Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Young Man, Bring Down All Those Thoughts Of Greatness

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Warning: Graphic Video

A young Mexican teenager walks towards an approaching car some time after dark. In some random town somewhere in Mexico. As soon as the occupants inside the vehicle open their doors. The minor takes several steps backwards, reeling from what he’s just seen.

Armed men have arrived for the sole purpose of killing him, their opposing drug dealing competition. All of the assailants begin to quickly fire their weapons at the adolescent from inside the vehicle. 

A barrage of indiscriminate gunfire violently knocks him down onto his back. Every bullet unleashed within the armed attack goes above and beyond to ensure that their target never rises again. 

The unarmed teen lost his life abruptly at the hands of his rivals. Another victim of a senseless homicide inside the world of drug pushers and repulsive hitmen. 


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  1. At this point my first thought is nothing other than he got lucky, at least it was quick.

    1. Very lucky. I've said before, I'll say again, never be restrained by ANYONE in Mexico. Fight until they shoot you in the head. That's the best outcome you can hope for. At least then, you'll be dead before they cut you up, and put your pieces in an Oxxo cooler.

    2. My objective would be to shoot back, kill a few before they kill me. Cartels Know 98% are unarmed. People don't have a chance to survive. One that goes to the shooting range and practices, can succeed. But they have nothing like that in Mexico.

    3. Eeeww shocking video, he is like Swiss cheese. 2 shots was fine.

  2. 10:37 hate all over México leaves no room for delicate treatment of unruly pushers, but their murderers need to know that pushing drugs is not a life ending crime, death penalty for murderers is poetic justice and there will be a day of reckoning for every murdering criminal, I hope some day lie detectors help spring murdering criminals to poetic sentences of death.

    1. It's Mexico murders continue, as I write this 5 homicides just happened. Welcome to Mexico.

    2. 8:27 as I reply to you a few are being kidnapped and tortured. Killed.

  3. I think this video is older than the year 2017

    1. You must be the same guy, that says Mencho is alive. Mijo it is 2017. And don't tell me you saw the shooting because you live half a block away.

    2. 11:30 your slow as fuck if you think Mencho dead

    3. 6:08 Menchos been dead where have you been?

  4. Exactly Ms. H. It's a sad day for any country where getting shot over a dozen times is considered "Lucky". It seems that the next 4 or 5 generations will be desensitized to seeing acts of violence and hyper-gruesome displays of rivals dismembered. When insanity becomes the status quo, is it still insanity or just modern normalcy. I pray for the country and its citizens. High level corruption destroyed any semblance of safety there. SMH.

    1. 3:16 keep the cucumbers away from your Kaboose.

  5. Killers are probably already in custody as their faces and vehicle are easily identified! Afterall Mexico is a civilized modern country filled with high IQ people!

    1. Why do you call truther(not a name), little balls?

    2. 12:16 panocho, you can clearly see because of his little ass comments

  6. That is Won Ton Overkill, the unarmed citizen never had a chance to run away.
    Happened in 2017 now 2022, I am guessing that group has killed over 2,000 persons by now.

    1. 8:21 wanton messages like yours criminalize Won Ton Soup...

    2. 11:57 massaged panocho should not be LOL

    3. Sir you really specialize in butt massages?

    4. 6:45 YES, and so subtle you can't even feel them fistings.

  7. Man o man hope his family never saw that video of the son getting killed.
    I bet you when the coroner came to pick up the body. It shredded apart, with all those bullet holes. The helpless victim already had 200 bullets pumped into him, then this guy in the video come out to empty another 30 rounds in 8 seconds.

  8. That was over the top.

    That was passed overkill

  9. 10:18 just make sure there are no bullets or fragments in your tacos.

  10. I wonder if when their boss finds out they wasted too many bullets...


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