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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Tepalcatepec, Michoacán: The Jalisco New Generation Cartel Is Attacked With Drones

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

The war for control of the state of Michoacán between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the United Cartels criminal conglomerate continues its course. In a video broadcast on the Tepalcatepec community account on the TikTok social network, an explosive device launched from a drone explodes and immobilizes a convoy presumably from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

The account that claims to be from the Tepalcatepec community police who on several occasions have been identified as part of United Cartels broadcast the recording from the drone where 4 trucks are observed fleeing after the explosion. Some armed men with tactical vests get out of their vehicles to reconnoiter the territory. But they return to them and leave driving at full speed through the dirt road. 

The Tepalcatepec community account calls itself the Michoacán self-defense groups. Despite the fact that the Michoacán government has constantly pointed out that there are no legitimate self-defense groups in the state.

The Tepeques, as they have been named by the opposing cartels or the Tepalcatepec cartel, are led by Juan José Farias aka El Abuelo, who in turn is the criminal conglomerate leader of the United Cartels. 

With whom the Jalisco New Generation Cartel maintains a drug war for control of various municipalities of Michoacan. On social networks it has been pointed out that in the video you can see the Jalisco New Generation Cartel in action. While in the comments of the original publication, people ask if the trucks belong to the community police or to the cartel.

Luis Cresencio Sandoval Gonzalez, head of the Secretary of National Defense, has declared that he has a record of the use of explosive drones, mainly by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. But that the use of these explosive devices combined with technology has been extended to three cartels and criminal cells. In another video from the same TikTok account, another drone attack can be seen on what appears to be a clandestine synthetic drug laboratory.



  1. The ukrainians have been using electric bicycles to carry missiles to russian tanks, and now the Cartels Unidos are bombarding aguacates on CJNG, que ignominia.

    1. Electric bike carrying missiles?

  2. But sadly looks like none of the vehicles were destroyed or anyone killed

    1. 12:46 ah, Pero el pedote que les sacaron estuvo merca cañón

    2. They should landed one on the fucking ass

  3. Finally. Salud cabrones

  4. Those abuelos have really bad aim, should of at least have taken one truck out

    1. Easy for you to say when you sit behind the laptop all day and getting fat.

  5. Viva la Mexico! Mexicans are great and decent people. White people are evil, will walk into a grocery store and kill old ladies just because they are a different race. Doom on white people.

    1. James are you drinking a 40 ouncer of Old English malt Beer?
      White people will walk in a store and kill old ladies you said.
      I am imagining they kill white oldies, too.

    2. @12:25pm nah, I'd take a running leap in my stilettos and groin drop him first...then let any senior thump him.

      Canadian girl💋

    3. You arena paid " race war" agent provocatuer..a devide and conquer agenda..but you will be done away with by your employers..why dont you support the human race instead of helping the controllers kill all people?

    4. JamesBrown...youre one dumb asshole,havent you seen the slaughter that goes on south of the border !

  6. The Ukraine Forces are using drones allso ,saw video were they dropped BOMB on the sorry Russians.

    1. dvs1- yeh right...another x-box fantasy video

    2. Yeah, they are, but those are either U.S. military drones or Indian military drones, developed and made for combat.

  7. Some men got off to reconitor???!!! Those guys weren't doing no reconosance, they were renning for their lives. Some didn't even have guns. What's up with the media trying to lesson cjng's embarrassment by covering for them. Call it what you see it

  8. Michoacán tepeque will grow at large much more tactical and a firmness than cjgn


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