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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Navy Seizes 3 Tons Of Cocaine In Guerrero And Michoacan

 "Ivan" for Borderland Beat 

Jorge Medellin

In two operations carried out on the coasts of Guerrero and Michoacán, members of the Mexican Navy (SEMAR) secured a little more than 3 tons of cocaine that was being transported in three speedboats by 10 people that they managed to detain through the deployment of ships and aircrafts.

The SEMAR indicated that, in the exercise of the National Maritime Authority, through the Mexican Navy and acting as Coast Guard, after carrying out various operations in the Mexican Pacific, naval personnel managed to secure drugs, fuel and various effects, on the coasts of Guerrero and Michoacán. He detailed that, personnel under the jurisdiction of the Eighth Naval Region and the Tenth Naval Zone carried out the seizures in the following way: personnel belonging to the Tenth Naval Zone, after carrying out field and cabinet works, had knowledge of presumably furtive activities that were being carried out approximately 54 nautical miles (100 kilometers) to the Southwest of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán.


The Naval Command deployed specialized personnel aboard two helicopters, an interceptor patrol and a Defender type vessel, which managed to detect two vessels in the area, with two and three crew members, respectively, on May 21.


The alleged lawbreakers, upon being surprised, fled, so the Mexican Navy personnel initiated a follow-up that culminated in their arrest, having informed them of the rights of the detainees, in addition to the seizure of 39 colored packages containing rectangular-shaped packages inside; 25 drums with a capacity of 50 liters; and two small boats.

As a result of the above, the naval personnel proceeded to place at the disposal of the Attorney General's Office, a total of approximately 1,750 (one thousand seven hundred and fifty) kilograms (gross weight) of white powder with the characteristics of cocaine; two small boats; approximately 960 (nine hundred and sixty) liters of fuel and the five alleged violators of the law, to open the corresponding investigation folder and perform the weighing and relevant tests.A second event took place in the early morning of May 22, when, after conducting a maritime and aerial surveillance, a small vessel was located approximately 147 nautical miles (272.2 kilometers) southwest of Acapulco, Guerrero, which naval personnel, in the performance of their Coast Guard duties, proceeded to inspect.

After the corresponding inspection, 31 black bags containing rectangular-shaped packages, four 50-liter drums, as well as the vessel in which they were transported, were secured, and the five crew members were detained and informed of the rights of the detainees.

Subsequently, the naval personnel proceeded to place at the disposal of the Attorney General's Office, a total of approximately 1,440 (one thousand four hundred and forty) kilograms (gross weight) of white powder with the characteristics of cocaine; approximately 200 (two hundred) liters of fuel; a small boat; and the five alleged violators of the law, to open the corresponding investigation folder and perform the weighing and relevant tests.The location and recovery of the secured cargo was carried out through a coordinated effort by the Naval Commands, using early warning naval air units and surface units (ships and vessels) staffed with highly trained naval personnel.

 The above was carried out based on the Protocol of Action of the Naval Personnel in Coast Guard functions, where the participation of the personnel of the Navy-Mexico Navy Secretariat is attributed in the performance of their duties, acting in a coordinated manner with air, land and surface units, as well as with the competent authorities; also, in compliance with the provisions of the National Law on the Use of Force and in strict respect for Human Rights.

This seizure is in addition to those carried out so far this year, where the Navy-Mexico, in accordance with its mission, fights organized crime with the resources provided by law, always in strict compliance with the rule of law, added SEMAR.



  1. Que onda Char...sabes que le pasó al grupo gerri?

    1. Compa Ipa, Ando perdido cual grupo gerri ? de Tamaulipas o de Guanajuato

  2. Seems ever since Mexico's government was informed, that Aid against drugs was going to be minimize, we now have the Navy doing drug busts, we all wonder why so fast in taking action????????

    1. I see it different. Seems to me like the mexican president is doing a lot to minimize U.S intervention. Shut down DEA offices, revoked DEA visas, asked for the DEA to move their plane from mexican soil. The U.S and Mexico updated the now Bicentennial agreement and since México is limiting U.S influence then Mexico needs to step up to the plate and commit to their end of the deal, and thats exactly what's happening... there's also a lot more stuff going on that the U.S media doesn't show Americans but I won't get into that.

    2. Get into it bro!

    3. Yea 6:07 after reading a few articles, I too noticed the uptick of drug busts and arrests are up. They rarely take in criminals and the Navy is doing that too.

    4. Colombia now US ally CIA heavy my best guess people getting caught are not under alphabets blanket not paying bribe plus seizures getting resold Canada Europe Asia

    5. Pendejos, the mexican "navy" is just stealing the drugs with no US witnesses prior during or after...
      6:07 México (AMLO) refused the "help" of the US to keep their war ON drugs going, 3 billion dollars a year, try and get like "informed" before posting BS.


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