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Friday, May 27, 2022

Pájaros Sierra vs CJNG: Videos of CJNG Interrogating & Executing Pájaros Sierra Members

"HEARST" and "Ivan" for Borderland Beat

Borderland Beat was emailed three videos which depict captive Pájaros Sierra members that were filmed by presumed CJNG members. One video is an interrogation, two videos are executions.

Video 1 - Interrogation

The first video contains no graphic content. It depicts a man being interviewed. This video is alleged to depict a captive Pájaros Sierra member who is a brother of Chava la Paya, according to the sender of the videos.

The following is said, as translated by Ivan: 

INTERROGATOR - Tell me about the safe houses of Canelo, Puka, Chaparrón, and all those that are working with Pájaros [Sierra]. 


CAPTIVE - Canelo lives by the bridge of Santa Ana, like five houses away, and stays with his mother. And he is always there.  

INTERROGATOR - Where else can we find him?

CAPTIVE - He is always driving around in trucks or in motorcycles on those streets. Tou can find him like that. 

INTERROGATOR - How about Puka’s location? 

CAPTIVE - You can find him in Atracadero. Sorry - by the towns around there. But he’s always moving in trucks but I know the exact trucks he drives and all that.  

INTERROGATOR - What trucks does he drive?

CAPTIVE - It’s a black Jeep.


CAPTIVE - And there are more people [from Pájaros Sierra]. Let me think, let me think. You can find them on the street Santo Niño and the street looks like a B shape and you will find people there [Pájaros Sierra]. Two to three armed individuals stay there, in those areas, people from San Luis.  

INTERROGATOR - I know that you know many of them keep giving me their names and locations, houses, please friend we want house 

CAPTIVE - The house that I am telling you about has floor tile. 

INTERROGATOR - What color is the house? 

CAPTIVE  - Like white. 

INTERROGATOR - Who lives there? 

CAPTIVE - A friend of [Pájaros Sierra] lives there but i don’t know if this individual is being forced to work for them and take care of that house 

INTERROGATOR - Who’s staying in Nacho’s house? 

CAPTIVE - Nacho? 

INTERROGATOR - The one that has a white Tacoma that lives in the church? 

CAPTIVE - I honestly don’t know, sir. Beyond that, I don’t know. 

INTERROGATOR - Where can we find Galán? Because Galán is also working with you guys and you know it. 

CAPTIVE - Galán, Galán ?? 

INTERROGATOR - You better talk or you will not make it [out of this alive].

OTHER INTERROGATOR - Talk. I know what I am telling you and you will survive 

CAPTIVE - I know... I know 

INTERROGATOR - Tell me about all of your brother’s units. 

CAPTIVE - My brother lives in Pan Luiche, in a two story house. 

Where are these locations that they are talking about? 

The general region of the Pájaros Sierra conflict is at the border of the state of Michoacan and Jalisco, near Lake Chapala.

The specific locations mentioned in video like “Santa Ana” and “Atracadero” are within the town of Tizapán El Alto.

Video 2 - Execution

This video is alleged to depict a captive Pájaros Sierra halcon with the alias "El Bebe" according to the sender of the videos. 

Warning: Video 2 contains graphic content; it depicts a beheading.

Video 3 - Execution

This video is alleged to depict Juan la Paya, another brother of Chava, according to the sender of the videos. 

Warning: Video 3 contains graphic content; it depicts an execution done via gunshot. 

For an overview of the Pájaros Sierra versus Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) conflict, please see this previous Borderland Beat story

Additional Video 

Update: There is an additional video of a fight against state police that took place in the town of Tizapán El Alto. 


  1. Woooooow Hearst look at you being very Sol lol.

    1. Buggs once wrote about how vital it is to present graphic source material in order to truly represent the extent of the violence. That has always stuck with me.

    2. Hearst serious question.
      One person it looks like they cut his tongue, ears, and then decapitated. 😶🫣.
      Others were "shot"

      Is the extra work done more to shot callers or other guys that did the same as far as cutting up others?
      Or is it basically " you're lucky and get shot in the head, or your unlucky and get the extra package?
      Is there a thing on who they do it to. Or is just a fear thing and that's it?

    3. 8:08 serious answer:
      Traitors get dealt with extreme prejudice, some get the expert butcher and some the buchona empistolada, they also know what to expect if they get caught, Pâjaras Nalgonas are no exception, but their leaders are the ones who decided, the best is to come to them.
      La Mencha did not make his cartel great all by himself, there were his underlings and the mexican melitary that contributed weapon making computerized machining centers licensed exclusively to mexican military industries.

