Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Large Quantities of CBD Extract from Miami Seized in Cancun Airport

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Authorities seized CBD extract bound for Cancun from Miami, while legal in the US and in Mexico, the importation of cannabis products is banned.

Federal authorities detected 1,500 envelopes with CBD at the airport in Cancun, Quintana Roo, which had been sent from Miami, Florida, and were destined for Playa del Carmen in Quintana Roo; shipment that was seized because laws prohibit the importation of products derived from marijuana.

Personnel from the National Guard (GN) and the National Customs Agency of Mexico (ANAM) made the discovery inside the facilities of the Cancun International Airport, where a canine detected the derivatives. According to what was reported by the federal authorities, the agents were carrying out routine checks when the dog was interested in a cardboard box, for which he alerted to the possible presence of illicit merchandise inside.

When reviewing the package, around 1,500 envelopes with CBD were found, "a substance derived from cannabis that, in accordance with the General Health Law in its article 237, expressly prohibits the importation of cannabis sativa, indica and American in any of its forms, derivatives or preparations,” as reported by the GN.

The package was transferred by a parcel company from the US city of Miami, Florida, to the Cancun airport, from where it was intended to be transported to the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. The illicit goods were placed at the disposal of the Attorney General's Office (FGR), a unit that will be in charge of carrying out the corresponding procedures for the investigation of the case.

In recent months, the federal authorities have launched operations in various parts of the country to try to curb the trafficking of drugs and illicit goods through parcels, which is becoming more and more constant in the country, since it facilitates anonymity between the two parties and makes for cheaper transportation costs.

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  1. Give it back. CBD doesn’t get you high so it’s not a threat to anyone. It’s not illegal

  2. Clearly for medicinal use

  3. wow...a CBD bust! Way to go Mexico!!! you guys are making REAL PROGRESS!!! smh

  4. America is banning vaping and Juul pods for law abiding adults...meanwhile heroin and meth are being decriminalized locally for addicts sprawled out on the in their own urine and feces with HIV infected hypodermic needles littering the sidewalk.

    Mexico is celebrating a CBD "bust"...meanwhile Mexican teenagers are flaying the faces off their opponents and then filming themselves dancing around wearing bloody skinned human masks.

    This is the world we live in folks.
    And they wonder why there is a mental health crisis.
    And they wonder why people go crazy and end up killing innocent strangers.
    And they wonder why people resort to doing drugs.

    It's all a twisted loop.

    1. Very accurate comment. It also causes depresión and loss of hope. We may need another flood.

    2. The voice of reason screaming in a world of lunacy.

    3. Thanks to Mexico supplying drugs to drug addicts.

    4. 9:08 less not forget the Germs invented Methamphetamine after regular amphetamines they also invented carried their soldiers longer than military rations, and the they had experience from their german quarters in china where they had their own opium dens to compete with the british, americans, netherland, Et All before US Lawmakers got bought by US Big Pharma to legalize opioids for the US Masses...
      Mexicans had for themselves mushrooms, pulque, tequila, mezcal, aguarrás, cemento thinner, gasoline, sotol, peyote, aguardiente, huachicol, teporochas, monas de guayaba, but nothing more evil and murderous than weapons for mexicans for drugs for the americans...mexicans do not get table scraps anymore, unless they are drug scraps, from US Big Pharma and weapons traffickers.

    5. Wait, there’s still real heroin here in the states? Damn I gotta get me some.

    6. @6:26 So does caffeine

    7. @5:04 very good comment. The fundamental reason for this lunacy is that certain special interest group profits from policies which are bad for society as a whole (=the 99%). Unfortunately these groups control the media and the government through lobbying so that also we have landed on the same path as Mexico (albeit Mex is far deeper into the swamp).

    8. Where in the us do you see heroin being decriminalized? Are you shooting it up?

  5. Damn....that shipment was for my dog so she wouldn't freak out during thunderstorms...way to go AMLO. You really know Mexico's priorities!

  6. We need monkey changuito sicario!

  7. CBD is medical. THC gets you high. I love them both together.

    1. They’re both medical. THC is what prevents Alzheimer’s and promotes physical leanness.

    2. Thc physical leanness ? Wtf is physical leanness?

    3. 10:10 Wtf do you mean “what is physical leanness”? What do you think it means? Google leanness bro, it’s not that hard. Jesus Christ

    4. Speed Is what helps to be physically lean, meth, cocaine, amphetamines, and partying till you have no money left to eat and are too busy trying to score to go to the Mission.
      In Russia they just stick it to you for having CBS or any other shit in your possession, but the North Koreans will really stick it up your ass for trying to wipe it with their Dear Leader's foto.

    5. I knew meth-obsessed SIR would have to give his input here on drugs and weight loss. Casuistry aside, THC still promotes physical leanness as I said a.k.a. prevents/counters obesity. THC also has its own unique antidepressant and anxiolytic effects that CBD doesn’t have.

    6. Yes it does! That CBD might also be synthetic cannabinoid

  8. Meanwhile, the 16 shipping containers full of rifles and ammo made it through unmolested. Only MX.

    1. 1:30 yeeep!
      You can see the containers walking right behind the backs of the inspetores, they will be back to the US full of maracaravanas.

    2. 1:30 for reals dude let me call the Mexican National Guard to be on the lookout when it arrives to the port.
      Thanks for the tip. Always remember, see something, say something.

  9. Bust CBD , meanwhile you got hundreds of mini cartels taking over small villages. Raping , robbing , and pillaging are the norm.

    1. 6:16 sssssh! Be quiet, some of those mini-cartels are marinas, or soldiers, or national guard combos earning their keep in the street with help of local cuicos...
      Soon as National Guard arrives anywhere, there starts conflict, that is a pattern of fucked up.


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