Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Ciudad Obregón, Sonora: Armed Men Kidnap Two Women At A Fuel Station

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Armed men kidnapped an elderly woman and her daughter at a gas station in broad daylight in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. At 9 in the morning this is what happened. Witnesses to the events assure that the kidnappers arrived in a double cab pickup vehicle where at least 3 hooded men carrying long weapons got off.

They ambushed the women and took them away. You can hear them screaming away as well. Hours later, the State Attorney's Office reported that the women were found safe and sound. Take a look at what is seen in broad daylight in this country where politicians say many things. But the reality, what we citizens live through all the time is another desperate and truly dangerous matter. 

imagen noticias

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  1. Es el territorio de Marcos Valenzuela, alias "El Panther"

  2. When M100 and R5 were around ,Sonora was very peaceful.

    1. @10:32 not really lol maybe for a little bit

    2. @10:32 that may have been the case in the area they controlled. Those two individuals never had control of Sonora

    3. Just agua prieta and still is Sonora started going to hell when salazares arrived

    4. Imagen Noticias, one more corrupt nest of chayoteros aiming at "government" because they don't get their beloved CHAYOTE or millions of peisos in "fideicomisos", like lily tellez sister.

    5. Sonora has not been very peaceful for about the last three years. Just look at how many police officers have been murdered in Guayas, Obregon and Empalme alone. The only city in the area *relatively* untouched is San Carlos, but even there the police station was attacked and police officers killed after police turned over a narco to a rival gang. Then there was the murder in broad daylight of a female taco stand worker, rumored to be dating a police officer. That happened just down the block from the police station. It's been quiet in San Carlos lately, but the increasing popularity of new clubs in the area is bringing lots of young narcos, stabbings, shots fired, etc. It's just a matter of time before San Carlos is every bit as bad as Guaymas, Obregon and Empalme....and then Hermosillo is the next to go.

  3. Y dice el GsonoraN que en sonora esta todo tranquilo y no se meten con inocentes, sonora es un estado que esta de la verga igual que durango y sinaloa pinches estados foquemones, infestados de drogadictos

  4. They were not mother and daughter, the elder lady is friends with the younger, and was just giving her a ride. A relative of the younger lady kidnapped another person, so the kidnappers were after her. The older lady was just in the wrong place/time. Anyhow they just used them as bargaining chips to exchange for the other kidnapped person. They were released after the exchange.

    1. Good that they were released

    2. What is the source of the update? I'd like to read the story. Thanks.

  5. That's called a "Quickee Kidnapping"

  6. I want to know what GsonoraN has to say about this


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