but in this case it's the MILITARY. That's federal, that has everything to do with AMLO. The last time them militares were kidnapped in Zapopan the response was the same. Como se les calento la cocina, que ya ni hayaban la puerta. You AMLO doubters need to understand, this guy came in with a mission and that is to restore México. Look at everything he has done, read his books, watch his speeches, he's actually fulfilling his promises.

    8. Johnny Deep' ex Amber Heard found herself a better man, trillionaire free speech absolutist authoritarian censored of opposition commenters he does not like and saviour of the trump membership by buying Twitter to restore the cheeto monarchy Elon Musk, just to fill empty space she said...
      Pinche cagona, tax Elon for buying that ass.

  3. Cjng knew that if they did something to the high ranking ladies, they would put heat on themselves. Why even bother 2 ladies that were on vacation?

  4. Sir is it true your stuck at home all day? Did you really get kicked out of Facebook and Reddit?

    1. I got kicked out of facebook for "violating their policy" after one day for not having excrementicious relationships with anybody, I just wanted to see some old buildings'
      pictures, no reddit, no twitter, I do BB at work, but don't care about much other useless crap or crappy arseholes...

  5. 8:05 secretary of defense giniral luis crescencio sandobal was I charge of Piedras Negras prison where the zetas ran shit and murdering, he has been under Cienpedos huebos and is where he is because mexican melitary is still run by criminals today as it was in 1968


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