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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Chapo Guzmán Complains About Mistreatment In Prison: "I'm Hungry And I Have Fungus On My Feet"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

He did so in an affidavit, which was included in a new civil lawsuit, which has already been sent to the attorney general: "The treatment I receive is cruel and unfair," said Chapo

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, founder of the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS), complained of the mistreatment he receives in the ADMAX Florence maximum security prison, located in Colorado. The Mexican drug trafficker, who is serving a life sentence in the United States, made an affidavit, which was included in a new civil lawsuit, which has already been sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland, as well as to Michael Carvajal, director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP for its acronym in English), according to the Prensa Libre news portal.

Chapo's complaints

According to the drug trafficker, the constant check-ups and lack of medical care have caused him extreme stress and even a foot infection from sharing the nail clippers with other prisoners, according to his seven-page statement. The capo demands that he be allowed to communicate with other inmates and that the conditions in his cell be improved, since he feels uncomfortable.

“I am a 64-year-old Mexican and I was extradited from Mexico to the United States in January 2017 (…) The treatment I receive is cruel and unfair (…) They serve me little food and I am often hungry“. The founder of the Sinaloa Cartel says that there is not good ventilation in his cell, that this causes tachycardia, that he suffers from insomnia and even goes through periods of depression, he even claims to be losing his memory.

“Headaches, memory loss, muscle cramps, stress and depression (…) Every night this causes my heart to start beating rapidly, raising my blood pressure. I have raised this issue with staff, but no one has done anything.”

Guzmán Loera gave as an example an occasion in which the guards did not give him the necessary items in time for a foot fungus infection, derived from sharing the nail clippers with other inmates, which was not previously disinfected. He said that by the time he received the treatment it was too late and he had lost one of his nails.

He criticized the constant checks by the guards to prevent him from escaping, calling them "insane" and explaining that he lives in subhuman conditions. He also revealed that his cell measures 7 by 12 feet, and has a small window through which his food is delivered. This is located in the so-called “Unit H”, in which the most dangerous prisoners are found; among them, several terrorists.

El Chapo escaped twice from maximum security Mexican prisons; the first, he fled hidden in a cart, where they deposited dirty clothes, he did it with the complicity of prison officials. The second time he escaped through a tunnel built by his assassins, with the support of an expert. In 2017 he was extradited to the United States.

la opinión


  1. Hahaha poor baby lmao

    1. Please do not disrespect a national treasure like el Senor Guzman.

    2. Fuck you pendejo! And fuck El Chapo!

    3. @8:12 Gente Nueva Tier 1 Special Forces Operators will not be happy with your comment

  2. Life in a 12x7 foot cell and zero human contact. Better than the death penalty . He deserves it. Great result

    1. Imagine being so dumb that you think death is worse than living in a cage.

    2. Imagine being so dumb that you think he said death was better than living in a cage.

    3. Lol I think you read his comment wrong Oscar

    4. Imagine being so dumb you believe he said something he didn’t lmao

  3. Why wasn't z40 extradited again?

    1. Amparos are probably holding things up.

    2. That’s another dirtbag that needs to be moved...

      -Holden D. Cash

    3. Still many Zs in the higher ups of the Mexican gov.

  4. El Chapo Lives Matter

    1. At 1122. Sorry dude no more Juan rambo. If you don't have anything fruitful to contribute. Then be gone. I don't know how Sol allows some of the shit that gets posted cause it doesn't even follow guidelines. Spending useful space on "this shit matter ". No " that shit matters". Then the other parts pretending like you guys are advisors to the cartels etc.

      ALL SHIT

    2. BLM stole $90 million in donations to buy mansions .

    3. 12:12 Trump stole $500+ million in tax payer money. Plus 2 billion+ in foreign bribes.

    4. @1212pm
      Right......... cause BLM Is a Mexican trans national DTO. It's funny cause people are so impressionable. Guys like Juan Rambo were writing racist shit. And all of a sudden it's "cartel" news.

    5. BLM enriches itself by the death of its Brothas and Sistahs

    6. Juan Rambo Lives Matter

    7. 111 yes Juan Rambos live does matter. I hope whenever he's at, that he's good.

    8. 11:44 I am sure Sol allows shit to make you cramp in your panties, don't do his job for him

    9. Banko you got so much hatred against Sol and BB, you should open your own website. I am proud how Sol runs the show here, you hissy fit crybaby.

    10. @2:39 Blanko I felt the love brotha. BLANKO lives matters ! Be safe BLM is everywhere

    11. Turns out Commander Juan Rambo never really left us. Playboy still lurks in the shadows. 🤣

    12. I respect the work u new guys put in but I've been under the impression that some of the moderators (well the new ones are very tolerant off the posters that make these dumb/irrelevant/borderline racist I know you guys are gonna make the excuse that it takes a long time to go through/check the comments..but somehow Chivis n co managed to do a much better job of moderating if not directing the idiots somewhere else certainly not engage n to a certain extent encourage this stupidity like its funny..or do u find it funny..I understand some might slip through the cracks but it's the majority of comments now..maybe just turn them off I've not seen anything useful
      or informative in that comment section for years just cheerleaders n what seems like nasty suburban teens bng entertained by the gore

  5. All these privations then no ameliorating snuggles with a nice warm woman. EVER.

    1. 1133 correction super wet and warm. snuggles? you meant muscle best muscle right between her legs muscle right?

    2. 11:33 no need to squeeze a lemon either, there's blessings hidden on every bad thang...

