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Saturday, May 28, 2022

In Badiraguato, "Chapo's" Birthplace, Armed Men Detain Press Convoy Covering AMLO

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

The checkpoint was located about 30 minutes from the La Tuna ranch, where Mrs. María Consuelo Loera, Joaquín Guzmá's mother, lives.

Badiraguato, Sinaloa - A group of 10 men armed with AK-47s set up a roadblock this Friday at the height of the community of Bacacoragua, on the Badiraguato-Guadalupe y Calvo highway, where they stopped the convoy of national press covering the activities of President López Obrador on his working tour of the "Golden Triangle", the birthplace of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

The checkpoint was located about 30 minutes from the La Tuna ranch, where Mrs. María Consuelo Loera, mother of Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, lives, in the heart of the "Golden Triangle," a region stigmatized by the cultivation of poppy and marijuana for drug cartels. 

-Where are you going, my friend?" said the man with a Sinaloan accent, holding a AK-47. 

-We are going to the President's event," replied the driver of the vehicle to the man who approached the vehicle, scrutinizing each of the media representatives through the windows, while another armed man took the driver's side. 

The group of 10 men were dressed in bulletproof vests, with up to eight magazines, military-style uniforms, radio communication equipment, small arms and AK-47s in three pickup trucks without license plates deployed on the road. 

- "No weapons?" the man asked as he checked inside the vehicle.

- "No, just cameras," replied one of the occupants. 

- "Do they have them turned off," replied the man who was wearing military-style clothing, but instead of boots he was wearing huaraches, and on his left arm he wore a patch with the image of an orange in the middle of two black number "7's".

-Yes, look," they replied.- "Where are they going?" he insisted in a serious tone, without expressing a single insult, but without ceasing to observe the occupants. 

- "Guadalupe y Calvo to the event," he was answered. 

At the "request" of the man with the AK-47, the reporters put an elderly man in the van where they were being transported, who closed the door and instructed them to continue on their way. The elderly man affirmed that Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán's family "are very charitable" because they have a restaurant and "give free food".

It was in this area in March 2020, during a supervisory tour, where President López Obrador got out of his truck and shook hands with Mrs. María Consuelo, who has requested help from the government to obtain a visa with the United States to be able to see her son imprisoned in that nation.



  1. Where's the video

    1. Did you not read the article? The 10 men wanted ALL video equipment off at the checkpoint.

  2. they should lock up Chapos mother for money laundering and confiscate all her property

  3. If that’s the case; they should lock up the Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden families also.

    1. No 4:35 but you could lock up trump

    2. so you support these evil idiots destroying Mexico

    3. 4:35 Topic is Mexico not USA.

    4. Don't forget Obama & Biden for operation fast & furious

    5. @12:03
      First of all, operation fast and furious was not even a bad thing. It's basic American strategy to help stabilize unstable regions. It didn't go exactly to plan but given how long ago it was, they had no way to know in those days that it would even end like that (with some of the wrong people getting killed with those guns). They had every reason to believe the cartel was only going to use those guns against rival cartel members. That's literally the whole point of the operation.

      Second off, the operation was literally started under Bush. But it's not a fucking scandal either way. I'm more than willing to give Obama (and especially Bush) shit for their scandals but if you think that's a scandal (a simple failed operation) then you have low standards for what actually counts as a scandal.

    6. Trump the conman who keeps sucking money off from his stupid followers should be lockup. Grifter now is writing a book about the election, is he using crayons to write on McDonald’s wrap bags? The reasons trump is not in jail cause he white-republican. Imagine if trump is black doing what he did and talking like a moron?

    7. 6:30, first of all. Their decision ended up getting federal personnel killed, and well as countless Mexican folks. If you or I did that, we would be charges with at least conspiracy, gun running, manslaughter and probably capital murder. Ponte las pilas amigito.