    4. This is just my personal opinion but based on what I have seen whether a person is tortured/killed in a more violent manner is not necessarily because they are more powerful. I think it has to do with the captor's personal disposition and the level of anger towards the victim.

      And sometimes that anger is misdirected. Like if a group just betrayed another group, a part-time halcon might get picked up and all the anger of the betrayal gets played out on him, when he’s barely involved in the organization. The level of violence can be independent of a person’s involvement or culpability, in some cases.

    5. Usually Sol would be the person posting this lol. Interesting to see what kind of article Sol will post after this 🤔🧐

    6. It is well knows that CJNG is supported by Jalisco authorities against Los Pajaros. Most of the time, these guys are arrested by police and then delivered to CJNG.

    7. 10:20 Depends on the hate, some people in the Whites' House were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" on Jan6 2021, but those "people" are the ones deserving worse than that, like guillotine for reals, or being drawn and quartered by horses.
      After the deluge, Mike Pence got his ass chewed by a horse's ass as a parting gift.

    8. Hey Sir i wanted to say THANK YOU. I appreciate you taking some of your time to answer my questions. O matter how silly they may sound to some.

      Thanks bro.

    9. 3:14 Keep it up and we'll take over this joint...
      Just joking, I can't barely read a few comments several times a day.

    10. To Blanko- SIR doesn't know what he is talking about. The lower members often get worse treatment because they are the easiest to capture, they hold no value to the men that have caught them (no point in recruiting them if they are just Halcones) and it deters other potential recruits.

    11. Blanko, it's a combination of all these answers. Sometimes it's bc he's high ranking a big fish. Other times it's someone who has inflicted heavy losses on them during a war and when they finally capture him, it's revenge. Sometimes it's about the sicario and how motivated he is to torture, or prove himself, or try it, or show off. Other times they spend time on the first guy and then decide to hurry it up.
      It's just hard to tell unless it's obvious, like cholo, or they mention it. What's not hard to tell is that SIR is clearly easily manipulated and probably drives around alone in his car wearing a mask. Although he probably doesn't drive much anymore after gas quadrupled in price when orange man left

    12. The more cruel the execution is due to the level of the violation of their code thief’s traitors and snitching also if they did something to a woman or child they get the worse and been the head of opposing cartel get dealt harshly

  2. Video 3 not available to se nomore

    1. Really? Is it working for you now? I just reuploaded it.

    2. No not yet. 1st and 3rd video not playing

    3. I will try to reupload them again. Until I can find a way to fix them, most of Video 1 was uploaded to our twitter account.

  3. Those gunmen from Grupo Elite dont play around.

    1. Amazing how the universe works. I was talking about you a few days ago. And BAMMMM here you are.

    2. Amazing how lil balls changed to blanko

    3. 9:10 es que se le hicieron tan chiquitas que quedó la pagina en blanko.

    4. Hilarious 🫢🤭🤣🤮
      Has there ever been a person or persons In BB contributing or commenting ( i see them doing this more ). That was a certified sicario. Is Sicario006 a real sicario. There are people in here who capture my attention. And i wonder why they write what they write. I'm curious (to some nosey ).

    5. In my 10+ years around here I don't recall off the top of my head anyone that gave me an impression they were a sicario or directly connected but I have seen several on a Mexican blog's comments.

    6. @11:52 Blanko eres el Dominicano del NY? En el foro había cuentas con buena información, gente que sabía lo que escriben. Hoy enveces hay comentarios de gente que tiene mejor nivel que sicarios pero solo con el tiempo te das cuenta y casi nunca ponen un alías.

    7. I remember Blanco the post you ask where is Juan when we need him something like that,or the guy had a Juan name lol I was high.

    8. At526. Bro, Juan Rambo is telepathic...

    9. 1:47 Juan Rambo echa señales de humo por el kaboose,
      but that's it

  4. They’ll end up the same it’s ok

  5. Them dudes scooped up some nobody's. . havem a script to read. CJNG are Done .. it's about to implode on them clowns

    1. Jajaja keep dreaming cjng is not a new cartel, its actually one of the oldest cartel with a new name, they aint going no where

    2. 6:42 nacho coronel was the boss, the mexican melitary killed him for La Mencha to steal his operation because they are (secret) partners.

