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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Tamauilipas: Photos Appear Of “La Güera Narizona”, Bloodthirsty Operator For The Gulf Cartel

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The alleged sicaria plays the part of a victim of torture in a video, but then photos of her posing with rifles, luxury cars and her boyfriend appear.

In the social networks several photographs and a video of Mildred M. Pérez Rodríguez, aka La Güera Narizona, a woman who is part of the hitmen of the Gulf Cartel (CDG), which operates in the municipalities of the state of Tamaulipas, adjacent to the United States. 

This female enforcer is considered one of the most bloodthirsty sicarias of said criminal organization. According to the information that appeared on Twitter, La Güera is a member of a cell called the Columna Armada General Pedro J. Méndez, which controls drug trafficking in the cities of Reynosa, Ciudad Victoria, Matamoros and San Fernando. 

It should be noted that she has been linked to the Morena political party of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She and her boyfriend, an alleged elements of the National Guard, said they suffered torture from members of a political party and the State Police.

"We had been walking with my boyfriend and they abducted us - who? - (Asks a reporter) Comandante Leal Padilla (...) took us to the mountain and there they tortured, beat, and recorded us, they undressed me for supporting the Morena political, ”said the alleged drug trafficker when she was interviewed once arriving in an ambulance to a hospital, after apparently being kidnapped. Her comments are given within the framework of a state electoral contest in the border state of Tamaulipas.

In the case of the photographs that went viral on the Internet, these were disseminated by the account @lpueblo2, accompanied by the following message: “This shows the power of Mildred M. Pérez Rodríguez, aka 'La Güera Narizona', enforcer of the Columna Armada General Pedro J. Méndez, of the Gulf Cartel on social networks. ” These are the four images in which the gunslinger appears dressed in an apocryphal uniform of the Navy, bulletproof vest and her rifle, popularly known as a "goat horn." In addition to her posing next to a luxury car and her boyfriend, a National Guardsman.

The Gulf Cartel is in the sights of the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, who posted a video, on his Twitter account, in which hitmen were observed shooting from streets near the Rio Bravo at a helicopter from the Texan Public Security Department (DPS).

la opinión


  1. La Güera Narizona means The Big Nose White Girl in English. 😄

    1. White Girls Lives Matter

    2. 8:37 your nalgas matter much more, send picshurs.

    3. Pinche gente irrespetosa, having narices de a kilo is no crime, but this Narizona could be a llama straight from Sendero Luminoso.
      Watch your linias, esta cabrona se las va a soplar desde lejos.
      Of course, Pancho cabeza de cagada fighting to stay out of prison could have contracted this shit for a smoke screen false flag to use against Morena.

    4. It means light skinned big nosed woman. Guera doesn't mean white girl, although a white woman could be referred to as guera. A light skinned person is called guera o guero whether they're white or not.

    5. The title claims she's a bloodthirsty operative for CDG...It would have been a better story if some info as to why she is thought of in that manner were given.

  2. They just had to take a side angle picture to show her big nose lol
    I guess she does live up to her name

  3. No pos si esta narizona..😁😁😁

  4. It won't be long before she stars in her own decapitation video. Just like that slim broad who was put in a cooler. What's her name again?

    1. La Flaca

  5. She will be the third "Guera" that The Zetas will dismember.

  6. What ever became of sicario 006? I’m not seeing his comments anymore

    1. I miss him everyday. :(

      Wish he would come back.

    2. El Señor Sicario006 is currently participating in black ops somewhere in the border with Ukraine and Russia . He took a highly trained unit of tier 1 Gentw Nueva special Forces operators with him halo jump from cessna real jamesbond type of adventures

    3. He is out in Ukraine fighting the Evil Russian s.

    4. 5:09 and you will be his heroine La Pasanalgas in the movie

    5. Thank goodness he finally landed a gig as a stand up comic. I sure don't and won't miss hiss comments. Look up 006 on google for those that do. You might find where he's doing his stand up comedy.... that's if they haven't fired him already

  7. She don't look like no white girl. At least not a Nordic type white girl. The Sinaloa buchonas do look white.

  8. Isn't this columna armada a "autodefensa" near the middle of the state whose leader is or was an important member of CDG? This reeks of politics and homegirl looks to be about the same dimensions as her garrote and maybe playing dress up...

    1. 5:23 you could use a lemon and salt every time you want to suck with your ipa shit.

    2. Lemon and salt for beer to hide the corny taste and skunky smell? No gracias. Drink some IPAs to calm your hyper ass down before you write some of your incoherent rants cabron...

    3. All this people pose in front the camera Armed up; why don't they go to Ukraine as mercenaries to make more money?

    4. Whatever happened to SOSA and his 3 page comments.??

  9. La columna does NOT "controls drug trafficking in the cities of Reynosa, Ciudad Victoria, Matamoros and San Fernando." Where do you get this information?? They do however control about 5 municipalities in the middle of the State from Hildago out.


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