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Friday, May 13, 2022

More Than $18M In Meth Found In Single Tractor Trailer

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

More than $18 million worth of methamphetamines were discovered inside of a semi truck at the border over the weekend. 

The discovery was made on the World Trade Bridge connecting Laredo, Texas to Nuevo Laredo in Mexico on Saturday, May 7th. 

According to KSAT News, a 2013 International semi truck was hauling stainless steel scrap metal into the US when it was inspected by Border Patrol agents. A K9 officer and imaging system were used to reveal 912.82 pounds of alleged methamphetamine hidden inside of the trailer. 

The 33-year-old Mexican truck driver was promptly arrested, but his identity and the charges against him have not been released. 

The estimated street value of the drugs in question amount to approximately  $18,253,206.

cdl life


  1. In what world is 900 pounds worth 18 million?🙈😂

    1. Well if you really want to know, that would be Jupiter and yes that's retail price.

    2. The higher the estimated value the higher the reward, contracting the load to catch it would cost a pretty penny, offset by the reward.

    3. The Laredo, Texas world evidentally

    4. That's nickel and diming it! Do the math! A well structured dealer can make it happen in a big market.

  2. Some heads will be rolling on this one lost load.

    1. 900 pounds is lwss than 400 Kis bro that aint much.
      900 a pound in LA right now buying anything above 10 pounds price drops down to about 5 to 7 a P. Its ridiculous how cheap crystal is. Duting the pandemic. Especially the beginning crystal was going for 3k+ a pound easy In LA. Palces like Ventura County, SB county it was more expensive. All the way up until Salinas area. Then past that since there are the northern major Hubs the price drops back down to about the LA prices but dtill just a bit mofe ecpensive im guessing transportation fees incorporated.
      Dope is always more expensive from SB county up until Monteray county. Everything in between. No major players there really
      Too much LE activity and poltics to allow major players to distribute out those areas like the big cities. Youd have Law at your door faster than Sargy can make a story up

    2. 7:43 pos a güebo!!!
      LE keeps an eye on their shit.
      Paid handsomely by the US Taxpayer on Chinese credit cards secretly backed by US transnationals' offshored centavos.

  3. Mencho and Primito lost a load
    Trip out, mencho jas family in Texas. A cousin of his moved there decades ago. His nephew Raul just went back because she passed away. My boy cuts Rauls hair. Dude is plugged the fuck in

    1. 7:37 !!! Did "the dude" have sex with her? Or has sex with him, or he just got plugged himself...
      Please stop doing the black math and review, correct and edit your'n cunfiusing cummints.


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