    3. 9:15 no SIR mencho didnt have that pull, it was defenetly chapos doing, he saw how fast nacho was growing and how strong he was getting so he had nacho removed to take his place, he even tryed to kill mencho when cjng was mata zetas, and thats when mencho broke all ties to cdsnitches and thats why cjng took so many plazas from cdsnitches, get your shit right before you write none sence

    4. 8:20 Who got it= who did it.
      Chapo could not save his own ass, cienpedos did

    5. That’s salvador Macías alias payas brother and the fat one too

    6. 6:38 just ask the beltranes, look at mochomo and so many others, nacho's dead is exactly how chapo operated killing who ever he saw as a threat no matter if it was a family member, friend or foe, sent the militaries for them, but hey you keep believing his corridos and shit, no ahi peor siego que el que no quiere ver, 😉

    7. 12:47 el Chapo did not send marinas, soldiers, polesia federal to get ABL, it was genarco garcia Luna, FECAL's secretary of public security and founder of AFIS after taking over CISEN since FOX was presidente...

    8. 7:49 and who was garcia luna working with? You got it! Chapo! And ABL at the time was at war against chapo cause chapo snitched on mochomo and Arturo found out and broke ties with Chapo, Come on Señorita stop making your self look like an idiot

    9. Yes sir García even let Homero Guzmán drive a AFI unit lol

  6. For that moron complaining about where these videos came from. Daddy's gonna make sure your clown comments never appear here.

  7. In Mexico there’s only one jefe saludos patrón Juan Rambo

    1. Pura gente Señor Juan Rambo

    2. 10:20 que se Cochen esas madres

  8. You guys have old balacera and those videos are already on YouTube.let me give you something new Ayer los policías le dispararon a un pájaro en el legido modelo que buenas bandas llevan remember that crazy video of el Señorón Lalo Manteca y komander pues también se filtró otro vídeo de un boss de CJNG y el komander pues le toco un día a uno y otro día al otro. Solo que ese vídeo nunca se filtró pero komander la medio caga creo le piden un saludo y el lo da con el apodo del jefe de plaza it crack me up

  9. Pajaros nalgones pensando que pueden con los meros gallos! 🐓🐓🐓

  10. The voice at 1:40 that aounds super rough and is the loudest. Is unmistakable. Its El 3 aka El JP o Tercero hijo del Mencho

    1. Ehh you think he would expose himself to be interrogating this halcón or sicario? He would be the dude holding the recording device which is why his voice is the loudest and if you notice he pushes his head up and his hand is just as brown as the individual being filmed.

    2. LOL, yeah, the Boss travelled all the way to interrogate a low level dude, even though he has a price on his head. Please...

  11. Wow , so that's a woman doing the shootings in video 3 . Wonder who she is ? Also there's a lot of talking in that video , anyone able to give a translation ?

    1. Yes if you listen carefully I understand the DEA plays the’s clean up time

  12. bloody hell , they didn't hang around in video 2 , and the victim took it like a champ , fair play

    1. Calm down you bloody mate, or I will seek my Dingo on you.

  13. I’ve never seen a Mexican captive be staunch and tell his captives to go to hell. They all spill their guts in ever helpful ways. Oh my boss lives here and drives x car. You can find him here. Let me know if you have ever seen a Mexican captive tell his captor’s to get fucked. You ain’t getting squat it of me. Anyone seen that?

    1. It's almost like cartel organizations only release videos of the captives they tortured enough to become compliant.

      And don't release footage of captives that never break.

    2. That is very true. I wonder hearst. What do you think is the amount of guys that don't break. And do you think they get a faster death. Out of respect for not talking.

    3. I genuinely have no idea when it comes to that.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. He didn't say anything. I thought he did at first, but he didn't say anything. It was one of the dudes out of shot, telling HIM to go to hell.

  14. Well obviously they talk for a quick death,rather than being grotesquely tortured !


  16. At 313. I have to admit that was pretty fast yes. Although it would still suck to get my head cut.

  17. Como me da risa cuando dicen, "A todos los demas les va a pasar lo mismo" pues si wey no mames! jajaja ni modo que se vayan a tomar un cafe o que vrg..

  18. I wonder who that lady Sicara is ? I would hate to be her boyfriend.

    1. I will tell you this she wants to sent a video give. A shootout to Boderlandbeat

  19. My best friend from this town. Went twice last year skipped this year
    Will say this. First story I was told is they don't tolerate thieves. They won't say who controlled it when I went but it was made clear we'd be safe as long as we'd behave. 2nd time we went, we snucked weed in and they checked us hard. Somehow they heard and made it clear only their weed was allowed. Quickly learn not to argue when guns are pointed at you. I'll leave the other stories for another day.


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