    8. Help stabilize regions...LMAO.. It was the government helping arm a cartel making a deal with a cartel... If you don't think that's a scandle you don't understand what a scandle is

    9. 4:59 ok tell me again where the orange man touch you in your dream again.

    10. 4:59. You have Trump living in your head idiot. Biden has gas at $7.25 a gallon in downtown LA and your mad at Trump. What an absolute moron you are.

    11. 12:32 its not sleepy joe's fault, its covids and the russia vs ukrain war, you can blame him for other shit that he has done but not the gas price

    12. 12:32 Biden does not set the gas prices, but he should expropriate all the gas corporations and make them property of the state because of National Security and make tips for gas attendants mandatory.
      Big Oil has too many trillions of dollars in too many motherfucking banks anyway.expropriate without compensation, fucket...

    13. Since you mentioned the Bush family let me tell a story. Not long ago I was in Oakland CA. I when to buy some weed homeboy told me come on in dude I saw many weapons wtf there like you want to help clean them up they just arrive from Texas in my mind I knew those weapons where going to be use to murder Mexicans. El programa Alcon I believe a FBI agent acuse the Bush administration = Biden for trafficking weapons to my beautiful country.Mexico. 2

    14. 1:57 you are truly a moron gas prices been climbing way before Ukraine Russia conflict do you even own a vehicle? Covid fear wasnt working no more, next boogeyman is Putin Russia oh yes best believe china is next we give billions of cash to foreign countries most go to NGO and gets laundered back to Personal charities government best at stealing American taxpayers dollars you cant make this shit up

    15. Too many pendejos in here I Lost a few brain cells reading this nonsense

  4. Animo Sicarios! Animo Hearst !
    Badiraguato and all of Sinaloa has Fort Knox level protection . Also any President local or foreign visiting Culican has to pay respect to El Chapo's mom ,by mandate of los Patrones .
    "The group of 10 men were dressed in bulletproof vests, with up to eight magazines, military-style uniforms, radio communication equipment, small arms and AK-47s in three pickup trucks" pura Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators willing to sacrice their lives , puro Sinaloan Spartans ! By the way those Huaraches are made of tactical ballistic nylon!

    1. The Return of The King.

      Sicario, the 6th. Long may he may reign.

    2. Him and Juan Rambo in the same week!

    3. We heard you were in Ukraine? How’s it going there?

    4. Huaraches made of tactical ballistic nylon!! JAJAJAJAJ , I shot soda through my nose I laughed so hard

    5. Did he really write "Sinaloan Spartans"?? Jajaja .This is Sinaloa!

  5. Momma chapo calling shots with bestie AMLO

  6. Nothing new been this way for 20/30 years up there. El Triangulo sigue blindado

    1. 20/30 would put us in 90's early 2000's. More like 40, 50 years. Trafficking runs deep in that region. A lot more than 20-30.

  7. It makes me wonder it’s the DEA playing they are CDS ? To bust people, their feeding us fake news.that’s sad DEA your making our young ones in Mexico believe they can be like you! A powerful jefe and they are going straight to the butcher shame on you.I wonder if you had something to do with the last shooting in Texas. Biden?

  8. The PREZ prob sent em to collect the payout ... And used the security personnel to make it look good

    1. 5:49 go get your share:
      Fresh cheese straight from Chapo mama undies..

  9. La gente de Chapo sabe respetar a los ciudadanos inocentes. Muy buena esa gente.

    1. Ni SABES cuanta gente a disaparesido El CDs en El dersierto de Sonora x no tener dinero o crusar sus terernos en mal tiempo o sin permiso

    2. 8:17 que pendejo eyes guey!!

  10. No sean mamones pura propaganda donde están los derechos humanos?les vale madre latino America nos prostituyen los gringos corren la red negra de órganos,droga y esclavos sexuales a estos weyes les gustan los niños.el diablo es Estados Unidos

  11. 9:06 Q-anon cuanto por tus mamadas?
    Cuando pases gatiando escaniamos la EBT entre tus nachas.


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