  6. Why doesn't the guy buy more commissary if he's hungry. Foot fungus shit my friend sister died of tooth infection in county jail

    1. 11:41 black teeth harbor a lot of crack addicted bacteria in the cavities.
      She may have got eaten by it.
      If the fish eyes on the feet are piranha you are lucky they don't go up to your ass.
      El Chapo may get released as soon as he testifies against Genarco Garcia Luna or demands the CIA and DEA come to court because of their complicity with mexican cartels since the foundation of the Mexican DFS "to fight comunismo" while laundering drug trafficking money with expert master Klaus Barbie...
      Shit got worse right after John F Kennedy stole the election from a Retchie Nixxon (who had promised we would not have his ass to kick around anymore).
      Hugo Chavez, Hillary Clinton and her broom, Frank Sinatra, Sam Giancana and Chicago dead voters helped Kennedy steal that election and Reproblicans have been exacting revenge ever since.

    2. 9:06 they wont let him out, maybe just change him to another block were he can havea 1 channel tv in english and some snacks but thats it

    3. 4:50 WHAT, no Maruchan?
      that what Chapo gets for becoming prison girlfriends with z40 in Almoloya.

  7. The Sinaloa Cartel regularly kills and rapes women and children so no sympathy for El Chapo

    1. The church, marcial maciel, southern Baptist...7th day, atalayos, la luz del mundo, jeffries, Jeffrey, legionarios de cristo, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and popes engage and cover up,
      "La Perra de Babilonia" is an encyclopedia of sex crimes from before the age of television, will keep you very busy.

  8. No mames güey!

  9. At 1141. That's a very interesting point. I wonder if they get commissary the same way as other criminals. I would think it's more restricted. I know 2 guys serving time under kingpin charges. And they have phones and other things.

    Soooo hopefully someone will answer that one for us ......

  10. Ive never been to prison but I watch a lot of youtube and them guys are innovative. Any way, I heard if you pee on your toe nail fungus it goes away. For the hunger I'd suggest he start eating his boogers. Again, never been to prison but I'm trying to think like a prisoner here...

    1. Loooool i diet high in boogers . Along with those bumps of crystal or coke. Or Fenta. Will help that individual become a great ruthless sicario.

  11. Pinche chapo chillon, si tienes hambre y tienes hongos en los pies pues tragate los hongos de tus pies 🤣

  12. Poor Chapo is depressed. Everyone is prison for life is depressed if they once lived like a king.

  13. I’m shocked that these guys allow themselves to get taken alive.

    1. 💯💯💯

    2. @3:22. The will to live is very strong. Where there is life there is hope even if it is a delusion. We've all heard stories of soldiers saving the last bullet for themselves. I have read dozens of battlefield memoirs. I have yet to read a verified account of a soldier shooting himself to avoid capture. I'm not saying it hasn't happened. I just haven't run across an eyewitness account.
      I have heard accounts of soldiers calling in artillery or bombs on their own position to thwart being overrun. Not quite the same thing as blasting one's own brain out.
      Then again, despite people blathering about heaven, nobody really knows what awaits us on the other side. Understandably most people want to stave off this eventuality for as long as possible.
      What if a Christian arrives in the hereafter only to discover that the afterlife is antagonistic towards Christians? No one can guarantee it is not.
      Even in the most desperate straits most people just want to live.

    3. Its worth mentioning that people debate still to this day about if Escobar shot himself in the head when he knew he was about to be captured, or if the fatal shot to the side of the head actually came from law enforcement.

      Pablo's son says he believes his father killed himself because Pablo had instructed him to do the same if he was ever in a similar situation.

    4. He was shot by American Special Forces sniper

    5. 4:04 whoever fired the shot does not matter as much as who betrayed Pablo, his worker Alvaro uribe velez in cahoots with former friend of Pablo: felix ismael rodriguez mendigutia recovering the business for the real owners since Bolivia where he got Che Guevara murdered with help of the Castro brothers and from mexican mafiosos who survived the purge after he also ordered the murder of Kiki Camarena for confiscating more than 200 million dollars belonging to the CIA, now the DEA also belongs to CIA drug traffickers to do as they please

    6. The Great Claus Barbi hunted that cockroach Che down.

  14. The American tax payer is paying for his ‘accommodation’. The American government spoke or confiscating money and property that rightfully belongs to the people of Mexico. The American government has failed again, they haven’t confiscated anything. The war on drugs is BS. Send the man home and every other Mexican citizen who has been locked up for the ‘war on drugs’.

    1. Because they are innocent, right?

    2. Dumbass comment of the week. Our court system was presented with the crimes he and his cartel did. The evidence was overwhelming. And here comes Bozo saying set him freezer, lol.

    3. 8:29 Jesus The Crist was also convicted with overwhelming evidence, Saddam Hussein?
      The Iraqis tortured by CIA contractors, and drug addict george floyd, same thing...
      But No Abundance of Evidence has ever applied to donal' trump

  15. Chapo is such a pussy jajaja. This is who CDS fangirls worship? N word please

  16. #freechapo...One of dozens of political prisoners held in inhumane conditions in filthy US jail.

    1. Ohh looks like you have feelings for Chapo, do the crime, pay with time. He is not homeless.

  17. If you ain’t cheating…you ain’t trying

  18. Do let time do you. Find a way to kill time and have one of his cats send him a cell with netflix account. Saca la bolsita...

  19. I can't wait to see Emma Corronel when she gets out, coming to my pad in Miami, fun in the sun.

    1. A few more bottox and emma is gonna look like lin may 🤣

  20. Chapo bite your toe nails with your Teeth that should help u With your germ probely or would it?

    1. No mames his fungus wont be able to survive the bacteria in his mouth! RIP foot fungus


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